Small Business Administration Federal Grants

Showing results 51-64 of 64 for Small Business Administration federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Small Business Administration federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Women's Business Center Renewal Grant
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has issued Program Announcement No. OWBO-2013-02 to invite private, 501(c)- certified non-profit organizations that are currently in SBAÂ’s WBC program that will have successfully completed an Initial...

Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities Program
The purpose of this Program Announcement is to invite proposals for funding from Public or Private Institutions interested in obtaining administrative funding to further build their capacity to market and promote their existing EBV Program to post...

Congressional Grants
Provide funding for small business development and entrepreneurship initiatives, including programmatic and construction activities

Small Business Teaming Pilot Program
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide eligible organizations with financial assistance to fund projects to assist and guide teams of small business concerns through training, counseling, and/or mentoring activities designed to...

Secondary Market Lending Authority
Provide liquidity for the secondary market, ultimately encouraging new lending by banks of SBA guaranteed loans.

America's Recovery Capital Loans
Designed to help small businesses meet existing debt payments so that they have time to refocus their business plans in order to succeed.

Drug-free Workplace Program
This Program permits the Small Business Administration (SBA) to make grants to eligible intermediaries to assist small businesses financially and technically in establishing DFWP programs. That statute also amended the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C....

Native American Outreach
To fund economic development projects that will provide small business opportunities and empower American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiian entrepreneurs located in disadvantaged and under-served Native American communities nationwide.

HUBZone Program
The purpose of the HUBZone program is to provide federal contracting assistance for qualified small business concerns (SBCs) located in Historically Underutilized Business Zones in an effort to increase employment opportunities, investment, and...

Procurement Assistance to Small Businesses
To assist small business in obtaining a "fair" share of contracts and subcontracts for Federal government supplies and services and a "fair" share of property sold by the government.

Business Development Assistance to Small Business
To help the prospective, as well as the present small business person improve skills to manage and operate a business.

Economic Injury Disaster Loans
To assist business concerns suffering economic injury as a result of Presidential, Small Business Administration (SBA), and/or Secretary of Agriculture declared disasters.

New Markets Venture Capital
To promote economic development and the creation of wealth and job opportunities in low-income geographic areas and among individuals living in such areas, through developmental venture capital investments in smaller enterprises located in such...

Office of Small Disadvantaged Business Certification and Eligibility
To ensure compliance with the constitutional standards established by the Supreme Court in Adarand Contractors, Inc vs. Pena, relative to Federal action programs that use racial or ethnic criteria as a basis for decision making.


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