Science and Technology Federal Grants

Showing results 1801-1825 of 2,074 for Science and Technology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Science and Technology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


NIJ FY 13 The Impact of Safety Equipment Modalities on Reducing Correctional Officer Injuries
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research on differences in safety equipment modalities; that is, policies and practices among correctional agencies regarding what safety equipment staff may use, when and how it may be used, and how those modalities...

NIJ FY 13 Establishing a National Criminal Justice Technology Research, Test, and Evaluation Center
NIJ seeks proposals to establish a Criminal Justice Technology Research, Test, and Evaluation (RT&E) Center within the NIJ-funded NLECTC System. This Center will conduct focused RT&E activities to inform NIJÂ’s non-forensic technology research...

NIJ FY 13 Identifying the Highest Priority Criminal Justice Technology Needs
NIJ seeks proposals to help inform development of NIJÂ’s technology research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) investments. Many different considerations shape the goals and objectives of NIJÂ’s technology RDT&E programs. The most...

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Technology Commercialization Assistance Program (TCAP)
NIST invites applications for a program involving technical and business engagement activities directed at small firms participating in NISTÂ’s SBIR Program. The recipient will provide NIST SBIR Phase I and/or Phase II awardees with technical...

FY2013 Marine Debris Research Grants
The NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP), authorized in the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act (Marine Debris Act, 33 U.S.C. 1951 et seq., as amended by Title VI of Public Law 112-213.), has a lead role in addressing marine debris...

NIJ FY 13 Applied Technology Research and Development to Optimize Criminal Justice Use of Social Media in the "Web 3.0" Environment
NIJ seeks proposals for research and development leading to the introduction into practice of needed technologies to enhance the ability of criminal justice agencies to use social media as “Web 3.0” continues to develop and mature.

2013 Pacific Islands Region Marine Turtle Recovery Program
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA/NMFS) is soliciting competitive applications for the FY2013 Pacific Islands Region Marine Turtle Recovery Program to fund conservation, protection, or management actions supporting recovery of Endangered...

2013 Marine National Monument Program
NOAA is soliciting competitive grant proposals from eligible applicants to engage the public and communicate NOAA's statutory authorities in relation to the US Marine National Monuments (MNMs): Marianas Trench MNM, Rose Atoll MNM, Pacific Remote...

FY2013 Marine Debris Prevention, Education and Outreach Partnership Grants
The NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP), authorized in the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act (Marine Debris Act, 33 U.S.C. 1951 et seq., as amended by Title VI of Public Law 112-213.), has a lead role in addressing marine debris...

ROSES 2012: Kepler Participating Scientist Program
NNH12ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2012 (ROSES-2012)," will be available on or about February 14, 2012, by opening the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking...

ROSES 2012: Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer Guest Investigator Program
NNH12ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2012 (ROSES-2012)," will be available on or about February 14, 2012, by opening the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking...

Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase II
Funds may be awarded up to $450,000 for Phase II projects. All Phase II projects must have previously completed a successful USDA Phase I project before applying for a Phase II grant. Success rates for applicants have been 50-60% for Phase II....

NNH13ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2013 (ROSES-2013)," will be available on or about February 14, 2013, by opening the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking...

Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology
The Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) program provides support to enhance the research capabilities of minority-serving institutions through the establishment of centers that effectively integrate education and...

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Plains CESU
The USGS is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU participant to fund assessments of debris management for the Tsunami scenario affecting the west coast of California. The tsunami scenario, generated from a hypothetical but realistic M~9.0...

C.2 NextGen-Concepts and Technology Development Project (CTD1)
This is a modification to the synopsis entitled RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES IN AERONAUTICS – 2013 originally posted on December 18, 2012. This Announcement solicits proposals for new topics in Appendix C.2, provided as Amendment #1, to ROA NRA...

RFEI - Jamaica Bay Science
The Request for Expression of Interest for the proposed Science Center was originally released on 7/17. Interested partied were given several opportunities to ask questions. Three rounds of Q&A were offered: the first round ended 8/10/12; the second...

NIST Research Experience for Teachers (NIST RET) Program
NIST is soliciting applications from eligible public school districts and accredited private educational institutions in the U.S. and its territories nominating science teachers in grades 6, 7, and/or 8, who have successfully completed the NIST...

NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers (NIST Summer Institute) Program
NIST is soliciting applications from eligible public school districts and accredited private educational institutions in the U.S. and its territories nominating middle school science teachers to participate in the NIST Summer Institute Program. The...

Dow Woods Crossing
The Brazoria Refuge is a visitors center used to provide training and educational experiences for the public to enjoy for years to come.

2013 Marine Education and Training Mini Grant Program
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA/NMFS) is soliciting competitive applications for the 2013 Pacific Islands Region Marine Education and Training Mini-Grant Program. Projects are being solicited to improve communication, education, and...

Friends of Brazoria Wildlife Refuges
The Brazoria Wildlife Refuge Training Center is a place where the public can go see nature at it's best.

Nash Ranch-Native Seed Project
This agreement is to maintain the Nash Prairie Preserve which contains a great number of native plant seeds.

Research and Development - Physical Security Programs
The Research and Development Program evaluates and recommends physical security countermeasures against terrorism threat for blast mitigation, anti-ram barriers, and forced-entry ballistic-resistant systems.

Environmental Management R&D and Validation Testing on High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters
EM research and development and validation testing (R&DT) provides necessary investments in mid- to long-range activities to address the technological gaps in defense environmental cleanup, including: (1) radioactive liquid and solid waste...


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