Science and Technology Federal Grants
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1076-1100 of 2,074 for Science and Technology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Science and Technology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD SINGLE SOURCE The Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Plan for Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) calls for quantifying landscape carrying capacity and assessing the threats for the mid-continent population of sandhill...
omplete the first-ever long-term analysis of landbird data for the Great Lakes Network parks, a recognized Vital Sign for the inventory and monitoring program. Provide park managers and the visiting public with information about abundances and...
This intent of the award is to Regulate Shorebird Hunting in the Caribbean and South America. The award is issued to provide financial assistance: Understand shorebird harvest policies, determine harvest sustainability, and provide mitigation...
This intent of the award is to Regulate Shorebird Hunting in the Caribbean and South America. The objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive, point-in-time overview of hunting policy for shorebirds within the region. We will evaluate...
The purpose of IWMM is to provide decision tools prioritize cost-effective federal and state investments in land acquistion and habitat management for migrating and wintering waterbirds waterfowl, shorebirds and wading birds. In support of decision...
Applications to the Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14) Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine Research Program (CRMRP) are being solicited for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Defense Health Program (DHP), by the U.S. Army Medical Research...
Suriname Shorebird Hunting Assessment and Enforcement. The intent of the award is to develop a new survey Suriname Shorebird Hunting Assessment and Enforcement. Changes in the survey methods will lead to more robust estimates of annual take at...
NIST is soliciting applications for Planning Awards from eligible applicants to establish new and strengthen existing industry-driven consortia that identify and support basic and applied research on long term, pre-competitive and enabling...
The Office of Science of the Department of Energy hereby invites grant applications for support under the Early Career Research Program in the following program areas: Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR); Biological and Environmental...
Research Associates to serve as Visitor Services Specialists at Ash Meadows and Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuges, including developing interpretive and education programs, orientation, and volunteer programs.
The Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) in the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), hereby invites proposals for basic research that significantly improves the resiliency of scientific applications in the...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for research, technical assistance, and education in wildlife pathology. In addition to investigating wildlife diseases and their pathogeneses, veterinary...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Western Geographic Science Center (WGSC) is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for research contributing to improved methods for modeling primary evacuation-route corridors, hotspots, and potential...
This ROSES-2014 NRA (NNH14ZDA001N) solicits basic and applied research in support of NASAÂ’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). This NRA covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences,...
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals from interested parties to: (1) identify and assess the highest priority technology needs of the Kenyan Wildlife Services (KWS) Air wing in furtherance of their counter-poaching mission; (2) purchase and...
The FY14 Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (PH/TBI) Psychological Health Research Award (PHRA) is intended to support both applied (preclinical) research and clinical trials within specific Topic Areas addressing the prevention and...
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research, evaluation, and validation projects that will: (1) inform the forensic community of best practices through the evaluation of existing laboratory protocols, (2) result in the production of a...
Determination of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) within Deer Population of State of CT.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 5, intends to make a sole source award of a cooperative agreement to UMass, who will work closely with MDFW to implement this work. This award is for the amount of $58,000. UMass has been working closely...
The U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) manages an active Fire Management program. Many public benefits originate from fire management activities. A sample of public benefits provided by active fire management...
2014 Funded Proposals
DARPA is soliciting proposals for research supporting the potential use of Bdellovibrio and/or Micavibrio bacterial predators as therapeutics against infections caused by Gram-negative antibiotic-resistant and priority threat pathogens.
This federal funding opportunity meets NOAA's mission of science, service and stewardship in support of a future where societies and their ecosystems are healthy and resilient in the face of sudden or prolonged change. The purpose for this financial...
This is a notice of intent to award a cooperative agreement to University of Central Florida for $30,543.00
DESCRIPTION: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is please to issue a request for proposals for South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint. This opportunity is open to all State and Federal agency personnel, cities, towns or county governments,...