Science and Technology Federal Grants
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876-900 of 2,074 for Science and Technology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Science and Technology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The goal of this Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) is to strengthen the public’s and/or K-12 students environmental literacy to enable informed decision-making necessary for community resilience to extreme weather events and environmental...
This Title III project shall help maintain and expand domestic production capability of thick Navy-grade steel plate used in the construction of Navy submarines and aircraft carriers. In addition to ensuring the aforementioned critical capability,...
The USDA's, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Institute of Bioenergy, Climate, and Environment (IBCE) and the Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Golden Field Office, Bioenergy Technologies Office announce...
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of novel Arctic sensor systems. In particular, DARPA is interested in concepts for low-cost, rapidly-deployable, environmentally friendly, unmanned sensor systems, including deployment...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Headquarters has released a solicitation, titled Early Career Faculty (ECF), as an appendix to the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) umbrella NASA Research Announcement (NRA) titled...
Depending on availability of funds, NOAA Sea Grant expects to have available about $1,600,000 for each of FY 2015 and FY 2016 for a national competition to fund marine aquaculture extension and technology transfer efforts, as part of the overall...
The goal of this funding opportunity is to expose high school students in the United States and its territories to the excitement of ocean sciences and related fields as well as careers in those fields through an academic competition and related...
The U.S. Geological Survey�s (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program is offering a funding opportunity to a partner in the Rocky Mountains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) for 1) research on the taxonomy and...
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of natural communication with computers. This program is a 6.1 basic research effort that aims to accelerate progress toward two-way communication between people and computers in which...
This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Foundational Science Research Unit (FSRU) of the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) solicits new proposals for its fiscal year 2015 program of basic research in...
The USGS is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner to advance the understanding of perennial grass responses to alternative post-fire grazing management approaches for promoting resiliency in sagebrush plant communities in the Great Basin....
Population modeling, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 7, Fisheries and Ecological Services, Endangered Species Program, Conservation of Threatened and Endangered Species
THIS IS A NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD TO A SINGLE SOURCE, AND THERE IS NO FULL ANNOUNCEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS NOTICE. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) intends to award a grant agreement to The North Carolina Zoo for increasing...
This publication announces the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Headquarters, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) plans to release the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 version of the NASA Research Announcement (NRA) entitled,...
The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) is a national and regional partnership working to provide observations, data, and new tools and forecasts to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect our environment. NOAA is requesting...
NIST is soliciting applications from eligible applicants to pilot online identity solutions that embrace and advance the NSTIC vision of an Identity Ecosystem Framework. Specifically, the Federal government seeks to initiate and support pilots that...
The NIST SSCD Cooperative Agreement Program provides financial assistance to support curriculum development for the undergraduate and/or graduate level. These cooperative agreements support the integration of standards and standardization...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at John F. Kennedy Space Center is releasing a Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) for the Technology Advancing Partnerships (TAP) Call. Upon its release date, February 11, 2015, this CAN will...
For Fiscal Year 2015, the Advanced Energy Systems (AES) Program will solicit proposals under this Funding Opportunity Announcement for support of the Gasification Systems technology area. There will be a total of two Areas of Interest. The AES...
1. The Network will develop and sustain a body of at least 40 contributing Ecoregion partners by December 31, 2015. 2. The Network will provide 5 percent of the estimated native seed market with ecotypic seed in five years (by 2020) to Ecoregion...
The USGS is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for research in eradication of argentine ants from San Clemente Island (SCI) and implement a monitoring program to detect future infestations for bio-security. There are thirteen known ant...
The Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science (CEGIS) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner that has the ability to conduct research on geographic information science, specifically...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is releasing a Cooperative Agreement Notice (NNH15ZDA004C) entitled NASA SMD Science Education. The full text of the CAN can be found by going to...
The USFWS is seeking proposals on behalf of the Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands Landscape Conservation Cooperative hereafter shown as ABSI LCC. The Mission of the ABSI LCC is to promote coordination, dissemination, and development of applied...
This project is a follow on to task agreement #P14AC01524 for completion of Phase II services in collaboration with the University of West Georgia to the bring Carl and Lilian Sandburgs archival materials into compliance with archival standards and...