Science and Technology Federal Grants

Showing results 601-625 of 2,074 for Science and Technology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Science and Technology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Vegetation Plot Data Harvest and Analysis in Support of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification
This project will enhance the content of the USNVC Standard through an in-depth analysis of a comprehensive database of Longleaf pine woodland plot data and will enrich the USNVC Vegetation Plot archive (Vegbank) with that plot data. With...

Collaborative Science, Technology, and Applied Research (CSTAR) Program
The CSTAR Program represents an NOAA/NWS effort to create a cost-effective transition from basic and applied research to operations and services through collaborative research between operational forecasters and academic institutions which have...

DOE Traineeship in Robotics
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM), through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), seeks to award one or more cooperative agreements (anticipated to be for a term of up to five years) to accredited...

Data Collection and Data Sharing
The objectives of the research will be to acquire and share geophysical data collected by scientific instrumentation operating at the Jack Townshend College International Geophysical Observatory (CIGO).

Archeology, History, and Museum Collections Cultural Resource Program
Personnel from MRT and NPS will collaborate to increase scientific knowledge of the unique cultural resources of the Santa Monica Mountains, and to develop and refine techniques for their preservation. Much of this work serves to provide baseline...

THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS- Population Dynamics of Threatened Piping Plovers on the Niobrara River, Nebraska- THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS
Provide a brief overview of the project – the Recipient and why they were chosen – NPS Substantial Involvement OVERVIEW: The 3-year project would document the population dynamics of threatened piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) on...

Adanced Reactor Industry Competition for Concept Development
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy, through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), seeks to facilitate the advancement of reactor concepts through engagement between DOE and industry. In support of that goal, DOE...

The FY16 JPC-1/MSIS ATUMN is seeking research, development, and testing on compensatory/adaptive medical tutor prototype(s). This includes evidence-based sustained learning methodologies that decrease the need for future technology dependence to...

Adaptive Management of Untreated Urban Runoff: An Initial Regional Assessment of Potential Restoration Priority Areas
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Action Plan calls for strategic ecosystem restoration that addresses the biggest threats to the Great Lakes and accelerated progress toward long-term lake management goals. The Action Plan lays out a...

Accessibility Agreement TAIP
In FY 2015, the National Accessibility Branch (AXS Branch) initiated the Targeted Accessibility Improvement Program (TAIP). The TAIP provides funds to park units to begin comprehensive physical and programmatic accessibility upgrades of specific...

Developing and Updating the Protected Areas Database of the Unived States (PAD-US) for the State of Tennessee
This project will coordinate protected areas mapping activities of the USGS Gap Analysis Program (GAP) and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA). GAP is encouraging states to work collaboratively with them in the collection of spatial data...

Seal Beach NWR Sediment Augmentation Pilot Program
Funds under this award are to be used to offset a portion of the costs associated with applying 10 inches of clean dredge material from the OC Parks Sunset/Huntington Harbour dredging project in a relatively uniform layer over 10 acres of degraded...

Research and Resotration through the Santa Clara River Reserve
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office seeks to conduct riparian habitat restoration that will benefit listed species such as the endangered least Bell���s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) and southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii...

Fort Pulaski Sustainability Issues
The project objective is for a multi-disciplinary collaboration approach between the University of Georgia Research Foundation and the National Park Service to provide more specific vegetation resource management strategy guidance beyond the...

Impact of Storm Events on Inner Continental Shelf Offshore of Fire Island NY
Notice of Intent of award a cooperative agreement to South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium for the Impact of Storm Events on the Inner Continental Shelf Offshore of Fire Island NY see attached Notice of Intent

Studying Shoreline Change Induced by Offshore Bathymetric Features
Notice of Intent to award a cooperative agreement to South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium for Studying Shoreline Change Indcued by Offshore Bathymetric Features

Strategic Habitat Conservation for the Least Bell's vireo in the Santa Clara River
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office seeks to implement Strategic Habitat Conservation in the Santa Clara River, within Ventura and Los Angeles Coutnies, that will benefit listed species such as the endangered least Bell���s vireo (Vireo...

FY15 Supplemental for Studies of Friction, Rolling Contact Fatigue and Wear in Rails and Wheels, NRC
Continue on working on: Coordination of International Collaborative Research Atlas of rail Surface Fatigue Wheel/Rail Studies at Amtrak and other commuters

FY15 Supplemental for Evaluation of Wheel/Rail Contact Mechanics, VT
Continue the design and fabrication of wheel/rail roller rig. Finish the fabrication and start commissioning and testing with the rig.

DoD FY15 Reconstructive Transplant Research (RTR) Idea Discovery Award
Applications to the Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) Reconstructive Transplant Research (RTR) program) are being solicited for the Defense Health Agency, Research, Development, and Acquisition (DHA RDA) Directorate, by the U.S. Army Medical Research...

DoD FY15 Reconstructive Transplant Research (RTR) Translational Research Award
Applications to the Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) Reconstructive Transplant Research (RTR) program) are being solicited for the Defense Health Agency, Research, Development, and Acquisition (DHA RDA) Directorate, by the U.S. Army Medical Research...

A multidisciplinary approach to defining wildlife health: biological, ecological, and social determinants of the health of wildlife populations in the National Park System
National parks play an important role in natural resource conservation; however, it is uncertain how these activities are perceived to relate to wildlife health. The objective of this project is to explore the definition, importance, and...

DoD FY15 Reconstructive Transplant Research (RTR) Concept Award
Applications to the Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) Reconstructive Transplant Research (RTR) program) are being solicited for the Defense Health Agency, Research, Development, and Acquisition (DHA RDA) Directorate, by the U.S. Army Medical Research...

2016-2018 Atlantic Herring Research Set Aside
NMFS, with assistance from the New England Fishery Management Council (Council), is soliciting proposals for 2016 - 2018 that address Atlantic Herring RSA research priorities. Proceeds from the sale of research quota are used to pay for research...

Next generation sequencing Indian Knob Mountain Balm
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Is initiating actions for Eriodictyon altissimum -Indian Knob mountain balm- to further its recovery in accordance with goals contained in the species recovery plan -1998. This project will examine the population...


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