Science and Technology Federal Grants

Showing results 351-375 of 2,074 for Science and Technology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Science and Technology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)
To support projects aimed at the development and sustainability of a national and international integrated ocean observing system designed to collect, monitor and disseminate marine environment data in an interoperable, reliable, timely and...

National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
To enable the National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers (NRCASC) to be responsive to the research and management needs of Federal and State agencies by working with partners to provide science and technical support regarding the...

Environmental and Scientific Partnerships and Programs
To support sustainable growth across the globe, the Bureau of Oceans, Environment, and Science (OES) builds international partnerships to address environmental, scientific, and health concerns. Key areas of funding include but are not limited to,...

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI)
To establish a competitive grants program to provide funding for fundamental and applied research, extension, and education to address food and agricultural sciences.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program
The primary goal of BFRDP is to help beginning farmers and ranchers in the United States and its territories enter and/or improve their successes in farming, ranching, and management of nonindustrial private forest lands, through support for...

Biomass Research and Development Initiative Competitive Grants Program (BRDI)
To carry out research on and development and demonstration of: (A) biofuels and biobased products; and (B) the methods, practices, and technologies, for the production of biofuels and biobased products.

NOAA Mission-Related Education Awards
The objectives of the overall program are to facilitate educational activities related to NOAA's mission of science, service and stewardship. Awards may support the education of children, youth, and/or adults through informal or formal (K-16)...

Technology Innovation Program (TIP)
Technology Innovation Program (TIP), is a cost-shared federal financial assistance program to support, promote, and accelerate innovation in the United States through high-risk, high-reward research in areas of critical national need.

Tribal Energy Development Capacity Grants
To provide development grants to Indian tribes for use in developing and sustaining the managerial and technical capacity needed to develop their energy resources, and to properly account for resulting energy production and revenues. Proposals from...

Volcano Hazards Program Research and Monitoring
To advance the scientific understanding of volcanic processes and to lessen the harmful impacts of volcanic activity. The Volcano Hazards Program (VHP) monitors active and potentially active volcanoes, assesses their hazards, responds to volcanic...

Advancing System Improvements for Key Issues in Women's Health
To promote program and systems innovation, policy and performance management, and strategic communications that will advance improvement for key issues in women's health. Programs will use evidence-based methodologies to support model programs,...

Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program
(1) To focus on development and demonstration of modeling/simulation technologies and methodologies through the structure of Multidisciplinary Simulation Centers, Single-Disciplinary Centers, and Focus Investigatory Centers to solve open science and...

Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Control
Program activities support integrated viral hepatitis surveillance and prevention programs in states and large cities in the United States. Key strategies include viral hepatitis outbreak planning and response; and surveillance for acute hepatitis...

Specialty Crop Research Initiative
The purpose of the SCRI program is to addressthe critical needs of the specialty crop industry (as defined in Appendix III) by awarding grants to support research and extension that address key challenges of national, regional, and multi-state...

Scientific Research - Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction
To support and stimulate basic, applied and advanced research at educational or research institutions, non-profit organizations, and commercial firms, which support the advancement of fundamental knowledge and understanding of the sciences with an...

Research on Chemical and Biological Defense
To further the capability to prevent, detect, diagnose and treat the effects of chemical, radiological and biological warfare agents.

Science and Technology Projects Related to Coal Mining and Reclamation
The goal of the OSMRE Applied Science Program is to develop and demonstrate improved science based technologies to address environmental, and restoration topics related to the mining of coal. The first objective to help us meet this goal is to...

National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation
To preserve and provide access to geological, geophysical, and engineering samples (and any related data) extracted from the Earth to improve the breadth of information available and to inform science and decision making now and in the future.

Regional Applied Research Efforts (RARE)
The RARE program provides the EPA Regional offices with a mechanism to fund innovative research partnerships to support near term research. RARE projects address a wide array of environmental science issues critical to the Office of Research and...

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Scholarship and Fellowship Program
This Scholarship and Fellowship program provides funding for undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, and trade school and community college scholarships. In addition, faculty development grants are funded under this authority as explained...

Internships, Training and Workshops for the Office of Air and Radiation
To provide, Internships, Training, Workshops, and Technical Monitoring in support of the Clean Air Act. These activities aim to: (1) support the development of career-oriented personnel qualified to work in occupations involving environmental...

Congressionally Mandated Projects
To implement special Congressionally mandated spending for projects or programs identified in EPA's annual appropriations act, explanatory statements and/or committee reports incorporated by reference into the annual appropriations act, and other...

Trans-NIH Research Support
This listing covers multiple offices in the NIH Office of the Director that offer assistance awards or supplements to assistance awards.

Homeland Security Research, Development, Testing, Evaluation and Demonstration of Technologies Related to Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
Support the PPD-8 objective of prevention related to terrorist acts involving nuclear or radiological materials, or weapons using these materials. Support basic research to enhance national security's capability to detect and prevent the illicit...

Office of International Science and Engineering
To enable the U.S. to maintain its leadership within the global scientific community by strengthening international partnerships to advance scientific discovery and contribute to the scientific strength and welfare of the Nation; to promote research...


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