Public Works Federal Grants

Showing results 1-25 of 65 for Public Works federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Public Works federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Southeast Crescent Regional Commission - Economic and Infrastructure Development Grants
The mission of the Commission is to help build sustainable communities and promote economic growth across the Southeast Crescent region, which encompasses some of the highest poverty rates in the United States. The federal-state partnership is...

Technical Assistance for Treatment Works (Clean Water Act [CWA] Section 104(b)(8))
The objective is to provide technical assistance and training to rural, small, and tribal municipalities to: (1) plan, develop, and obtain financing for Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) eligible projects; (2) protect water quality and...

Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program (EJ TCGM)
The goals of this program are to make awards for the design and management of a new Environmental Justice (EJ) competitive pass-through program where EPA will competitively select pass-through entities to provide grant funds via subawards to...

Pipeline Emergency Response Grant (PERG)
Advance the abilities of emergency responders to manage pipeline emergencies through improved training, cooperation, and communication.

Hazardous Materials State Inspection (HMSI) Grant
The HM State Inspection Grant provides training and financial support for State entities to perform hazardous material shipper inspections. The goal of this program is to expand PHMSA and the States ability to ensure industry compliance therefore,...

Advanced Manufacturing Technology - Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Program
OSD ManTech funds basic, applied, and advanced research to direct the development and implementation of DoD plans, programs, projects, activities, and policies that promote the development and application of advanced technologies to manufacturing...

Corps Water Infrastructure Financing Program (CWIFP)
CWIFP enables local investment in critical non-Federal dam safety projects that enhance community resilience to flooding, promote economic prosperity, and improve environmental quality by providing long-term low-cost credit assistance to non-Federal...

Defense Community Infrastructure Program
Assist state and local governments with addressing deficiencies in community infrastructure to, in order of priority, enhance military value (to include critical infrastructure), cadet training at covered educational institutions, installation...

Distressed Area Recompete Pilot Program
The Distressed Area Recompete Pilot Program (Recompete Pilot Program) aims to alleviate persistent economic distress and support long-term, comprehensive economic development and job creation in places with a high prime-age (25 to 54 years)...

Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs
Awards made under this NOFO will seek to strengthen U.S. economic and national security through place-based investments in regions with the assets, resources, capacity, and potential to become globally competitive Tech Hubs, within approximately ten...

Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program
The Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) is a new program that will expand the availability of domestic ethanol and biodiesel by incentivizing the expansion of sales of renewable fuels. To accompany the program, a new online grant...

Geographic Programs - Columbia River Basin Restoration (CRBR) Program
To support the protection and restoration of the Columbia River Basin the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Columbia River Basin Restoration Program (CRBRP). CRBRP promotes ecosystem protection and restoration activities and...

Port of Guam Improvement Enterprise Program
The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance for the planning, design, and construction of projects for the Port of Guam to improve facilities, relieve port congestion, and provide greater access to port facilities.

PHMSA Pipeline Safety Underground Natural Gas Storage Grant
Participating state entities, through annual Certification/Agreements with PHMSA, will inspect and enforce the federal underground storage regulations for intrastate underground natural gas storage facilities located within the state.

Tribal Climate Resilience
The Cooperative Landscape Conservation (CLC) program provides funds and technical support to enable tribal governments and trust land managers to better understand potential impacts and vulnerabilities of communities, ecosystems and built systems to...

Route 66 Corridor Preservation
To preserve the cultural resources of the Route 66 corridor and to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to provide assistance. The program provides cost-share grants to help preserve the most significant and representative historic sites related...

ECA – American Spaces
As authorized by the Fulbright-Hays Act, American Spaces are cultural and information centers around the world that provide free and open access for members of local communities to learn more about the United States, develop skills, and access a...

Geographic Programs - Southeast New England Coastal Watershed Restoration Program
To develop and support the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) for coastal watershed restoration. SNEP is a geographically-based program intended to serve as a collaborative framework for advancing ecosystem resiliency, protecting and restoring...

CSELS Partnership: Strengthening Public Health Laboratories
The activities under this cooperative agreement are aligned with the following Healthy People 2030 overarching objectives: Global Health, Environmental Health, Food Safety, Immunizations and Infectious Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV,...

NOAA Programs for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act - Non-construction and Construction
1. Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management; 2. Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society's Ability to Plan and Respond; 3. Serve Society's Needs for Weather...

Conflict and Stabilization Operations
The Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) is part of the Under Secretariat for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights (J) within the Department of State (DOS). CSO's mission is to strengthen U.S. national security by breaking...

Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program
The Emergency Relief Program is intended to provide operating assistance and capital funding to aid recipients and sub-recipients in restoring public transportation service, and in repairing and reconstructing public transportation assets to a state...

Los Alamos National Laboratory - Fire Protection
The general objective of this Cooperative Agreement is to provide financial support for staff, response vehicles, specialized tours and training, and the use of two fire station facilities to the Incorporated County of Los Alamos to allow the County...

Northern Border Regional Development
The Northern Border Regional Commission is a Federal-State governmental agency concerned with the economic well-being of the citizens, businesses, and communities within a thirty-six (36) county region of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont....

Navajo-Gallup Water Supply
To provide financial assistance to design and construct portions of the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project (Project).