Project Grants Federal Grants

Showing results 2101-2125 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


ARRA Grants for Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry Training and Enhancement
In 2010, ARRA Primary Care Training and Enhancement Grants were awarded for the following purposes: (1) Academic Administrative Units in Primary Care-- to establish, maintain, or improve academic administrative units (which may be departments,...

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers Training Coordination Program (TAAF)
The purpose of the TAAF program is to provide U.S. agricultural producers whose commodities have been certified as affected by imports, and who have been approved through individual application, with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to make...

Health Care Tax Credit (HCTC) National Emergency Grants (NEGs)
To provide health insurance coverage assistance and support related services to ?eligible Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) recipients? and ?eligible ATAA/RTAA recipients?, as authorized under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of...

Recovery Act Funds - Habitat Enhancement, Restoration and Improvement.
To provide technical and financial assistance to identify, protect, conserve, manage, enhance or restore habitat or species on both public and proviate lands.

Environmental Justice Government-to-Government (EJG2G) Program
The purpose of this cooperative agreement program is to support and/or create model state, local, and/or tribal activities that lead to measurable environmental or public health results in communities disproportionately burdened by environmental...

Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program (EEARP)
The program provides financial and technical assistance to States to establish residential energy star rated appliance rebate programs. The program?s objectives are: * To reduce fossil fuel emissions created as a result of activities within the...

Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support
To provide support for initiatives funded under The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). These projects will provide economic stimulus to the nation while furthering the NIH mission to uncover new knowledge that will lead to...

Recovery Act - Internet Crimes against Children Task Force Program (ICAC)
The ICAC Task Force Program supports a national network of multiagency, multijurisdictional task forces and other projects to prevent technology facilitated child sexual exploitation with at least one task force in each of the 50 states. The ICAC...

Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP)
The purposes of the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) is inactive and no longer funding projects. The purposes of BTOP were to accelerate broadband deployment in unserved and underserved areas and to ensure that strategic...

Recovery Act - State Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) will award each eligible state victim assistance program a Recovery Act - VOCA victim assistance formula grant to support the provision of services to victims of crime throughout the Nation. Services are...

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technology Deployment, Demonstration and Commercialization
This program provides financial assistance for the technology deployment, demonstration, and commercialization of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy technologies. This includes Biomass, Building Technologies, Federal Energy Management,...

ARRA - Grants to Health Center Programs
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provided funds to support grants for the following purposes: (1) to establish new access points that will increase the number of underserved and uninsured persons with access to...

Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Training Demonstrations and Educational Outreach Related to Environmental Information and the Release of Toxic Chemicals
To provide funding in support of surveys, studies, investigations, training/demonstrations, educational outreach and special purpose assistance as they relate to environmental information and the release of toxic chemicals. The purpose is to educate...

Congressionally Recommended Awards
To provide assistance in improving the functioning of the criminal justice system, provide assistance to victims of crime (other than compensation) and to prevent or combat juvenile delinquency. Note: These awards vary in nature and in scope. The...

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Education Grant Program
The Curricula Development program provides assistance to accredited U.S. colleges and universities in support of courses, studies, training, curricula, and disciplines relevant to nuclear safety, nuclear security, nuclear environmental protection,...

Help America Vote Mock Election Program
To promote voter participation and education in American elections through a program of simulated Federal elections that permits participation by students enrolled in a secondary education program.

Scientific Research - Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction
To support and stimulate applied research, advanced research, and technology development at educational or research institutions, nonprofit organizations, and commercial firms, in order to advance the fundamental knowledge and understanding of the...

Biobased Transportation Research
Carry out biobased research of national importance at the National Biodiesel Board and at research centers identified in section 9011 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 8109).

Violence Against Women Act Court Training and Improvement Grants
To improve court responses to adult and youth domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Office of Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
Due to an NSF realignment, activities funded by the EPSCoR program are reported within the Office of Internations and Integrative Activities, CFDA number 47.079, effective 05/20/2013.

San Luis Unit, Central Valley
Construction and operation of facilities to provide drainage service to lands within the San Luis Unit of the Central Valley Project of central California.

Degrees at a Distance Program
To support curriculum development, regional meeting support, program marketing, course material printing and publications and initiation of institutional agreements with local two-year college degree programs and colleges/universities, designated by...

Homeland Security-related Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (HS STEM) Career Development Program
To provide funding to assist with the development of future HS-STEM professionals and practitioners.

English for Heritage Language Speakers Scholarships
The English for Heritage Language Speakers (EHLS) program is designed to provide intensive English language instruction for U. S. citizens who are native speakers of critical languages. The goal of the program is to enable participants to reach...

Anti-Gang Initiative
To provide support for new and expanded anti-gang enforcement and prevention activities under the Project Safe Neighborhood Initiative (PSN).