Project Grants Federal Grants
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1626-1650 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To facilitate and encourage innovative homeownership opportunities through the provision of self-help homeownership in which the homebuyer contributes a significant amount of sweat equity toward the development of the SHOP units.
To comply with the Ticket-to-Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act (TWWIIA) which was passed in December 1999, and reauthorized by the Social Security Protection Act of 2004, which requires the SSA to establish a community-based work incentives...
To assess progress in implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, including State and local efforts to provide (1) Free appropriate public education to children with disabilities; and (2) early intervention services to infants and...
This program provides funding to state and tribal courts to improve the quality of court processes and legal representation. The program provides courts flexibility to design assessments which identify barriers to timely and effective...
The goals of this assistance listing are to (1) conduct site characterization activities at potential or confirmed hazardous waste sites; (2) undertake response planning and implementation actions at sites on the National Priorities List (NPL) to...
Team Nutrition's goal is to improve children's lifelong eating and physical activity habits by using the principles of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA Food Guidance System. The purpose of the FY 2022 Team Nutrition Training Grant...
The primary goal of the Transitional Living Program (TLP) and Maternity Group Home (MGH) Program is to help runaway and homeless youth and/or pregnant or parenting runaway and homeless youth between the ages of 16 to under 22 establish sustainable...
To provide opportunities for communities to establish or expand activities in community learning centers that provide opportunities for academic enrichment for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. The...
The FY 2023 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) provides funding support for physical security enhancements and other security-related activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack. The FY...
Provide loan and grant funds for water and waste projects serving the most financially needy communities. Financial assistance should result in reasonable user costs for rural residents, rural businesses, and other rural users.
To fund private, nonprofit organizations to assist, through training and counseling, small business concerns owned and controlled by women, and to remove, in so far as possible, the discriminatory barriers that are encountered by women in accessing...
To encourage biomedical, social, and behavioral research and research training directed toward greater understanding of the aging process and the diseases, special problems, and needs of people as they age. The National Institute on Aging has...
To expand the availability of diagnostic and support services for persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), their families, and their caregivers, as well as to improve the responsiveness of the home and community-based care...
The Arts in Education program promotes arts education for students, including disadvantaged students and students who are children with disabilities, through activities such as (1) professional development for arts educators, teachers, and...
To foster understanding of human health effects of exposure to environmental agents in the hope that these studies will lead to: the identification of agents that pose a hazard and threat of disease, disorders and defects in humans; the development...
To improve screening and early detection strategies and to develop accurate diagnostic techniques and methods for predicting the course of disease in cancer patients. Screening and Early Detection research includes development of strategies to...
The EPA's Geographic Programs - Chesapeake Bay Program (referred to as Chesapeake Bay Program) awards competitive grants to states, tribal and local governments, non-governmental organizations, interstate agencies and academic institutions to reduce...
To develop the knowledge required to establish a predictive capability for short and long-term climate fluctuations by facilitating cooperation between government, university, and nonprofit research institutions. To enhance scientific knowledge of...
The purpose of the Community Development Revolving Loan Fund (CDRLF) is to expand access of financial products and services, and increase diversity, equity, and economic inclusion to underserved communities. Through the CDRLF, the NCUA provides...
Since 1996, in partnership with industry associations, universities and other government agencies, EPA has supported the development and maintenance of the Compliance Assistance Centers and Center resources. Each Center is targeted to a specific...
To devise and conduct in various geographical locations, seminars, workshops, and training programs for law enforcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers and other...
The Office of Insular Affairs will pursue the Departments mission of Fulfilling Our Trust and Insular Responsibilities by executing activities which bolster healthcare capacity, strengthen island economies, and fulfill U.S. Compact obligations. OIA...
The purpose of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Grant Program is to improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities by supporting flexible, sustainable, secure, strategically located and fully interoperable EOCs with a focus on...
To provide financial support for research, education, conferences, communication, and other activities relating to the health of Department of Energy workers, as well as other populations potentially exposed to health hazards associated with energy...
To provide financial assistance, and if necessary, direct services to individuals and households affected as a direct result of a Presidentially-declared major disaster or emergency, who have uninsured or underinsured, necessary expenses and serious...