Project Grants Federal Grants

Showing results 726-750 of 2,346 for Project Grants federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Project Grants federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement (PRIIA) Projects for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)
To assist in financing part of the capital and preventive maintenance projects included in the Capital Improvement Program approved by the Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. The grants are used to address...

Indian Education National Activities (State Tribal Education Partnership (STEP) and Native American Language (NAL)
The objectives of the State Tribal Education Partnership (STEP) program (CFDA 84.415A) are to (a) promote Tribal self-determination in education; (b) improve the academic achievement of Indian children and youth; and (c) promote the coordination and...

Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance
The Administration supports a combined public health and public safety approach to reducing drug use and its consequences. The National Drug Control Strategy recognizes that for individuals who come into contact with the justice system, substance...

San Joaquin River Restoration
The objective of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP) is to implement the Stipulation of Settlement in NRDC, et al., v. Rodgers, et al., consistent with and as supplement by, the San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement Act. The...

Regional Democracy Program
To support democracy and human rights in the Near East region.

Buses and Bus Facilities Formula, Competitive, and Low or No Emissions Programs
Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. Provides capital funding for low or no emissions bus projects.

Empowering Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities through Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Programs – financed by Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF)
The cooperative agreements are intended to increase the number of chronic disease self-management education program participants, while concurrently increasing the sustainability of these proven programs in the aging and disability networks. This...

Model Acts Program
The purpose of the Model Acts Program includes: A) advising states on establishing laws and policies to address illicit drug use issues and (B) revising such model state drug laws and draft supplementary model state laws to take into consideration...

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Education, Outreach and Workforce Program
To support educational programs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education, Outreach and Workforce Program

Applied Science Grants
The objective of the Applied Science Grants is to improve access to and use of hydrologic data as well as to develop and improve water management tools and improve modeling and forecasting capabilities. Results from these projects will be used by...

National Park Service Conservation, Protection, Outreach, and Education
This program supports projects complementary to National Park Service program efforts in natural and cultural resource conservation, protection, and environmental sustainability. This program funds projects that support the mission of the National...

The Secretary's Office of the Global Partnership Initiative (S/GPI) Grant Programs
Support the foreign assistance goals and objectives of the Department of State, Secretary's Office of the Global Partnership Initiative (S/GPI), as delineated in the FY Bureau Strategic and Resouce Plan and other strategic planning documents. This...

PHMSA Pipeline Safety Research and Development “Other Transaction Agreements”
To sponsor research and development (R&D) projects that focus on providing near-term solutions which will improve safety, reduce environmental impact, and enhance reliability of the nations pipeline transportation system.

Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry
The purpose of the Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry and Dental Hygiene programs are to improve access to and the delivery of oral health care services for all individuals, particularly low income, underserved, uninsured,...

Capacity Building for Non-Land Grant Colleges of Agriculture (NLGCA)
To assist the NLGCA Institutions in maintaining and expanding their capacity to conduct education, research, and outreach activities relating to agriculture, renewable resources, and other similar disciplines.

Navy Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
To support basic and applied research at educational, nonprofit, or commercial research institutions, which have potential for leading to the improvement of military operations or dual-use application, and to support training and stimulation of...

Project Rental Assistance Demonstration (PRA Demo) Program of Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities
The Project Rental Assistance (PRA) provides funding to state housing agencies for project-based rental operating assistance for extremely low-income persons with disabilties. The primary purpose is to identify, stimulate, and support innovate...

New Mexico Rio Grande Basin Pueblos Irrigation Infrastructure
Rehabilitate and repair irrigation infrastructure of the Rio Grande Pueblos to conserve water and help address potential conflicts over water in the Rio Grande Basin.

Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program
Goals: The goal of the BCJI is to reduce crime and improve community safety as part of a comprehensive strategy to rebuild neighborhoods and spur revitalization. Through a broad cross-sector partnership team, including neighborhood residents, BCJI...

ECA U.S. Speaker Program
As authorized by the Fulbright-Hays Act, the Office of the U.S. Speaker Program of the Department of States Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs awards a cooperative agreement to an organization with experience in international exchanges for...

Air Emissions and Energy Initiative
MARAD will use projects results and data for a variety of purposes including further support of air emissions reduction research, demonstration, and pilot projects. In addition, the result will be used to evaluate the public benefits of providing...

Sexual Risk Avoidance Education
The purpose of this program is to promote sexual risk avoidance education as defined by section 1110 of the Social Security Act, for adolescents. The focus of the program is to teach participants how to voluntarily refrain from non-marital sexual...

Cybersecurity Education and Training
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Cyber Defense Education & Training (CDET) team is committed to strengthening the nations federal and national cybersecurity workforce through standardizing roles and helping to ensure we...

Naval Medical Research and Development
To enhance the health, safety, readiness, and performance of Navy and Marine Corps personnel through basic and applied medical research executed largely through grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts with civilian educational and research...

SECURE Water Act – Research Agreements
To fund research activities that are designed to conserve water resources, increase the efficiency of the use of water resources, and/or enhance the management of water resources, including increasing the use of renewable energy in the management...