Education, Postsecondary (Colleges & Universities) Federal Grants

Showing results 1776-1800 of 4,138 for Education, Postsecondary (Colleges & Universities) federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Education, Postsecondary (Colleges & Universities) federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


$0 Master Cooperative Agreement
To promote the study of the history, preservation, and interpretation of historic engineering sties, structures, and objects, and to support related training, documentation, publication, and technical and public information efforts in the United...

Survey of the Fauna of Seepage Springs in National Capital Parks East
Locate and sampling seepage springs, sorting specimens, tabulating water chemistry and identification of specimens in the amphipod genus Stygobromus.

Bolstering Judicial and Social Processes in Central African Republic
CAR. As efforts to tackle justice sector reform unfold, DRL seeks to fill existing gaps in ongoing and future processes at the local and national levels. This parallel approach should include support to legal personnel (especially lawyers, but...

BJA FY 15 Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Training and Technical Assistance Program
The purpose of this FY 2015 competitive grant announcement is to select one provider to deliver a wide range of training and technical assistance (TTA) services to communities participating in the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) Program....

Supplements to Support Interoperability of NIH Funded Biomedical Data Repositories (Admin Supp)
NIH is accepting administrative supplement requests to support projects that will establish or improve interoperability among NIH funded biomedical data repositories. Improved interoperability is expected to lead to increased efficiency of...

Comparative Physiological Studies of Aging (R03)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support small research projects that involve comparative studies to understand biological pathways, which may explain differences in lifespan and health span phenotypes, in vertebrate...

Molecular Imaging of the Lung - Phase 2 (R01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites Research Project Grant (R01) applications to develop novel in vivo imaging technologies using molecular probes that target pathways or cells involved in the pathobiology of pulmonary diseases. The...

Limited Competition: Continuation of the Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) Study (U01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to continue the follow-up of the Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) cohort through a cooperative agreement. TODAY was a multi-center controlled...

2015 Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program
FSMIP provides matching funds on a competitive basis to assist eligible entities explore new market opportunities and to encourage research and innovation aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the U.S. agricultural marketing system. ...

BJA FY 15 Adjudication and Law Enforcement National Initiatives: Improving Responses to Criminal Justice Issues
The FY 2015 Adjudication and Law Enforcement National Initiatives: Improving Responses to Criminal Justice Issues Competitive Grant Announcement focuses on national initiatives to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, specifically...

HHS/ACL/NIDILRR: Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training Program CFDA Number 84.133P-5
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

Reduction of Hemolysis in Specimens from Patients in Emergency Departments: Evaluation of Laboratory Medicine Best Practices and Recommendations
The purpose of the project is to evaluate the clinical laboratory best practice recommendations for reducing blood sample hemolysis rates developed through the Laboratory Medicine Best PracticesTM (LMBPTM) Initiative of the Centers for Disease...

OJJDP FY 2015 Tribal Youth Program Training and Technical Assistance
OJJDP is seeking a Tribal Youth Program training and technical assistance provider to provide culturally, trauma-informed, and developmentally appropriate training; support, resources; information; and other related technical assistance to all OJJDP...

Partner Support for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
This project aims to enhance the dissemination and promotion of evidence-based strategies and resources to support the prevention and control of heart disease, stroke, and related risk factors such as high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and...

Summer Institute for Research Education in Biostatistics (R25)
The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH.The over-arching goal of this NHLBI R25 program is to support educational activities thatcomplement and/or enhance the training of a...

NOTICE OF INTENT -- Two (2) BioCorp Internships
NOTICE OF INTENT -- The United States Department of Interior, The National Park Service (NPS), and Everglades National Park are announcing a notice of intent to award; this is not a request for applications. This funding opportunity is to provide...

U.S. Administration on Aging National Resource Centers on Older Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians
Increased longevity continues to become more prevalent in Native American communities. This trend has placed greater demands on service delivery systems, which are even more complex and fragmented than in non-Indian communities. In recognition of...

FY 2015 Environmental Studies Program
The Environmental Studies Program (ESP) of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is offering a cooperative agreement opportunity to conduct research in topics that serve the public interest of safe and environmentally sound energy and mineral...

HHS/ACL/NIDILRR: Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program: Employment CFDA Number 84.133P-3
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

HHS/ACL/NIDILRR: Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program: Health and Function CFDA Number 84.133P-4
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

Administrative Supplements for Research on HIV/AIDS and Aging (Admin Supp)
The Office of AIDS Research, in collaboration with the NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) named above, encourages applications for administrative supplements to fund innovative research on HIV and aging through clinical, translational, observational,...

Family Violence Prevention and Services Discretionary Grant Program/National Domestic Violence Hotline
The national domestic violence hotline (hotline) serves as a critical partner in the intervention, prevention and resource assistance efforts of the network of family violence, domestic violence and dating violence service providers. It provides...

Strengthening Clinical Services for Men Who Have Sex with Men, Transgender, and Bisexual Populations Living with HIV/STI in the Dominican Republic under PEPFAR (Award Category U2G)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks to establish self-sustainable comprehensive clinical services for men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender (TG) and bisexual individuals living with HIV/STI in the Dominican Republic (DR). This...

FY 2015 SportsUnited: International Sports Programming Initiative (ISPI)
Sports Grant programs can be an important tool for advancing foreign policy goals and connecting with audiences with whom traditional diplomacy proves challenging, including at-risk youth, women, minorities, people with disabilities, and non-English...

Visitor Use Management Research at Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Piedmont-South Atlantic Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) network. The project objective is to gather accurate and defensible information that will help effectively manage visitor use, outdoor recreation and recreation ecology to maximize...