Physically Disabled Federal Grants

Showing results 26-50 of 131 for Physically Disabled federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Physically Disabled federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


National Family Caregiver Support, Title III, Part E
To assist States, Territories in providing multifaceted systems of support services for: (1) Family caregivers; and (2) older relative caregivers. Services to be provided include: information to caregivers about available services; assistance to...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Provider Education Grants
The purpose of the assistance is to fund academic institutions and clinical and public health training organizations to develop, deliver and evaluate training, and educational and clinical skills improvement activities for health care professionals...

Delinquency Prevention Program
Provide funding to implement evidence-based strategies to combat youth delinquency and to address the unmet needs of at-risk or delinquent youth through a continuum of delinquency prevention programs for young people who have had or who are likely...

National Guard ChalleNGe Program
The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, has authorized the conduct of this Program, and the use of the National Guard to provide military-based training, including supervised work experience in service to the...

Promotion of the Humanities Professional Development
The Institutes program promotes better teaching and research in the humanities for higher education faculty and K-12 educators. The Landmarks of American History and Culture program promotes better teaching of American history and culture through...

Social Security Research and Demonstration
(1) To conduct social, economic, and demographic research on topics important to the Social Security Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs and the current and future well-being of their...

Training Interpreters for Individuals who are Deaf and Individuals who are Deaf-Blind
To support projects that increase the numbers and improve the skills of manual, tactile, oral, and cued speech interpreters providing services to individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and individuals who are deaf-blind.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Research, Demonstrations and Evaluations
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) conducts research, demonstrations, and evaluations in support of CMS' key role as a beneficiary-centered purchaser of high-quality health care at a reasonable cost. These grants are awarded are in...

Social Services Research and Demonstration
The Social Services Research and Demonstration program (SSRD) was authorized to promote research and demonstration projects related to the prevention and reduction of dependency, or to improve the administration and effectiveness of programs...

Special Education-Grants for Infants and Families
To provide grants to States to assist them to implement and maintain a Statewide, comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary, interagency system to make available early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities and their...

Upper Mississippi River Restoration Long Term Resource Monitoring
To provide decision makers with information needed to maintain the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) as a sustainable large river ecosystem given its multiple-use character. Congress has declared the UMRS to be both a nationally significant...

Child Support Services Research
This program provides federal funds for experimental, pilot, or demonstration projects that are likely to assist in promoting the objectives of Section 1115, Part D of Title IV of the Social Security Act, which stipulates that "the project - 1) must...

Rehabilitation Services Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who are Blind
To provide any independent living services that are described in 34 CFR Section 367.3(b) of the program regulations to older individuals who are blind; improve or expand services for these individuals; and conduct activities to help improve public...

Special Education Grants to States
To provide grants to States to assist them in providing special education and related services to all children with disabilities.

Fossil Energy Research and Development
The Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Managements mission is to minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuels while working towards net-zero emissions. The Offices programs use research, development, demonstration, and deployment approaches to...

Marine Sanctuary Program
National marine sanctuaries conduct and support monitoring programs tailored to the information needs of each sanctuary. These programs target a wide array of topics involving natural processes, human influences on water, habitat, living resources...

NIEHS Superfund Hazardous Substances_Basic Research and Education
To support innovate research and training through multi-project, interdisciplinary grants; individual investigator research grants; research education program grants; Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants; time-sensitive grants; and...

Rehabilitation Services Vocational Rehabilitation Grants to States
To assist States in operating comprehensive, coordinated, effective, efficient and accountable programs of vocational rehabilitation (VR); to assess, plan, develop, and provide VR services for individuals with disabilities, consistent with their...

Special Education Preschool Grants
To provide grants to States to assist them in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities ages 3 through 5 years, and at a State's discretion, to 2- year- old children with disabilities who will reach age three...

Community Services Block Grant
The objectives of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) are to provide assistance to states and local communities, working through a network of community action agencies (CAAs) and other neighborhood-based organizations, for the reduction of...

Workforce Data Quality Initiative (WDQI)
Address national employment and training issues through demonstrations, pilot projects, and applied research that have interstate validity and will aid policymakers and stakeholders in addressing these issues and for continuous improvement of the...

Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants
To carry out research, to facilitate or expand promising breakthroughs in areas of the food and agricultural sciences of importance to the nation and to facilitate or expand on-going State-Federal food and agricultural research programs.

Medical Assistance Program
To provide financial assistance to States for payments of medical assistance on behalf of cash assistance recipients, children, pregnant women, and the aged who meet income and resource requirements, and other categorically-eligible groups. In...

Rehabilitation Short-Term Training
To support special seminars, institutes, workshops, and other short-term courses in technical matters relating to the vocational, medical, social, and psychological rehabilitation programs, independent living services programs, and client assistance...

Research in Special Education
To support scientifically rigorous research contributing to the solution of specific early intervention and education problems associated with children with disabilities.


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