Other private institutions/organizations Federal Grants
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226-250 of 419 for Other private institutions/organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Other private institutions/organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Program activities support integrated viral hepatitis surveillance and prevention programs in states and large cities in the United States. Key strategies include viral hepatitis outbreak planning and response; and surveillance for acute hepatitis...
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages and protects wild horses and burros on 26.9 million acres of public lands across ten western states as part of its mission to administer public lands for multiple uses. The Wild Horse and Burro Program's...
To ensure that the admission of foreign workers into the United States does not adversely affect the wages, working conditions, and employment opportunities of U.S. workers. To assist U.S. employers seeking to hire foreign workers when no able,...
To assure that the admission of foreign workers into the United States will not adversely affect the job opportunities, wages, and working conditions of U.S. workers. To ensure that adequate wages and working conditions are provided for foreign and...
The objective is to carry out the highway research and development program as authorized by the FAST Act and conduct research needed to maintain and improve our vital transportation infrastructure. The FAST Act addresses the many challenges facing...
The Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services program (NANH-Museums) serves federally recognized Native American tribes and Native Hawaiians by supporting projects that sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge. There is one program goal with...
These grants are intended to enable State educational agencies to design, develop, and implement statewide, longitudinal data systems to efficiently and accurately manage, analyze, disaggregate, and use individual student data, consistent with the...
Under the Family, Relationship, and Marriage Education Works opportunity, the purpose is to fund projects that provide healthy marriage activities and integrate career advancement opportunities for adults. Under the Relationships, Education,...
To help agricultural producers enter into value-added activities related to the processing and/or marketing of bio-based, value-added products. Generating new products, creating and expanding marketing opportunities, and increasing producer income...
To make grants to private, nonprofit organizations to finance the construction, refurbishing and servicing of individually-owned household water well and/or wastewater systems in rural areas for individuals with low or moderate income.
To make grants to private, nonprofit organizations to establish a revolving loan fund to make small, short term loans for pre-development or small capital water or waste disposal projects.
To make funding available for eligible applicants to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing with Reclamation on different types of projects: 1) projects that save water; increase the use of renewable energy; and accomplish other...
This program funds Marine Turtle and Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle (TFT) projects. Objectives of the Marine Turtle projects are to assist in the conservation of marine turtles and the nesting habitats of marine turtles in foreign countries by...
Assist States in complying with CDL requirements and dedicate funding to priority activities for research, development and testing, demonstration projects, public education, and other special activities and projects relating to commercial drivers...
To strengthen the capacity of new and experienced Food for Peace Title II Partners, both to plan and implement effective food security programs which reduce vulnerability of food insecure populations, including in emergency situations.
The Global Development Alliance (GDA) business model provides a framework for enabling public-private alliances (PPA's) to carry-out activities that promote international development objectives. Through the leveraging, sharing the cost of resources...
To identify and provide information needed to sustain subsistence fisheries and wildlife management on Federal public lands, for rural Alaskans, through a multidisciplinary, collaborative program. Two programs are administered under the Alaska...
To foster the new knowledge necessary to develop, enhance, and disseminate effective public health services, programs, and policies that improve health and quality of life for the population.
The NGO Strengthening program aims to help local indigenous non-governmental organizations, networks, and intermediate service organizations become more efficient and effective in the delivery of development services.
NOAA/NWS also provides funding to external research partners to support the Unified Forecast System (UFS). The UFS is designed to provide more accurate forecast guidance through operational numerical weather prediction capabilities. Projects that...
To provide financial assistance in meeting the transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities where public transportation services are unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate. The Section 5310 program is designed to supplement...
The Denali Commission is a Federal agency designed to provide funding and partner coordination for critical utilities and infrastructure projects throughout Alaska, particularly in distressed communities.
To support the development of Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) units in communities throughout the United States to: (1) increase capacity at the community level to respond during emergencies which have medical consequences, and (2) improve public health...
NIDCR extramural research provides research funds to support basic, translational, and clinical research in dental, oral, and craniofacial health and disease through grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts that support scientists working in...
To develop the capacity and ability of private, nonprofit community-based housing and community development organizations and low income rural communities to improve housing, community and economic development projects, and community facilities in...