Natural Resources Federal Grants

Showing results 26-50 of 3,517 for Natural Resources federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Natural Resources federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program
The Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program funds direct awards, primarily through the Military Services, in support of innovative partnerships between DoD installations, conservation partners, and state and local...

Army National Guard Army Compatible Use Buffer Program
The Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) program provides assistance awards to eligible entity that is either a State or political subdivision of a State or a private entity that has as its stated principal organizational purpose or goal the...

Urban Agriculture and Urban County Committee Outreach, Technical Assistance, and Education
UA-EOTA provides financial assistance to eligible recipients to perform outreach, research, and technical assistance to improve the coordination and effectiveness of Federal programs, services, and actions affecting urban areas. The main goals are...

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Comprehensive Plan Component Program
The primary objective of this program is to disburse funds to eligible entities for the purpose of restoring and protecting the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, coastal wetlands, and economy of the...

Conservation Outreach, Education and Technical Assistance
The overall goal of Conservation Outreach is to expand conservation assistance to historically underserved farmers and ranchers in participating equitably in the full range of agriculture, agribusiness, forestry, and related programs offered by...

FSA Conservation Reserve Program Transition Incentive Program: Outreach, Technical Assistance, and Research Agreements
This Notice outlines opportunities to partner with the Farm Service Agency (FSA) to promote awareness, increase understanding among landowners and program participants, and increase enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program-Transition...

Forest Service 638 Authority for Tribes
The Forest Service received authority for demonstration projects with tribes and tribal organizations to perform administrative, management, and other functions of programs under the Tribal Forest Protection Act through a contract or agreement under...

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new funds to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Prescribed Fire/Fire Recovery
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new funds to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Restoration/Revegetation
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new funds to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Capital Maintenance and Improvement
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new funds to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration

Wildfire Crisis Strategy Landscapes
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act established new funds to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management, and ecosystem restoration. The Inflation Reduction Act established new funds for hazardous fuels reduction and...

Inflation Reduction Act Urban & Community Forestry Program
To plan for, establish, manage and protect trees, forests, green spaces and related natural resources in and adjacent to cities and towns. The urban and community forestry program provides ecosystem services, social and economic benefits. It links...

Inflation Reduction Act Hazardous Fuels Transportation Assistance
The focus of this program is to support the hauling of material removed to reduce hazardous fuels to locations where that material can be utilized, subject to the conditions that the amount of such a grant shall be not more than $5,000,000; and a...

Inflation Reduction Act - National Forest System
The focus of this program is for project work to be performed on National Forest System lands in the following areas: 1) fuels reduction projects on National Forest System lands that are within a wildland-urban interface, 2) vegetation management...

Inflation Reduction Act Landscape Scale Restoration
To support competitive grant programs in the following areas: 1. Cost share to carry out climate mitigation or forest resilience practices in the case of underserved forest landowners. 2. Support participation of underserved forest landowners in...

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law State, Private & Tribal Agreements
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) establishes new and supplemental funding to address natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management and ecosystem restoration.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – Removal and Production of Flammable Vegetation to Produce Biochar and Innovative Wood Products
The focus of this program is to support the contracting or employing crews of laborers to modify and remove flammable vegetation on Federal land and for using materials from treatments, to the extent practicable, to produce biochar and other...

IAF Assistance for Overseas Programs
The primary objectives of the IAF Assistance for Programs Overseas in Latin America and the Caribbean program is to: (1) Strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding among the peoples in the Western Hemisphere; (2) Support self-help efforts...

National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
The Secretary of the Interior shall assist, advise, and cooperate with States or their political subdivisions, landowners, private organizations, other federal agencies or authorized wild and scenic river management councils or committees to plan,...

White-nose Syndrome National Response Implementation
To conserve and recover bat species affected by the fungal disease white-nose syndrome through support to States and Tribes for their management planning and actions, coordination of research activities, and collaboration with partners. Provide for...

Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance
To provide financial assistance to eligible entities for: response, recovery, rescue, treatment, and, as appropriate, release of West Indian manatees, sea otters, Pacific walruses, and polar bears; the collection of data for scientific research...

Experienced Services
To enable the agency to work with select NGOs to fill a wide variety of temporary human resource needs with skilled, experienced workers, aged 55 and older, while also providing opportunities to qualified older Americans to have meaningful work and...

Cooperative Agriculture
The objectives for the use of cooperative agriculture in the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS) are: Production or modification of specific cover types and/or growing methods that meet the life history requirements of species for which we have...

Mexican Wolf Recovery
To provide federal financial assistance to secure Mexican Wolf information, undertake actions that will lead to delisting of the Mexican Wolf, and help prevent extinction or aid in the recovery of the Mexican Wolf.