Natural Resources Federal Grants

Showing results 426-450 of 3,517 for Natural Resources federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Natural Resources federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Bridging the Watershed Program
Promote increased stewardship of the Potomac Watershed by providing educators in the regional school systems and National Park Service rangers with educational tools to utilize national parks as classrooms and laboratories.

BLM CA CESU UCLA - California Tiger Salamanders at Fort Ord
To document the hybridization dynamics and develop conservation management of hybrid salamanders at Fort Ord. This project will characterize the temporal movement of marker genes from the two salamanders across the Fort Ord landscape. By resampling...

BLM AK CESU - Scenario Planning for Energy and Resources Development
Effective decisions about research and monitoring programs (in academia, as well as in government) are most effective when based on plausible future social-ecological system expectations. The future of Arctic America is difficult to accurately...

BLM CA Trinidad Museum Society Interpretation, Education and Outreach
Provide staff, personnel, equipment, and materials necessary for completion of mutually agreed upon projects consistent with this Agreement. All work will be conducted in the Trinidad Museum and community gateway area. Project will include...

Global Explorers Engage Diverse Youth through Natural Experiences
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service¿s intention to fund the following project activities without full and open...

Kiholo Fishponds Estuary Restoration Project
The estuary/fishpond complex at Kiholo Bay is currently overgrown by invasive riparian vegetation along the majority of the shoreline, reducing the extent native aquatic vegetation that supports juvenile fish recruitment and survival. The depth of...

Southeast Alakai Conservation
The purpose of this project to remove ungulates and invasive weeds from 1,358 acres of prime habitat for three critically endangered forest birds, Akikiki, Puaiohi and Akekee at Halehaha on lands owned by the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and...

Maui Invasive Species Committee ED RR Project Support
he Maui Invasive Species Committee (MISC) is a voluntary partnership of state, federal and private agencies united to protect Maui, Molokai, and Lanai from the most harmful invasive plants and animals that threaten our environment, economy, and...

BLM CA Panoche Plateau Leopard Lizard Shrub Habitat Study
Study of the shrubs that provide the habitat that the blunt-nosed leopard lizard depends on for survival, which is a required recovery task for downlisting this species. Recovering and delisting this species will provide widespread economic relief...

BLM CA Desert Lizards in Panoche Region
This project seeks to understand the genetic diversity, structure, connectivity, and stability of the populations of Xantusia vigilis (Desert Night Lizard) in the Panoche Hills, California. This information is essential for informing how...

Kahana Stream Restoration Project
This agreement is being implemented in order to restore and enhance fish and invertebrate passage through the lower reaches of Kahana Stream, Oahu. By removing and controlling invasive vegetation and re-establishing a native-dominated riparian...

Development of Visitor-Based Acoustical Indicators and Standards
This social science project will investigate the effects of noise and natural sounds on visitor experience in national parks and other protected natural areas, as well as the effects of noise on interactions between visitors and wildlife.

BLM CA Challenge Cost Share Program California State Parks
California Roundtable on Recreation Parks and Tourism fosters public and private efforts to provide high quality sustainable outdoor recreation in California. The BLM in California is a member of the Roundtable, which includes representatives from...

Asian American Pacific Islander Historian
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service¿s intention to fund the following project activities without full and open...

BLM CA Rare Bat Colonies in Abandoned Mines - Continuation
This is a continuation of current projects to agreement L09AC15660 which expires 9 30 2013. Maturango Museum assist with the management of wildlife conservation resources on the public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management. This will...

Benton Pond Speckled Dace Habitat Restoration Project
The purpose of this project is to implement habitat restoration activities identified in the plan at this site previously occupied by speckled dace.

BLM CA Needles Field Office Interpretive Services
This project is to work cooperatively with California Trail Users Coalition (CTUC), a non-profit organization in Southern California that supports the users of off road trails and maintain, plan and provide current information to the users of these...

Limahuli Preserve Rare Plant Restoration Project
The purpose of this project is to protect and restore 59 acres of lowland wet forest in the Lower Limahuli Preserve (LLP) and to conduct rare plant restoration in the ungulate-free Upper Limahuli Preserve (ULP) on the island of Kauai to benefit...

Inventory, Monitoring, and Restoration of Rare Plants and Unique Vegetation Communities
Inventory, Monitoring, and Restoration of Rare Plants and Unique Vegetation Communities at SAMO and CHIS

2013 Groundworks USA Youth Summit
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service¿s intention to fund the following project activities without full and open...

WRPT Desert Terminal Lakes Program
The Fishery Dept was established in 2002 to help facilitate the Tribe's position in the recovery effort of the Lahontan cutthroat trout (LCT). The department works with USFWS and NDOW in planning and evaluation of issues relating to Walker Lake and...

BLM AK - Moose Telemetry - Alaska Department of Fish & Game
Alaska Department of Fish & Game will work cooperatively with BLM to monitor moose movements and habitat use on BLM lands in Game Management Unit 21E area using Satellite radio collars, since 2010. This telemetry project provides important movement...

BLM CA Sierra Unified School District - Hands on the Land
Sierra Unified School District - SUSD will provide technical expertise for development and presentation of high quality hands on educational and interpretive programs and products for K-12 schools groups and the public at BLMs San Joaquin River...

Antelope Jackrabbit in relation to habitat composition and structure
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service¿s intention to fund the following project activities without full and open...

BLM CA Paradise Royale Mountain Bike Trail System Phase III
This project will complete the development of the third phase of the Paradise Royale Mountain Bike Trail System, and associated support infrastructure. The BLM and International Mountain Bicycling Association have been developing the Paradise...