Local Government (City, County & Township) Federal Grants

Showing results 1276-1300 of 4,218 for Local Government (City, County & Township) federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Local Government (City, County & Township) federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Effects of In Utero Alcohol Exposure on Adult Health and Disease (R21)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), issued by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), is intended to support novel research on how prenatal alcohol exposure may contribute to the etiology of chronic diseases and...

Effects of In Utero Alcohol Exposure on Adult Health and Disease (R01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), issued by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), is intended to support novel research on how prenatal alcohol exposure may contribute to the etiology of chronic diseases and...

Fish Passage Improvement on Bybee and Glenwood Streets
This agreement is being implemented in order to assist with design funds for the Glenwood Street and Bybee Blvd culvert replacement portion of the Crystal Springs restoration effort. The objective is to restore restore fish passage to urban streams...

Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance
To improve a non functioning ephemeral, breeding pond for the Santa Cruz Long toed Salamander, Federally listed as Endangered, and the California Tiger Salamander, Federally listed as Threatened.

Lassen County Trails Coordinator
This project continues the partnership between the BLM and Lassen County. Current and previously similar projects were completed through prior agreement which now have expired. This it to continue to support the development and expansion of our...

Geographic Programs - San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund
The goals of the SF Bay grant program are to improve water quality and restore aquatic habitat (i.e., wetlands) in the San Francisco Bay and its watersheds. Funded projects will reduce polluted run-off, restore impaired waters and enhance aquatic...

International Compliance and Enforcement Projects
The primary purpose of this program is to support projects that protect human health and the environment while advancing U.S. national interests through international environmental collaboration on environmental compliance and enforcement....

Environmental Monitoring/Cleanup, Cultural and Resource Mgmt., Emergency Response Research, Outreach, Technical Analysis
Provides technical and financial assistance to State and local government entities for the conduct of projects/activities to support DOE missions; requirements to manage cultural resources and commitments to provide the public assurances that...

Great Lakes Restoration
To provide technical and financial assistance to implement the highest priority actions in order to protect and restore the Great Lakes. Priority actions are to: identify, protect, conserve, manage, enhance or restore habitat or species on both...

Fish and Wildlife Coordination and Assistance
To assist in the conservation of the Nation's natural resources by providing financial assistance for: 1) land management, research, and data collection/analysis; 2) training, meetings, workshops, conferences and competitions; and 3) to implement...

Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Payment
The objective of the THCGME program is to expand primary care medical and dental residency training programs in community-based ambulatory care settings. The objective of the THCPD program is to establish or expand sustainable primary care residency...

Heritage Partnership
The purpose of the Heritage Partnership Program funding is to carry out programs and projects that engage NHA recipients, partners, communities, and/or visitors in shared environmental stewardship. It promotes greater public and private...

New Bedford Whaling National Historic Park Cooperative Management
Legislation passed by Congress allows for the historic park to work collaboratively with interested entities and individuals to provide for visitor understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the park and surrounding historic areas.

Mississippi National River and Recreation Area State and Local Assistance
The Mississippi National River and Recreation Area is rich with historical and cultural stories. This program provides assistance and/or funds to enhance partner organization planning for and interpretation of non-Federal publicly owned lands within...

Natural Resource Stewardship
The Natural Resource Stewardship program is the principle means through which the NPS evaluates and improves the health of watersheds, landscapes, and marine and coastal resources, sustains biological communities on the lands and waters in parks,...

The Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate (ESDMD) defines and manages systems development for programs critical to the NASAs Artemis campaign and planning for NASAs Moon to Mars exploration approach in an integrated manner. ESDMD...

Space Operations
The Space Operations Mission Directorate (SOMD) is responsible for enabling human exploration sustained operations of the solar system. SOMD manages NASA crewed space operations in and beyond low-Earth orbit (LEO) and commercial launch services....

Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM)
NASAs journeys have propelled technological breakthroughs, pushed the frontiers of scientific research, and expanded our understanding of the universe. These accomplishments, and those to come, share a common genesis: education in STEM. NASAs Office...

Mission Support
Provides effective and efficient institutional support to enable successful accomplishment of NASA mission objectives by integrating resources, infrastructure, processes, and advocates for institutional capabilities and needs for NASA, and...

Lake Tahoe Regional Wetlands Development
To assist in addressing the past degradation of Lake Tahoe and its watershed by undertaking projects to meet the environmental thresholds as defined in the Tahoe Regional Planning Agencys Environmental Improvement Program (EIP). The environmental...

Grants for New and Expanded Services under the Health Center Program
To provide for expanded and/or sustained national investment in health centers funded under section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, or designated by HRSA as meeting the requirements of the Health Center Program (referred to as look-alikes)....

Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin, Riverside-Corona Feeder
Section 9112 of Public Law 111-11 directs the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Commissioner, to participate in the planning, design, and construction of the Riverside-Corona Feeder Project. Section 9112 authorizes the Secretary to...

AmeriCorps Volunteer Generation Fund 94.021
The Volunteer Generation Fund focuses on investments in volunteer management practices that strengthens nonprofit organizations and other entitys ability to increase recruitment and retention of volunteers to meet critical community needs through...

Youth Conservation
Promote and stimulate public purposes such as education, job training, development of responsible citizenship, productive community involvement, and furthering the understanding and appreciation of natural and cultural resources through the...

WIOA Dislocated Worker National Reserve Demonstration Grants
To carry out demonstration and pilot projects for the purpose of developing and implementing techniques and approaches, and demonstrating the effectiveness of specialized methods, in addressing employment and training needs of Dislocated Workers.