International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Federal Grants

Showing results 1-25 of 77 for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Building the Capacity of the Afghan Ministry of Counter Narcotics
The main objective of the MCN Capacity Building Project is to increase the MCN’s ability to develop and manage effective counternarcotics policies and programs, as measured by an organizational capacity assessment developed at baseline under...

Demand for Justice Project
The overall goal of this program is to increase the demand for justice in Kosovo. It is envisioned that by providing citizens with the requisite tools and information about the justice system, especially ongoing reform and mechanisms for citizen...

Legal Education Support Program for Pakistan
Pakistan’s criminal justice system needs improvement in accessibility, resources, institutional integrity, legal frameworks, and prosecutorial and judiciary skills. The system is handicapped by a lack of practical abilities, many of which...

Colombia Drug Demand Reduction Program - Annual Program Statement
INL is part of the Department of State’s multi-faceted response to transnational criminal activity. Dedicated to strengthening criminal justice systems, countering the flow of illegal narcotics, and minimizing transnational crime, INL plays a...

International Narcotics and Law Enforcement – Mexico Police Professionalization Program
INL Mexico seeks innovative, cutting-edge proposals for the Police Professionalization program from organizations that aim to assist Mexico in implementing reforms consistent with the objectives of Merida Initiative Pillar II.

Criminal Justice Systems
Institutionalize rule of law by developing and expanding criminal justice systems to strengthen partner country law enforcement and judicial effectiveness, foster cooperation in legal affairs, and advance respect for human rights.

Counter Narcotics
Disrupt the overseas production and trafficking of illicit drugs through targeted counter-narcotics and institution-building assistance and coordination with foreign nations and international organizations.

Trans-National Crime
Minimize the impact of transnational crime and criminal networks on the U.S. and its allies through enhanced international cooperation and foreign assistance.

Criminal Defense Community Development in the Kyrgyz Republic
INL’s traditional focus has been on providing training to prosecutors through the Prosecutors Training Center on ethics and trial advocacy skills. It now sees the need to provide training to criminal defense lawyers on these same skills, but...

Community Based Policing development in the Kyrgyz Republic
Community-oriented policing is meant to build trust among citizens and police, raise awareness of the threat of crime, including violent extremism, and eventually decrease the available space for criminal and/or violent extremist organizations to...

Judicial Outreach and Domestic Violence Response
The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) seeks applications from qualified organizations capable of providing comprehensive mentoring, training development, coordination, and related services in Panjakent District of...

Community Outreach Events and Logistical Support for Model Police Precinct (MPP)/Community Policing Program (CPP) in Honduras
To provide logistical support for events promoted by the Model Precinct Program (MPP)/Community Policing Program (CPP). The award recipient will provide logistical and technical support for a major event in Comayuelga, Honduras, which has been...

Forensics Training Partnership Program
This assistance will expose forensic scientists in requesting countries to advanced forensic entities in the U.S. and allow them to partake in further advanced, specialized training. Such exposure and training will improve their ability to produce...

Rule of Law Assistance related to Combating and Prosecuting Sexual and Gender Based Violence Crimes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)’s institutional capacity remains extremely weak and the inability of many state institutions to provide services contributes to the state’s fragility and has created governmental...

Mexican Criminal Justice System Certificate Program for Federal Prison System Officials (Organo Administrativo Deconcentrado Prevencion y Readaptacion Social)
The Merida Initiative is an unprecedented partnership between the United States and Mexico to fight organized crime and associated violence while furthering respect for human rights and the rule of law. Based on principles of shared responsibility,...

Logistical Support for Rule of Law, Citizen Security, and Law Enforcement Projects in Honduras and El Salvador
Logistical Support for Rule of Law, Citizen Security, and Law Enforcement Projects in Honduras and El Salvador

Mid and Executive – Level Management and Leadership Training Seminars
Mid and Executive – Level Management and Leadership Training Seminars” for the Lebanese Internal Security Forces (ISF), Lebanon’s police force

South Africa Law Enforcement Investigations for Wildlife Crime
INL seeks to build upon South Africa'™s law enforcement capabilities to combat wildlife crime and their response to wildlife trafficking by (1) building wildlife investigative and law enforcement skills in crime scene management...

Guatemala Central Region Municipal Public Safety Center Project (C-MPP)
Establish new MPSCs in 14 target municipalities in the departments of Sacatepéquez, Escuintla, Santa Rosa, Jalapa, and Jutiapa

Guatemala Northern Region Municipal Public Safety Center Project (N-MPP)
Establish new MPSCs in 17 target municipalities in the departments of Izabal, Alta Verapaz and Petén as part of a larger program known as the INL-Guatemala Model Police Precinct Program.

Guatemala Western Highlands Municipal Public Safety Center Project (WH-MPP)
Established MPSCs in 10 municipalities in the departments of Guatemala and Alta Verapaz. An additional 16 MPSCs are in various stages of implementation, including one “large” MPSC in the municipality of Quetzaltenango

Promoting Increased Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo
INL seeks proposals to increase the effectiveness of the criminal justice system in the Democratic Republic of Congo to increase access to justice for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and increase the likelihood that perpetrators of...

Management of Model Precinct/Smart Policing Program in El Salvador
Management of Model Precinct/Smart Policiing Program

Morocco Justice Sector Reform Feasibility Studies
Morocco Justice Sector Reform Feasibility Studies

Legal Education Visiting Scholar Program for Afghanistan
INL’s Office for Afghanistan and Pakistan Programs (INL/AP) is focused on directing and overseeing critical foreign assistance activities pertaining to counternarcotics, crime, rule of law and law enforcement training in Afghanistan. INL/AP...


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