Libraries, Information and Statistics Federal Grants

Showing results 151-175 of 185 for Libraries, Information and Statistics federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Libraries, Information and Statistics federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


The Regents Of the University of Idaho, acting through the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute
Sponsor 3rd Annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference. Assist in planning, supporting the conference content and logistical planning activities. Provide $16K total for support of participation in the conference and disseminating the...

Biscayne National Monument History
This is a notice of Intent to award a task agreement for $89,639.58 for the administrative history of Biscayne National Park. No proposals are being accepted for this award.

FY 2012 Statistical Examination Presidential Pardons
BJS is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications for an examination of the processing of petitions for Presidential Pardons. In the federal justice system, commutation of sentence and pardon are different forms of executive clemency, which...

Federal White Collar Violations Statistical Series
BJS is seeking applications to assist in designing and implementing a new statistical series that integrates criminal, civil, and regulatory enforcement data to comprehensively describe the federal response to white collar violations. The project...

2012 National Survey of Victim Service Organizations
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is pleased to announce that it is seeking an applicant to provide services in support for the development of a statistical system based on victim service organizations and their records on services provided to...

State and Local White Collar Crime Program
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applications to design and test strategies to field the State and Local White Collar Crime Program (SLWCCP). This is the first BJS effort to focus on white collar crime investigated and sanctioned by...

Construction & Environmental Compliance & Remediation
Review funding opportunity announcement for additional information. Construction is only allowed with Congressional authorization.

Office of Inspector General
Basic Research, Educational Outreach, or Training Opportunities in the area of Office of Inspector General.

Office of Inspector General funds (Treasury Account Symbol = 80-0109-0-1-252) will be used to fund NASA Federal Financial...

Congressional Grants
Provide funding for small business development and entrepreneurship initiatives, including programmatic and construction activities

91.003 Annual Senior Fellowship Competition
Established in 1987 USIP's Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowship Program provides scholars, policy analysts, policymakers, and other experts with opportunities to spend time in residence at the Institute, reflecting and writing on important conflict...

Transformation Initiative Research Grants: Demonstration and Related Small Grants
The Office of Policy Development and Research is conducting several major demonstrations through contract studies in the following areas: Family Self-Sufficiency; Pre-Purchase Counseling; Sustainable Building Practices; and Homeless Families...

Beacon Communities - Community Health Peer Learning Program
The Community Health Peer Learning Program will provide funding to a single awardee to: 1) Leverage and build upon health care delivery and practice transformation programs introduced through the Beacon Community Program; 2) Engage up to 15...

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms_Training Assistance
To help the participant identify the laws relating to alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives, and provide training in specific investigative skills and techniques, and to help State, county, and local law enforcement officers improve their law...

Vessel Hull Design Protection Service
To administer the Vessel Hull Design Protection Act of 1998; to examine and decide the acceptability of all applications and identifying material for registration of claims of protection; to establish by regulation the fees for filing of...

Census Customer Services
To assist census data users in the access to and use of published and unpublished data through information provided in newsletters, on-line catalogs, conferences and training courses; design new informational and data products to meet user needs;...

Labor Organization Reports
To provide for the reporting and disclosure of financial transactions and administrative practices of labor organizations, employers, labor consultants and others required to report under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA); to...

Clearinghouse Services, Civil Rights Discrimination Complaints
(1) To serve as a national clearinghouse for information to the public in respect to discrimination or denials of equal protection of the Laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin; to hold public hearings and...

Technical Preservation Services
The Technical Preservation Services office (TPS) of the National Park Service provides standards, guidance, technical preservation information, and assistance on preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings, including the "Secretary of the...

Copyright Service
OBJECTIVES: To administer the U.S. copyright law, to examine and decide the acceptability of all applications, deposit copies, and other materials presented for registration of original and renewal copyright claims; and preregistration of certain...

Depository Libraries for Government Publications
To provide a class of libraries in the United States and its possessions known as depository libraries, in which tangible and electronic U.S. Government information products are made available by the Superintendent of Documents for use by the...

Manufacturing and Services
To foster the competitiveness and growth of U.S. industries and promote their increased participation in international markets.

Veterans Information and Assistance
To provide all necessary information and assistance to potential claimants and other interested parties about veterans benefits and to provide locations within each State where this assistance can be obtained.

Donations/Loans of Obsolete DOD Property
To donate or lend obsolete combat material to veterans' organizations, soldiers' monument associations, State museums, incorporated museums, and incorporated municipalities.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information
To advance science and sustain technological creativity by making research and development (R&D) results available, findable and useable to the Department of Energy (DOE) researchers and the public. To collect, preserve, disseminate, and...

Veterans' Employment Program
To provide services to assist in reintegrating eligible veterans into meaningful employment within the labor force; and to stimulate the development of effective service delivery systems that will address the complex problems facing eligible...