Infants, Children Federal Grants

Showing results 101-125 of 207 for Infants, Children federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Infants, Children federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Nurse Education, Practice Quality and Retention Grants
Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Behavioral Health Integration (NEPQR-IPCP:BHI) Program: The purpose of this program is to increase the access to and quality of behavioral health services through behavioral health integrated team-based care...

Promotion of the Humanities Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development
Teaching and Learning Resources and Curriculum Development programs enhance the teaching and study of the humanities by creating new resources, programs, and curricula. Humanities Initiatives at Colleges and Universities, Community Colleges,...

Basic Center Grant
The purpose of the Basic Center Program is to establish or strengthen the capacity of community-based public and private agencies to address the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth under the age of 18 and their families. Emergency shelter...

Special Education Studies and Evaluations
To assess progress in implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, including State and local efforts to provide (1) Free appropriate public education to children with disabilities; and (2) early intervention services to infants and...

Title I State Agency Program for Neglected and Delinquent Children and Youth
To help provide educational continuity for neglected and delinquent children and youth in State-run institutions for juveniles and in adult correctional institutions, so that these youth can make successful transitions to school or employment once...

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) pursues NASA's strategic objectives, particularly Strategic Goal 1: Expand Human Knowledge through new Scientific Discoveries, using aircraft, balloon, and spaceflight programs to enable the execution of both...

Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research
To conduct basic and applied research and development that enhances U.S. national security and reduces the global danger from the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and special nuclear materials through needs- driven research and...

Head Start
Head Start programs promote school readiness by enhancing the cognitive, physical, behavioral, and social-emotional development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social, and other services to their enrollees -...

Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education
To promote and initiate a coordinated program of evidence-based research, demonstration projects, innovative strategies, and similar activities designed to build and enhance the ability of elementary and secondary schools nationwide to identify...

Minority Science and Engineering Improvement
To (1) effect long-range improvement in science and engineering education at predominantly minority institutions and (2) increase the participation of underrepresented ethnic minorities, particularly minority women, in scientific and technological...

Nursing Research
Nurses understand that improving health and well-being means addressing peoples needs in multiple settings, contexts, and over the whole life course. Science supported by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) uses this holistic...

Promotion of the Humanities Fellowships and Stipends
Fellowships and Stipends provide support for individual scholars to produce humanities scholarship, including books, articles, and digital projects. Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing projects that embody...

Rural Education
To provide financial assistance to rural districts to carry out activities to help improve the quality of teaching and learning in their schools.

Special Education Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities
The purpose of the Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities program is to promote academic achievement and to improve results for children with disabilities by providing technical...

Delinquency Prevention Program
Provide funding to implement evidence-based strategies to combat youth delinquency and to address the unmet needs of at-risk or delinquent youth through a continuum of delinquency prevention programs for young people who have had or who are likely...

Welfare Reform Research, Evaluations and National Studies
The objectives of Welfare Research (WR) are to support research, evaluation, and technical assistance related to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. This includes research on the effect of State TANF programs on employment,...

Child Welfare Research Training or Demonstration
This program supports research and demonstration projects which are of national or regional significance and special projects for the demonstration of new methods which show promise of substantial contribution to the advancement of child welfare....

Animal Health and Disease Research
The purpose of this funding is to increase animal health and disease research activities at accredited State veterinary schools or colleges or agricultural experiment stations that conduct animal health and disease research. To support animal health...

Adoption and Legal Guardianship Incentive Payments
The objective of the Adoption and Legal Guardianship Incentives program is to provide incentives to States and eligible Tribes to increase annually the number of children in foster care who find permanent homes through adoption or legal...

Adoption Opportunities
The purpose of this program is to eliminate barriers, including geographic barriers, to adoption and to provide permanent, loving home environments for children who would benefit from adoption, particularly children with special needs.

Special Programs for the Aging, Title III, Part D, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services
To develop or strengthen preventive health service and health promotion systems through designated State Agencies on Aging and Area Agencies on Aging. Funds are provided for evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion services including...

WIOA Youth Activities
To help low income youth, between the ages of 14 and 24, acquire the educational and occupational skills, training, and support needed to achieve academic and employment success and successfully transition into careers and productive adulthood.

Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Services Program
The purpose of the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Services program is to promote state and tribal flexibility in the development and expansion of a coordinated child and family services program that utilizes community-based agencies and ensures...

TRIO Staff Training Program
To provide training for staff and leadership personnel employed in, or preparing for employment in, projects funded under the Federal TRIO Programs (program numbers 84.042, 84.044, 84.047, 84.066, and 84.217.

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
The Title II Formula Grants Program provides funding to support state and local efforts to plan, establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate policies and projects, directly or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies, for the...