Individuals and Families Federal Grants

Showing results 551-575 of 877 for Individuals and Families federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Individuals and Families federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Public Diplomacy Proposals - Guatemala
The Embassy of the United States of America in GuatemalaÂ’s Public Affairs Section (PAS) invites interested individuals and non-profit organizations from Guatemala and the United States to submit proposals for projects requesting funding. A...

FY 2013 National Network for Environmental Management Studies Fellowship Program
In recognition of the growing interest in environmental issues and careers, the EPA established the National Network for Environmental Management Studies (NNEMS) Fellowship Program in 1986 to encourage students to pursue environmental careers. The...

Black Duck Joint Venture 2012/2013 RFP
The Black Duck Joint Venture (BDJV) is a partnership-based conservation program under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan that promotes the conservation of Black Ducks by providing greater knowledge for effective management. The U.S. Fish...

BDJV FY13 Competitive Grant Program
The Black Duck Joint Venture (BDJV) is a partnership-based conservation program under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan that promotes the conservation of Black Ducks by providing greater knowledge for effective management. The U.S. Fish...

NEA Literature Fellowships: Prose, FY 2014
The Arts EndowmentÂ’s support of a project may begin any time between January 1, 2014, and January 1, 2015, and extend for up to two years. The NEA Literature Fellowships program offers $25,000 grants in prose (fiction and creative nonfiction)...

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change
The Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change Challenge Area RFA focuses on the societal challenge to adapt agroecosystems and natural resource systems to climate variability and change and implement mitigation...

Coastal Program
The Coastal Program is a voluntary, incentive-based program that provides technical and financial assistance to coastal communities and landowners to restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat on public and private lands. The Coastal Program is...

THIS IS A NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD TO A SINGLE SOURCE, AND THERE IS NO FULL ANNOUNCEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS NOTICE. This Notice is not a request for competitive proposals. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) intends to award a...

FY13 Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program provides support for independent graduate-level studies in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology (including all science, engineering, social science and resource management of ocean and...

Collaborative Research
Collaborative Research Grants support interpretive humanities research undertaken by a team of two or more scholars, for full-time or part-time activities for periods of a minimum of one year up to a maximum of three years. Support is available for...

Scholarly Editions and Translations
Scholarly Editions and Translations grants support the preparation of editions and translations of pre-existing texts and documents of value to the humanities that are currently inaccessible or available in inadequate editions. These grants support...

Partners for Fish and Wildlife 2012
THERE IS NO FULL ANNOUNCEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS NOTICE. This is a Notice of Intent to Award a Grant Agreement, in accordance with DM 2, 2.14 B(4), between The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and the Nature Conservancy under authority of...

Watershed Improvements
Design and installation of fish passage and fish screening projects in priority areas (i.e. streams that support local population of bull trout) in the Upper Clark Fork (e.g. Harvey Creek, Flint Creek, Boulder Creek) Rock Creek, Bitterroot River,...

Mendota Dam Sluice Gates Replacement Project
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a cooperative agreement to Central California Irrigation District under the authority of catalog for domestic assistance (CFDA) 15.555, San Joaquin River Restoration Program, Public Law...

Ball Ranch Fishing Pilot Project
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a grant agreement to San Joaquin River Parkway & Conservation Trust, Inc under the authority of Catalog for Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 15.555, San Joaquin River Restoration Program, Public Law...

Spawning and Rearing Habitat Restoration in CVP Rivers
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue a cooperative agreement to California Department of Fish & Game under the authority of catalog for domestic assistance (CFDA) 15.512, Central Valley Project Improvement Act, Public Law...

World AIDS Day 2012 Events in Kinshasa
As part of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the U.S. Embassy Kinshasa Public Affairs Section (PAS) is pleased to announce that funding is available to organizations interested in planning and executing events for World...

Weber River Watershed Improvements to Enhance BCT Habitat
This is a Notice of Intent to award a Cooperative Agreement to Trout Unlimited, for the purpose of restoring BCT habitat in the Weber River, UT. The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows: Research and apply velocity, gradient...

Arroyo Canal Fish Screen and Sack Dam Fish Passage Project
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) intends to issue additional funding to cooperative agreement #R11AC20087 to Henry Miller Reclamation District #2131 under the authority of catalog for domestic assistance (CFDA) 15.555, Public Law 111-11,...

2013 Conservation Innovation Grant
B. Overview: The purpose of CIG is to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies, while leveraging the Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection in conjunction with...

NEA Literature Fellowships: Translation Projects, FY 2014
The Arts EndowmentÂ’s support of a project may begin any time between November 1, 2013, and November 1, 2014, and extend for up to two years. Through fellowships to published translators, the Arts Endowment supports projects for the...

Oral Bait Plague Vaccine for Prairie Dog Protection
This is a Notice of Intent to award a Grant to the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies for the purpose of supporting a comprehensive prairie conservation strategy and developing and distributing an oral bait plague vaccine for prairie...

Arctic Grayling Winter Habitat
This is a Notice of Intent to award a Cooperative Agreement to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, for the purpose of providing valuable information and data useful to the Fish and Wildlife Service in the forthcoming determination of whether or not to...

Recording and Evaluating Two Ranch Complexes
This Cooperative Agreement is being awarded to Dr. Ekaterini Vlahos under the Rocky Mountains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit. Record and evaluate the two ranch complexes at the Baca producing the following documentation: A. Report The report...

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center is releasing a Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) for the use of the Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Testbed. The SCaN testbed is a Communications, Navigation...