Higher Education Federal Grants

Showing results 126-150 of 223 for Higher Education federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Higher Education federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Immunization Research, Demonstration, Public Information and Education Training and Clinical Skills Improvement Projects
To assist states, political subdivisions of states, and other public and private nonprofit entities to conduct research, demonstration projects, and provide public information on vaccine-preventable diseases and conditions.

Morris K. Udall Scholarship Program
The Udall Undergraduate Scholarship identifies future leaders in environmental, Tribal public policy, and health care fields. It is highly competitive, with students participating in their schools' internal competitions before receiving...

Native American Employment and Training
To support employment and training services for Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiian individuals in order to develop more fully the academic, occupational, and literacy skills of such individuals; to make such individuals more...

Program for Study of Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
Develop, support, and deepen American expertise in the countries of Eastern Europe and the independent states of the former Soviet Union; Develop American proficiency in the critical languages of Eastern Europe and the independent states of the...

University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service
To pay the Federal share of the cost of administration and operation of interdisciplinary centers that: (1) Provide interdisciplinary training for personnel concerned with developmental disabilities; (2) provide community service activities that...

Cooperative Extension Service
GENERAL: The Cooperative Extension Service (CES) has an important role in reducing the impact of disasters through extension education. The Extension Special Needs program sponsors targeted projects that enable CES to assist in preparing for,...

Academic Exchange Programs - Teachers
As authorized by the Fulbright-Hays Act, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) seeks to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural...

Geriatric Academic Career Awards Department of Health and Human Services
The purpose of the GACA program is to support the career development of individual junior faculty in geriatrics at accredited health professions schools or graduate programs approved by the Secretary, including schools of allopathic medicine,...

Health Professions Preparatory Scholarship Program for Indians
To provide scholarships to American Indians and Alaska Natives for the purpose of completing compensatory pre-professional education to enable the recipient to qualify for enrollment or re- enrollment in a health professions school or curriculum.

Indian Child Welfare Act Title II Grants
To promote the stability and security of American Indian tribes and families by protecting American Indian children and preventing the separation of American Indian families and providing assistance to Indian tribes in the operation of child and...

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Program
To honor former Senator Barry Goldwater through the operation of an education scholarship program, financed by a permanent trust fund endowment, designed to encourage outstanding students to pursue research careers in mathematics, the natural...

Promotion of the Arts Grants to Organizations and Individuals
To support opportunities for all people to participate in the arts and arts education, integrate the arts with strategies that promote the well-being and resilience of people and communities, and build capacity and infrastructure within the arts...

Rural Health Care Services Outreach, Rural Health Network Development and Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement
Delta Region Community Health Systems Development Program: enhances health care delivery in the Delta Region through intensive technical assistance to providers in select rural communities, including Critical Access Hospitals, small rural hospitals,...

University Coal Research
To educate and train the next generation of engineers and scientists to help develop and contribute to a highly skilled, inclusive, and competitive U.S. workforce and economy. The primary objective is to fund research at U.S. colleges and...

Child Care Access Means Parents in School
To support the participation of low-income parents in postsecondary education through the provision of campus-based child care services.

Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (Title V State SRAE) Program
The purpose of the Title V State SRAE program is to provide messages to youth that normalizes the optimal health behavior of avoiding non-marital sexual activity. Title V State SRAE is a prevention education program targeted to youth ages 10 to 19....

Health Professions Recruitment Program for Indians
(1) To identify American Indians and Alaska Natives with a potential for education or training in the health professions, and to encourage and assist them to enroll in health or allied health professional schools; (2) to increase the number of...

Indian Education Assistance to Schools
To fund programs that meet the unique and specialized needs of eligible Indian students.

Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education
To promote and initiate a coordinated program of evidence-based research, demonstration projects, innovative strategies, and similar activities designed to build and enhance the ability of elementary and secondary schools nationwide to identify...

National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
To provide for the development of information describing and analyzing the health care workforce and workforce-related issues in order to provide necessary information for decision-making regarding future directions in health professions in response...

NIEHS Superfund Hazardous Substances_Basic Research and Education
To support innovate research and training through multi-project, interdisciplinary grants; individual investigator research grants; research education program grants; Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants; time-sensitive grants; and...

Promotion of the Humanities Fellowships and Stipends
Fellowships and Stipends provide support for individual scholars to produce humanities scholarship, including books, articles, and digital projects. Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing projects that embody...

Rural Health Research Centers
The Rural Health Research Center program supports publicly available, policy-relevant research to assist decision makers in understanding the challenges faced by rural communities and providers. The Rapid Response Rural Data Analysis and Issue...

Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grants
This grants program is designed to promote and strengthen higher education instruction in the food and agricultural sciences at the 34 Tribal Colleges designated as 1994 Land-Grant Institutions in the Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of...

Child Welfare Research Training or Demonstration
This program supports research and demonstration projects which are of national or regional significance and special projects for the demonstration of new methods which show promise of substantial contribution to the advancement of child welfare....