Health Services, Preventive Federal Grants

Showing results 76-98 of 98 for Health Services, Preventive federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Health Services, Preventive federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Reimbursement of State Costs for Provision of Part D Drugs
To ensure that the Medicare and Medicaid programs can respond expeditiously to the needs of the dual-eligible beneficiaries and beneficiaries who have enrolled in a Part D plan and have been determined to be eligible for the low-income subsidy. ...

State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs
To provide Federal funding for grants to States with State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs (SPAPs) for the purpose of educating SPAP participants about Medicare Part D coverage. These funds may also be used to provide technical assistance, phone...

Medicare Transitional Drug Assistance Program For States
To provide Federal funding for transitional assistance to certain low-income Medicare beneficiaries, for the purchase of prescription drugs as referenced in Section 1860D-31(b)(2) of the Act.

Pilot Program For National And State Background Checks - Direct Patient Access For Long-Term Care
To establish a pilot program to identify efficient, effective, and economical procedures for long-term care facilities or providers to conduct background checks on prospective direct patient access employees.

Veterans Dental Care
To provide dental services.

Veterans Medical Care Benefits
To provide outpatient medical services, hospital care, medicines and supplies to eligible veterans in receipt of VA health care.

Food Donation
To improve the diets of school and preschool children; the elderly; needy persons in charitable institutions; other individuals in need of food assistance; and, to increase the market for domestically produced foods acquired under surplus removal or...

Occupant Protection Incentive Grants
To encourage States to adopt effective programs to reduce highway deaths and injuries resulting from individuals riding unrestrained or improperly restrained in motor vehicles.

Public Health Training Centers Grant Program
To improve the nation's public health system by strengthening the technical, scientific, managerial and leadership competencies and capabilities of the current and future public health workforce. Emphasis is placed on developing the existing public...

Community Access Program
To provide assistance to communities and consortia of health care providers and others to develop or strengthen integrated community health care delivery systems that coordinate health care services for individuals who are uninsured or underinsured,...

Health Care and Other Facilities
To construct, renovate, expand, equip, or modernize health care facilities and other health care related facilities.

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Research
PLEASE SEE PROGRAM 93.855; Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research


Health Disparities in Minority Health
To support the elimination of health disparities among racial and ethnic populations through local small-scaled projects which address a demonstrated health problem or health issue.

State and Territorial and Technical Assistance Capacity Development Minority HIV/AIDS Demonstration Program
A collaborative effort to demonstrate that the involvement of State and Territorial Offices of Minority Health in coordinating a statewide response to the HIV/AIDS crisis in minority communities can have a greater impact on the communities'...

Cooperative Agreements for State Treatment Outcomes and Performance Pilot Studies Enhancement
To enable project States to collect information on SAPT Block Grant funded treatment services and monitor common substance abuse treatment effectiveness data measures across various State management information systems (MIS). This program will...

Bioterrorism Training and Curriculum Development Program
To develop a health care workforce with the knowledge, skills, abilities and core competencies to: (1) recognize indications of a terrorist event; (2) meet the acute care needs of patients, including pediatric and other vulnerable populations, in a...

Cooperative Agreements for State-Based Comprehensive Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Programs
To work with official State and territorial health agencies or their designees, and tribal health agencies in developing comprehensive breast and cervical cancer early detection programs. To the extent possible, increase screening and follow-up...

National Community Centers of Excellence in Women's Health
Phase 1
1.Provide 1 year of financial and technical support to an existing wellness coalition to develop a strategic action plan and implementation plan to reduce gender based health disparities in targeted communities.
2. Enhance...

Cooperative Agreements for Diabetes Control Programs
Diabetes Prevention and Control Programs (DPCPs) are funded by the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation to address the following national level goals: 1) Prevent diabetes. 2) Prevent the complications, disabilities, and burden associated with...

Research, Prevention, and Education Programs on Lyme Disease in the United States
To develop, implement and evaluate practical and effective measures for the primary and secondary prevention of Lyme disease in the United States.

Cooperative Agreements to Improve the Health Status of Minority Populations
To provide support for activities which have the potential to improve the health status and/or quality of life of racial/ethnic minorities, with the objective of reducing the excessive burden and death borne by minority and disadvantaged populations...

Cooperative Agreements to Support Comprehensive School Health Programs to Prevent the Spread of HIV and Other Important Health Problems
To improve the health and well-being of youth and prepare them to be healthy adults.

National Institutes of Health Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Research Loan Repayment Program
To help assure an adequate supply of trained researchers (physicians, registered nurses and scientists) with respect to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by providing for the repayment of...