Health and Medical Federal Grants

Showing results 1476-1500 of 3,893 for Health and Medical federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Health and Medical federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Medicare Supplementary Medical Insurance
To provide medical insurance protection for covered services to persons age 65 or over, to certain disabled persons and to individuals with end-stage renal disease. Enrollment in Part B is voluntary.

Nursing Research
Nurses understand that improving health and well-being means addressing peoples needs in multiple settings, contexts, and over the whole life course. Science supported by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) uses this holistic...

Public Awareness Campaigns on Embryo Adoption
To increase public awareness of embryo adoption and donation as a method of family building and provide individuals adopting embryos the medical and administrative services deemed necessary for such adoptions.

Tribal Self-Governance Program: IHS Compacts/Funding Agreements
To allow Federally recognized Indian Tribes to enter into an agreement with the Indian Health Service (IHS) to assume full funding and control over programs, services, functions and activities (PSFA) (or portions thereof) that the IHS would...

Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States
To expand the availability of diagnostic and support services for persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), their families, and their caregivers, as well as to improve the responsiveness of the home and community-based care...

Cancer Centers Support Grants
To provide an organizational focus and stimulus for the highest quality cancer research that effectively promotes interdisciplinary cancer research aimed toward the ultimate goal of reducing cancer incidence, mortality and morbidity. The Cancer...

Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances (SED)
To provide community-based systems of care for children and adolescents with a serious emotional disturbance and their families. The program will ensure that services are provided collaboratively across child-serving systems; that each child or...

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loans and Grants
To encourage and improve the use of telemedicine, telecommunications, computer networks, and related advanced technologies to provide educational and medical benefits through distance learning and telemedicine projects to people living in rural...

Geriatric Academic Career Awards Department of Health and Human Services
The purpose of the GACA program is to support the career development of individual junior faculty in geriatrics at accredited health professions schools or graduate programs approved by the Secretary, including schools of allopathic medicine,...

Health Professions Scholarship Program
To provide scholarships to American Indians and Alaska Natives at health professions schools in order to obtain health professionals to serve Indians. Upon completion, scholarship recipients are obligated to serve in the Indian Health Service or an...

Indian Health Service, Health Management Development Program
To develop and enhance management infrastructure of Federally-recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations to assume all or part of existing Indian Health Service programs, functions, services and activities.

Mental Health Disaster Assistance and Emergency Mental Health
To provide supplemental emergency mental health counseling to individuals affected by major disasters, including the training of workers to provide such counseling.

National Family Caregiver Support, Title III, Part E
To assist States, Territories in providing multifaceted systems of support services for: (1) Family caregivers; and (2) older relative caregivers. Services to be provided include: information to caregivers about available services; assistance to...

Nursing Student Loans
To increase educational opportunities by providing long-term, low-interest loans to students in need of financial assistance and in pursuit of a course of study in an approved nursing program.

Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program
The Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program supports eligible small rural hospitals in meeting value-based payment and care goals for their respective organizations through purchases of hardware, software, and training.

Tuberculosis Demonstration, Research, Public and Professional Education
To assist States, political subdivisions of States, and other public and nonprofit private entities in conducting research into prevention and control of tuberculosis (TB) nationally and internationally. To conduct demonstration projects, provide TB...

Veterans State Nursing Home Care
To provide financial assistance to States furnishing nursing home care to eligible veterans in State Veterans' Homes which meet the standards prescribed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

Appalachian Area Development
To help the regional economy become more competitive by putting in place the building blocks for self-sustaining economic development, while continuing to provide special assistance to the Region's most distressed counties and areas. This program...

Cancer Control
To reduce cancer risk, incidence, morbidity, and mortality and enhance quality of life in cancer survivors through an orderly sequence from research on interventions and their impact in defined populations to the broad, systematic application of the...

Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs
To support basic and clinical neuroscience, biomedical, behavioral and social science, epidemiologic, health services and health disparity research. To develop new knowledge and approaches related to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, etiology,...

PPHF Geriatric Education Centers
The purpose of this program is to improve health outcomes for older adults by developing a healthcare workforce that maximizes patient and family engagement, and by integrating geriatrics and primary care. The goals of this program are: 1) to...

Health Professions Student Loans, Including Primary Care Loans and Loans for Disadvantaged Students
To increase educational opportunities by providing long-term, low-interest loans to students in need of financial assistance and in pursuit of a course of study in an approved health discipline.

Indian Self-Determination
To enable Indian tribes to assume the management and operation of programs, functions, services, and activities (PFSA) for the delivery of health care to Indian people. To enter into a self- determination contract or contracts with Indian tribes or...

National Health Promotion
Assistance must be provided to satisfy program needs of the National Health Promotion Program, including but not limited to: (1) identifying or developing materials for health promotion programs for use by states, Tribes, territories, localities,...

Nursing Workforce Diversity
The objective of the NWD program is to increase the diversity of the nursing workforce by supporting students from disadvantaged backgrounds in becoming registered nurses to decrease health disparities and increase health equity. The objective of...


Popular Health and Medical Federal Grants

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