General Public Federal Grants

Showing results 1-25 of 354 for General Public federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a General Public federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Shelter and Services Program
To provide funding to non-federal entities that serve noncitizen migrants recently released from DHS custody to temporarily provide shelter, food, transportation, acute medical care, personal hygiene supplies, and labor necessary to manage cases to...

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), Biodefense Medical Countermeasure Development
The purpose of this program is to coordinate the acceleration of countermeasure and product advanced research and development by(A) facilitating collaboration between the Department of Health and Human Services and other Federal agencies, relevant...

ASPR Science Preparedness and Response Grants
To conduct preparedness and response research that will inform the ongoing response to, and recovery from disasters

Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chain Demonstrations and Commercial Applications
Strengthen and secure domestic manufacturing and energy supply chains needed to modernize the nation's energy infrastructure and support an equitable transition to a decarbonized energy system and economy. Catalyze the establishment of the domestic...

Office of Technology Transitions (OTT)-Technology Deployment, Demonstration and Commercialization
The Mission of the Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) is to expand the public impact of the department's research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) portfolio to advance the economic, energy and national security interests of...

Cable Security Fleet Program
The CSF helps sustain a fleet of cable vessels active, commercially viable, privately-owned cable vessels operating under U.S. registry to meet national security requirements. Participating operators are required to make their ships and commercial...

Tanker Security Program
The Tanker Security Program (TSP) will ensure that a core fleet of U.S.-based product tankers can operate competitively in international trade and enhance U.S. supply chain resiliency for liquid fuel products. The TSP will provide the Department of...

Cyberspace and Digital Policy
Build Connections by promoting investments in secure, diverse, and resilient ICT infrastructure. Advance an Open, Interoperable, Reliable, and Secure Internet by promoting inclusive, rights-respecting, multi-stakeholder models of internet governance...

100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund
Increase the number of grants available to HEIs throughout the Western Hemisphere. Foster connectivity between HEIs in the region. Manage grant competitions by eliciting and selecting from competitive grant proposals from HEIs. Monitor projects and...

Partnership for Regional East Africa Counterterrorism (PREACT):
The objective of this program is to build the capacity and resilience of military, law enforcement, and civilian actors across East Africa to degrade al-Shabaab, an al-Qaeda affiliate, defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and counter...

Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs
To support the goals of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, as described in the bureaus Joint Regional Strategy. This program supports all grant awards funded by State/SCA.

Nicodemus National Historic Site
The town of Nicodemus, in Kansas, has national significance as the only remaining western town established by African-Americans during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War. The town of Nicodemus is symbolic of the pioneer spirit of...

Salton Sea Program
Objectives of this program are to develop and implement restoration and management strategies at the Salton Sea that (1) enhance fish and wildlife health, (2) protect air quality, (3) provide opportunities for recreation use and economic...

Lower Colorado River Basin Conservation and Efficiency Program
The LC Conservation Program is intended to provide new opportunities to fund system conservation and efficiencies in the Lower Colorado River Basin that lead to more durable long-term solutions for the Colorado River System. These opportunities...

Defense Security Cooperation University - Sponsored Research
The Defense Security Cooperation Agencys (DSCA) Defense Security Cooperation Universitys (DSCU) mission is to advance the knowledge and practice of security cooperation by producing research, analysis, and lessons learned that expand the...

Native American Consultation to Identify Sacred Sites and Traditional Cultural Properties
The overall objective is to work with Tribal representatives to identify sacred sites and traditional cultural properties (TCP) and achieve consensus on best cultural resources protection practices. The intent is to gain tribal insight and input on...

Emergency Livestock Relief Program 2022
The Emergency Livestock Relief Program (ELRP) 2022 provides direct financial assistance to livestock producers for losses incurred because of qualifying drought or wildfire in calendar year 2022. ELRP 2022 will provide assistance to eligible...

Census of Agriculture
The mission of the National Agricultural Statistics Agency (NASS) is to provide timely, accurate, and useful statistics in service to the U.S. agriculture economy. The statistical data provided by NASS is essential to the public and private sectors...

Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program
Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program (ODMAP) participants will receive a one-time payment, calculated based on a cost share of marketing costs on the pounds of organic milk marketed for the 2022 calendar year not to exceed 5 million pounds of...

Great American Outdoors Act Deferred Maintenance Program
The Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) establishes a new fund for five years to address the maintenance backlog of the US Forest Service and other federal land management agencies.

Pandemic Cover Crop Program
Agricultural producers who have coverage under most crop insurance policies are eligible for a premium benefit from USDA if they planted cover crops during this crop year. The Pandemic Cover Crop Program, offered by USDAs Risk Management Agency...

Transitional and Organic Grower Assistance Program
Agriculture producers who have crop insurance coverage on crops in transition to organic or a certified organic grain or feed crop are eligible for premium assistance from USDA for the 2023 reinsurance year. The Transitional and Organic Grower...

Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program
USDA is making grant funding available to meat and poultry processors for start-up and expansion. The objective is to provide more and better processing options to producers as soon as possible.

Pandemic Assistance for Cotton Merchandisers (PACM)
The Pandemic Assistance for Cotton Merchandisers (PACM) program, considering COVID-19 and other supply chain disruptions, provides $100 million to cotton merchandisers.

Supplemental Dairy Margin Coverage
Supplemental Dairy Margin Coverage (Supplemental DMC) is a program enhancement to Dairy Margin Coverage which allows small and mid-size dairy operations the opportunity to establish a supplemental production history in addition to an already...