Forest Service Federal Grants

Showing results 51-71 of 71 for Forest Service federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Forest Service federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Schools and Roads - Grants to States
To share receipts from the National Forests and supplemental mandatory appropriations with States in which the National Forests are situated.

Wood Utilization Assistance
Provide direct technical assistance to Forest Service, state foresters, tribes, public and private organizations regarding new and emerging wood utilization technologies and products to effectively manage forests and extend the most efficient and...

2014 USFS IP Peru Forest Sector Intitiative
This Request for Information (RFI) is for planning/information purposes only and shall not be construed as a commitment or a promise of an agreement or contract by the United States Government (USG). This is not a solicitation. This notice does not...

2014 Hazardous Fuels Wood to Energy Grant Program Request for Proposals
The U.S Forest Service Wood Education and Resource Center (WERC) requests proposals for wood energy projects that require engineering services necessary for final design and cost analysis. The Hazardous Fuels Wood to Energy (W2E) Grant Program will...

2014 Statewide Wood Energy Teams Request for Proposals
The U.S. Forest Service is providing leadership and funding on behalf of a USDA multiagency Wood to Energy Initiative by offering this Request for Proposals to support collaborative statewide wood energy teams that advance the installation of...

Disaster Relief Appropriations Act for Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)
Funding is provided to the state forester or designated official as reimbursement for approved technical assistance provided to eligible forest landowners by the state forestry agency in support of USDA Farm Service Agency and the delivery of the...

2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program
2015 Forest Service National Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Deadline: May 15, 2014 The Secretary of Agriculture has a congressionally designated advisory council that assists the U.S. Forest Service in establishing the...

The U.S. Forest Service is providing leadership and funding on behalf of a USDA, multiagency, Wood-To-Energy Initiative by offering a Request for Proposals for projects that support collaborative, statewide wood energy teams that advance the...

2014 National Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program
The Secretary of Agriculture has a congressionally designated advisory council that assists the U.S. Forest Service in establishing the grant categories and recommendations of final proposals for the Forest Service to consider. This is the National...

Woody Biomass Utilization Grant
2013 Hazardous Fuels−Woody Biomass Utilization Restoration Activities on All Priority ForestlandsGoals of the grant program are:• Promote projects that target and help remove economic and market barriers to using woody biomass for...

Collaborative Forest Restoration Program
The U.S. Forest Service Southwestern Region requests applications for forest restoration projects on Federal, Tribal, State, County, Land Grant, or Municipal forest lands in New Mexico that are designed through a collaborative process that includes...

Eastern Nevada Landscape Restoration Project (enlrp)
To enter into domestic grants with Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition, Great Basin Institute or other willing participants for reducing hazardous fuels and restoring native rangeland and woodland within White Pine and Lincoln counties in the state...

Community Wood Energy Program
Encourage the development of community wood energy plans and/or acquire or upgrade community wood energy systems.

Forest Biomass For Energy
To encourge the use of woody biomass for energy. Priority will be given to projects that: (a) develop technology and techniques to use low-value forest biomass, such as byproducts of forest health treatments and hazardous fuels reduction, for the...

Recovery Act of 2009: Capital Improvement and Maintenance
For priority road, bridge and trail maintenance and decommissioning, including related watershed restoration and ecosystem enhancement projects; facilities improvement, maintenance and renovation; and remediation of abandoned mine sites. All funds...

Recovery Act of 2009: Wildland Fire Management
Hazardous fuels reduction, forest health protection, rehabilitation and hazard mitigation activities on Federal lands, and State and private forestry activities including hazardous fuels reduction, forest health and ecosystem improvement activities...

Wood In Transportation Program
To provide funds, on a cost share basis, for the construction of demonstration modern timber bridges and modern timber bridge technology transfer projects. Primary focus is to assist in the development and commercialization of new technologies that...

Forest Land Enhancement Program
With respect to the sustainable management of nonindustrial private forest and other rural lands suitable for sustainable forest management; provide technical and educational assistance; provide cost share for practices such as management plan...

National Forest-Dependent Rural Communities
Provide accelerated assistance to rural communities faced with acute economic problems associated with Federal, State or private sector resource management decisions and policies and that are located in or near a national forest and are economically...

Rural Development, Forestry, and Communities
To help rural areas analyze and assess forest resource opportunities, maximize local economic potential through market development and expansion, and diversify communities' economic base.

Southeast Alaska Economic Disaster Fund
To counter the effects of the declining timber program of the Tongass National Forest.


Popular Forest Service Federal Grants

Federal Grants Resources