For Profit Organizations Federal Grants

Showing results 176-200 of 2,912 for For Profit Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a For Profit Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Accelerating Research on Intervertebral Disc (ARID) (R21)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage the submission of exploratory/developmental grant applications proposing studies on basic biology of the intervertebral disc.The NIAMS invites investigators from all areas of...

Accelerating Research on Intervertebral Disc (ARID) (R01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage the submission of grant applications proposing studies on basic biology of the intervertebral disc.The NIAMS invites investigators from all areas of cell biology,...

Research on Bias Crimes
NIJ is seeking research and evaluation related to bias crime perpetration and victimization. For this solicitation, NIJ is interested in a broad range of research that will address gaps in our ability to identify, assess, and understand the behavior...

Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Maximizing State Reforms
Approximately 2.2 million people were incarcerated in federal, state, and local prisons and jails in 2014, a rate of 1 out of every 110 adults. Many prison populations remain near all-time high levels and face crowding or resource challenges, and...

Improvement of Animal Models for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine (R01)
This FOA encourages Research Project Grant (R01) applications from institutions and organizations proposing research aimed at characterizing animal stem cells and improving existing, and creating new, animal models for human disease conditions.The...

Elder Abuse Prevention Demonstration Project: Planning Phase
NIJ, in collaboration with other Federal agencies, is interested in funding a cooperative agreement to conduct a rigorous, multi-year demonstration project to prevent abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation among community-residing elderly...

Improvement of Animal Models for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine (R21)
This FOA encourages Exploratory/Developmental Research grant (R21) applications from institutions and organizations proposing research aimed at characterizing animal stem cells and improving existing, and creating new, animal models for human...

Assessing Human Placental Development and Function Using Existing Data (R21)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is for the evaluation of human placental development and function across pregnancy through the application of assessment technologies to existing data.

Assessing Human Placental Development and Function Using Existing Data (R01)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is for the evaluation of human placental development and function across pregnancy through the application of assessment technologies to existing data.

Limited Competition - Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC): Technologies to Understand the Control of Organ Function by the Peripheral Nervous System (OT2)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications (via limited competition) for SPARC Technologies to Understand the Control of Organ Function by the Peripheral Nervous System. These projects will develop new...

Pre-application: Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC): Technologies to Understand the Control of Organ Function by the Peripheral Nervous System (OT1)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite pre-applications from applicants who have an interest in ultimately submitting an application to "Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC): Technologies to...

The Margin Protection Program
MPP-Dairy offers a protection plan which provides payments to dairy operations when the difference between the all-milk price and the average feed cost falls below a certain, producer selected, dollar amount. Producers will be eligible for a basic...

Specially Adapted Housing Assistive Technology Grant Program
Pursuant to the Veterans Benefit Act of 2010, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Secretary), through the Loan Guaranty Service (LGY) of the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), is authorized to provide grants of financial assistance to develop...

Agricultural and Food Policy Research Centers
To conduct research and education programs that are objective, operationally independent, and external to the Federal Government and that concern the effect of public policies and trade agreements on: (1) the farm and agricultural sectors (including...

Research, Monitoring and Outcomes Definitions for Vaccine Safety
Enhance the work of local communities and their partnerships with immunization champions to identify, plan, implement, and evaluate evidence-based practices.

Rural Development Cooperative Agreement Program
USDA Rural Development Innovation Center in partnership with Rural Cooperative Business Service

Wetland Mitigation Banking Program
The Wetland Mitigation Banking Program is used to help establish wetland mitigation banks to help producers meet their wetland conservation compliance responsibilities needed to maintain eligibility for many USDA programs administered by the FSA and...

Broad Agency Announcement
This BAA is a mechanism to encourage research, education and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships that are not addressed through NOAA's competitive discretionary programs.

Emerging Infections Sentinel Networks
In its 1994 monograph, Addressing Emerging Infectious Disease Threats A Prevention Strategy for the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) called for the establishment of provider-based Emerging Infections Sentinel...

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science, Observation, Monitoring, and Technology
The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAAs) RESTORE Science Program is to carry out research, observation, and monitoring to support the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem, fish stocks, fish habitat, and the...

Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support
This Program supports activities to: provide information and education on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (DD) to increase public awareness; promote research into the development and validation of reliable...

Marine Debris Program
To provide grants and cooperative agreements to help identify, determine sources of, assess, reduce, and prevent marine debris and its adverse impacts on the marine environment and navigation safety within the coastal United States, territories, and...

Pest Management and Vector Control Research
Research designed to develop new interventions for protection of deployed military personnel from diseases caused by arthropod-borne pathogens and to improve control of filth flies.

Legacy Resource Management Program
The purpose of the DoD Legacy Program is to provide funding to help manage and sustain DoD land in the United States. Legacy is tasked with funding high priority national and regional natural and cultural resources projects that support military...