For Profit Organizations Federal Grants

Showing results 76-100 of 2,912 for For Profit Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a For Profit Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Organic and Transitional Education and Certification Program
OTECP provides direct financial assistance to certified organic and transitional operations that incurred costs related to USDA organic certification or renewal, soil testing, or educational event registration in fiscal years 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Food Safety Certification for Specialty Crops Program
FSCSC provides direct financial assistance to eligible specialty crop operations that incurred expenses related to food safety certification in calendar years 2022 and 2023.

Pandemic Assistance Revenue Program
PARP provides direct financial support for eligible producers of agricultural commodities who suffered an eligible revenue loss in calendar year 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program
SMHPP provides assistance to producers that sold hogs through a spot market sale from April 16, 2020, through September 1, 2020, the period in which these producers faced the greatest reduction in market prices due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Heirs’ Property Relending Program
As specified in 7 U.S.C. 1936c(c), HPRP provides loan funds to intermediaries who will re-lend loan funds to individuals and entities with undivided ownership interests in order to resolve ownership and succession issues relating to a farm owned in...

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 1
CFAP provides direct financial assistance to producers of eligible agricultural commodities where prices and market supply chains have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2
CFAP 2 provides direct financial assistance to producers of eligible agricultural commodities who face continuing market disruptions, low farm-level prices, and significant marketing costs due to COVID-19.

Quality Loss Adjustment Program
The Quality Loss Adjustment (QLA) Program provides assistance to producers who suffered crop quality losses due to hurricanes, excessive moisture, floods, drought, tornadoes, typhoons, volcanic activity, snowstorms, and wildfires occurring in...

Oriental Fruit Fly Program
The detection of multiple oriental flies triggered the State of Florida and Animal Plant Health and Inspection Service (APHIS) to implement a quarantine in Miami-Dade- County on August 28, 2015. The Oriental Fruit Fly (OFF) is considered one of the...

Supplemental Dairy Margin Coverage
Supplemental Dairy Margin Coverage (Supplemental DMC) is a program enhancement to Dairy Margin Coverage which allows small and mid-size dairy operations the opportunity to establish a supplemental production history in addition to an already...

Market Transparency Project for Health IT Interoperability Services Cooperative Agreement Program
The purpose of this program is to increase market awareness and transparency associated with the wide range of costs associated with health IT interoperability services.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Collaboration with Academia to Strengthen Public Health
This program seeks to catalyze innovative efforts to provide public health professionals, students, and faculty with the competencies and knowledge to reduce the leading causes of death and illness and build workforce capacity to transform the...

Health Care and Public Health (HPH) Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO)
The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to build the capacity of an information sharing and analysis organization (ISAO) to share information bi-directionally with the Health and Public Health (HPH) sector and HHS about cyber threats and...

Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Retail Food Specimens
The National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) is a U.S. public health surveillance system that tracks antibiotic resistance in enteric bacteria from humans, retail meats, and food animals. When antimicrobial drugs are used in...

Title V Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program (Discretionary Grants)
The purpose of the Title V Competitive SRAE Program is to fund projects to implement education exclusively on sexual risk avoidance that teaches youth participants to voluntarily refrain from non-marital sexual activity. Title V Competitive SRAE is...

Extramural Research Restoration Program: Hurricanes Harvey, Maria, and Irma – non-construction
As written in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-123), this program will fund disaster response and recovery, and other expenses directly related to Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, or Hurricane Maria, which are in the FEMA-declared major...

Extramural Research Facilities Restoration Program: Hurricanes Harvey, Maria, and Irma – Construction
As written in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-123), this program will fund disaster response and recovery, and other expenses directly related to Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, or Hurricane Maria, which are in the FEMA-declared major...

Global Tuberculosis:Developing,Evaluating,Implementing Evidence-based and Innovative Approaches to Find, Cure, and Prevent Tuberculosis Globally
CDCs global health priorities include efforts towards ending the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic by: expanding access to improved screening, contact tracing, and diagnostic tools to find the missing TB cases (FIND); optimizing treatment for TB and...

National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance and Syringe Services Program (SSP) Monitoring and Evaluation Funding Opportunity
The purpose of this program is to strengthen harm reduction programs in order to prevent infectious disease resulting from injection drug use, and improving health outcomes for people who inject drugs; including strengthening linkage to...

Integrated Care for Kids Model
The purpose of this cooperative agreement funding opportunity is to support the implementation of the Integrated Care for Kids (INCK) model with up to eight (8) awardees. The InCK Model is a child-centered state payment and local service delivery...

Head Start Disaster Recovery
Head Start Disaster Recovery provides funding for Head Start programs where supplemental appropriations were made available for disaster relief. In FY 2023, supplemental funding was appropriated for necessary expenses directly related to the...

Technical Assistance to Increase Tobacco Cessation
To provide technical assistance to state tobacco control programs and national and state partners. The technical assistance will focus on translating the science of tobacco control cessation into public health action in order to increase the number...

Molybdenum-99 Program
In 2012, Congress passed the American Medical Isotopes Production Act (AMIPA), which directed the Department of Energy to establish a technology-neutral program to support the establishment of domestic supplies of molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) without the...

Cybersecurity, Energy Security & Emergency Response (CESER)
The Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) enhances the security and resilience of U.S. critical energy infrastructure from all hazards, mitigate the impacts of disruptive events and risk to the sector overall....

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation (WIFIA)
To accelerate investment in our nation's water and wastewater infrastructure by providing long-term, low-cost supplemental credit assistance under customized terms to creditworthy water and wastewater projects of national and regional significance....