Food and Nutrition Federal Grants

Showing results 351-375 of 520 for Food and Nutrition federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Food and Nutrition federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Draft - Request for Applications (RFA) for the production, packaging, and stockpiling of shelf-stable food commodities. - NOTE: This is a draft RFA intended for a 45 day comment period only. - Draft RFA - The United States Agency for...

Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women: Bladder Health Clinical Centers (PLUS-CCs) (U01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites cooperative agreement research applications to establish a multi-center, multi-disciplinary consortium to be known as the Prevention of Lower Urinary tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium. ...

Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women: Bladder Health Scientific and Data Coordinating Center (PLUS-SDCC) (U01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites cooperative agreement research applications to establish a multi-center, multi-disciplinary consortium to be known as the Prevention of Lower Urinary tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium. ...

Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Clinical Centers (U01)
Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet is an international consortium of clinical research centers aimed at the delay or prevention of type 1 diabetes (T1D). This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will provide infrastructure support for TrialNet Centers,...

NIDDK Physician Scientist Diversity Mentoring Award (K05)
The purpose of the Clinician Scientist Mentoring Award to Promote Workforce Diversity is to provide support to mid-career health-professional doctorates or equivalent (See Section III) for protected time to devote effort to basic, epidemiological or...

National Research Project to Assess State Agricultural Laws, Regulations, and Resources Related to Produce Safety (U01)
The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA), Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), Office of Partnerships (OP), is announcing the availability of a Cooperative Agreement to be awarded under a Limited Competition. The estimated amount of funds available...

Advanced Clinical Trials to test Artificial Pancreas Device Systems in Type 1 Diabetes (UC4)
This FOA will support the conduct of advanced clinical trials designed to test the outpatient clinical safety and efficacy of artificial pancreas (AP) device systems in type 1 diabetes with the objective of improving glycemic control and reducing...

Limited Competition for the Continuation of the Adult Acute Liver Failure Study Group (U01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to continue the Acute Liver Failure Study Group with a focus on further enrollment of patients with acute liver failure (ALF) into a clinical database; to increase the numbers of...

NIDDK Cooperative Hematology Specialized Core Centers (U54)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to invite U54 grant applications for Cooperative Specialized Hematology Core Centers.The NIDDK Hematology Centers Program is designed to increase resource sharing and collaboration in the...

NIAID SBIR - Technology Transfer Direct Phase II (SBIR-TT) (R44)
The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to move commercially-viable diagnostic inventions from NIAID and NIDDK intramural research laboratories into the marketplace. This FOA solicits Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)...

FY14 SNAP Recipient Trafficking Prevention Grant
Section 29(a) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2036) authorizes the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to provide grants on a competitive basis to State agencies to strengthen recipient integrity...

Limited Competition: Data Coordinating Center for The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) Study (UC4)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites one High Impact Research and Research Infrastructure Cooperative Agreement application (UC4) from the Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) of the Data Coordinating Center (DCC) from...

Yukon River Salmon Research and Management Assistance 2014
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) receives funds for implementation of the Yukon River Salmon Agreement with Canada which was reached in March 2001. The Yukon River Salmon Agreement of 2000 authorizes funds for implementation of the...

Improving Diabetes Management in Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes (DP3)
The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support research to develop, refine, and pilot test innovative strategies to improve diabetes management in young children with type 1 diabetes (5 years old and under). At the end of the...

Long-Term Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery Using Large Datasets (R01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support applications that address the long-term (five-year minimum) clinical outcomes of bariatric surgery using large datasets within healthcare delivery organizations. Clinical outcomes of interest...

Chronic Kidney Disease Biomarkers Consortium (CKD BioCon) (U01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to establish the second phase of the Chronic Kidney Disease Biomarkers Consortium (CKD BioCon) through a cooperative agreement. The CKD BioCon was established as a cooperative agreement...

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Research and Translation Core Centers (P30)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Research and Translation Core Centers to support both basic and clinical research on PKD.

Research Using Biosamples From Selected Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Studies (DP3)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications for ancillary studies using archived samples from selected diabetes clinical trials and studies. Ancillary studies are expected to generate scientific discoveries on type 1 diabetes...

Research Using Subjects From Selected Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Studies (Living Biobank) (DP3)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement invites applications for ancillary studies that use subjects enrolled in (or screened for participation in) the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet clinical trials network, or for ancillary studies that use subjects...

Kidney Health Initiative (R18)
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Office of Medical Policy (OMP) is announcing its intent to accept and consider a single source application for the award of a grant to the American Society of...

Evaluating Predictive Methods and Product Performance in Healthy Adults for Pediatric Patients, Case Study: Furosemide (U01)
Earlier exploratory CDER research projects showed that dissolution and/or solubility of a poorly soluble drug (furosemide was studied as the model drug) was higher in medium containing milk and baby formula than that in standard buffer medium. ...

Predictive in vitro Methods for Characterizing Product Performance, Case Study: Furosemide (U01)
This project follows after earlier CDER research projects in which in vitro furosemide dissolution and/or solubility data were collected in various dissolution media such as simulated gastric and intestinal fluids. In two different studies with...

The Use of Polyethylene Glycol in the Pediatric Population (R01)
The purpose of the proposed study is to better understand the extent of pediatric accumulation of low molecular weight (LMW) species that may be found in PEG 3350 products (e.g., ethylene and diethylene glycol) and of PEG 3350 metabolites. PEG 3350...

U.S.-India Bilateral Collaborative Research Partnerships (CRP) on Diabetes Research (R21)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites Exploratory/Developmental (R21) applications from United States (U.S.)-funded institutions with an Indian institution partner to establish Collaborative Research Partnerships (CRP) to advance...

Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (P30)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications for Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (DDRCCs). The DDRCCs are part of an integrated program of digestive and liver diseases research support provided by the...