Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations Federal Grants

Showing results 76-100 of 1,087 for Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Education, Investigation and Prosecution Program
The objectives of Shepard and Byrd Hate Crimes Program are: Offer relevant and cost-effective approaches to enhance capacity through educational outreach, training, and tools for the field to investigate, and prosecute hate crime cases; ...

Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program
Goal: To provide veterans treatment courts and criminal justice professionals with the resources needed to implement, enhance, and sustain evidence-based treatment and recovery support programs and systems for eligible veterans in the criminal...

Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative
Goal: The overall goal of the Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) program is to reduce violence by persons at high risk for violence. Objective: The CVIPI program provides funding to prevent and reduce violent...

Khalid Jabara and Heather Heyer NO HATE Act
The primary goal is for state agencies to establish and run state-run hate crime reporting hotlines to facilitate significantly increased reporting of hate crimes data, and to ensure that victims are connected to available support services and...

Supporting Vulnerable and At-Risk Youth Transitioning out of Foster Care
The goal of the program is to promote positive youth outcomes and public safety for at-risk adolescents and vulnerable youth transitioning from foster care. OJJDP has identified the following specific program objectives: Enhance and expand models...

Restorative Practices to Address Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking
The restorative Practices Program is designed to assist eligible entities to develop or implement a program, or to assess best practices for: 1) restorative practices to prevent or address domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or...

Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations
This program establishes or expands sexual assault examination programs, including sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) programs and sexual assault forensic examiner (SAFE) programs, that focus on increasing the number and availability of...

Virtual Reality De-escalation Training
Goal: To prepare officers to safely and effectively respond to the range of situations they face in the line of duty and develop confidence within the community that law enforcement will treat individuals fairly and in accordance with the law....

Tribal Special Assistant United States Attorneys
Tribal SAUSA is an initiative to support cross-designation of tribal prosecutors as Tribal Special Assistant United States Attorneys.

Historic Preservation Fund Grants-in-Aid for Competitive Grants
The objectives of the competitive grant programs under this Assistance Listing are broad but are all generally intended to provide funding to document and preserve cultural resources that are important to American history. Following Congressional...

Tribal Special Criminal Jurisdiction Reimbursement
The purpose of this program is to reimburse Tribal governments for expenses incurred in exercising special Tribal criminal jurisdiction (STCJ) over non-Indians who commit certain covered crimes in Indian country.

National Fish Passage
To restore native fish and other aquatic species to self-sustaining levels by reconnecting habitat that barriers have fragmented, where such reconnection would not result in a net negative ecological effect such as providing increased habitat to...

National Fish Habitat Partnership
To comprehensively address the causes of fish habitat decline by working together with partners to maximize the impact of limited funding for fish habitat conservation. Under NFHP, Federal, State, Tribal, and privately-raised funds are leveraged...

Southwest Border Resource Protection Program
Provide financial assistance to educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, tribes, and local and state agencies to improve resource stewardship, achieve international cooperation, provide meaningful interpretation and conduct scientific...

Salton Sea Program
Objectives of this program are to develop and implement restoration and management strategies at the Salton Sea that (1) enhance fish and wildlife health, (2) protect air quality, (3) provide opportunities for recreation use and economic...

Agricultural Water Use Efficiency Program
The objective of the Agricultural Water Conservation Efficiency Program is to invite eligible applicants to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing with Reclamation on projects that save water, improve water management, increase water...

Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Phase III (Yakima Basin Integrated Plan)
To fund grants or cooperative agreements for the purpose of land and water transfers, leases, and acquisitions in support of water conservation projects to improve tributary and mainstem streamflow.

Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Program
The objective of the Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Program is to work cooperatively with states, Tribes, and other entities as they study, design and construct aquatic ecosystem restoration projects that are collaboratively developed, have...

Land Acquisition Funding Program
Assist federally recognized Tribes in acquiring land consistent with applicable laws and regulations in establishing a Tribal trust land base. The Bureau of Indian Affairs received funding for land acquisition efforts for on and off current...

Tribal Electrification Program
Tribal Electrification Program through the Inflation Reduction Act to provide zero emission household electrification to tribes and on tribal lands.

Zoonotic Disease Initiative
Assistance will be available for a range of activities with the focus of the program being on strengthening the foundation of an interjurisdictional landscape-level wildlife health and disease network to protect wildlife, ecosystems, economies, and...

Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement
In 2016, the Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement passed (PL 114-322) and the Blackfeet Tribe along with Reclamation and BIA have obligations to fulfill.

Abandoned Hardrock Mine Reclamation (AHMR/AML) Grants
The U.S. Department of the Interior has been authorized to establish a Hardrock Abandoned Mine Land Program under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). This program is separate and not inclusive of the Office of Surface Mining...

Good Neighbor Authority
The Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) is intended to expand limited federal capacity to implement and plan forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration projects by facilitating partnerships with authorized states, counties, and federally recognized...

Eastern Nevada Conservation, Recreation and Development
This program advances the Department of the Interiors role as stewards of the public lands by cultivating community-based conservation and partnerships. This program provides support and guidance for carrying out the expenditure of appropriated...