Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations Federal Grants
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326-350 of 1,087 for Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Organizations federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
1. Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management; 2. Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society's Ability to Plan and Respond; 3. Serve Society's Needs for Weather...
The purpose of this program is to reduce Americans sodium intake to limits recommended by the Dietary Guidelines. Because the majority of sodium that people consume is already present in foods before purchase or preparation, reducing sodium intake...
To establish an strengthen new and/or existing centers, consortia, or other arrangements for interdisciplinary research infrastructure where NIST, academic, industry and/or other federal researchers will collaborate on emerging areas of basic and...
The purpose of this program is to strengthen capacity to prevent disease, disability, and death through immunization and control of respiratory and related diseases. The specific objectives may include, but are not limited to: 1. Increase the...
This program supports projects, conferences, and workshops that advance the evolving field of research integrity and produce tangible outcomes related to ensuring research integrity and compliance with 42 C.F.R. Part 93. Projects must be designed to...
The purpose of this Assistance Listing (AL) is to scale (expand) and sustain the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP). Scaling and sustaining the National DPP includes: Establish an evidence-based lifestyle change program in multiple...
To provide technical and financial assistance to identify, protect, conserve, manage, enhance or restore habitat and structures on both public and private lands that have been negatively impacted by Hurricane Sandy.
The Martin Luther King, Junior, National Historic Site and Preservation District was established October 10, 1980 in order to protect and interpret for the benefit, inspiration and education of present and future generations the places where Martin...
Pursuant to the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantification Act of 2010, the Bureau of Reclamation, through an Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act contract, is to plan, design, and construct the Rural Water System as...
Disrupt the overseas production and trafficking of illicit drugs through targeted counter-narcotics and institution-building assistance and coordination with foreign nations and international organizations.
Through CSP, NRCS provides financial and technical assistance to eligible producers to conserve and enhance soil, water, air, and related natural resources on their land. Eligible lands include cropland, grassland, prairie land, pastureland,...
Rehabilitate and repair irrigation infrastructure of the Rio Grande Pueblos to conserve water and help address potential conflicts over water in the Rio Grande Basin.
Minimize the impact of transnational crime and criminal networks on the U.S. and its allies through enhanced international cooperation and foreign assistance.
To develop, implement, and evaluate successful or promising interventions, practices, and programs to prevent elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, including adult protective services programs. Through this program, ACL hopes to demonstrate how...
The Collaborative Landscape Conservation program promotes an inclusive approach to conservation by convening and facilitating diverse partnerships to address shared conservation challenges and create a network of healthy lands and waters where fish,...
To sponsor research and development (R&D) projects that focus on providing near-term solutions which will improve safety, reduce environmental impact, and enhance reliability of the nations pipeline transportation system.
The purpose of the MBDA Business Center - American Indian and Alaska Native program is to provide strategic deal making and business consulting services to eligible American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) firms and Minority Business Enterprises...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) uses a science-based, adaptive framework for setting and achieving broad-scale conservation objectives that strategically address the problems fish and wildlife will face in the future. This framework,...
The objective of EPA's Urban Waters Program is to protect and restore America's urban waterways. EPA's funding priority is to achieve the goals and commitments established in the Framework for the Future included in the 2021 Partner Recommitment...
To implement the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy and assist communities at risk from catastrophic wildland fires by providing assistance in the following areas: Implementation of community programs that develop and enhance local...
The purpose of the Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry and Dental Hygiene programs are to improve access to and the delivery of oral health care services for all individuals, particularly low income, underserved, uninsured,...
To establish and maintain cooperative study units, in partnership with federal, state, and local governments, tribes, nonprofit organizations, and institutions of higher education, to facilitate multi-disciplinary science and integrated information...
The purpose of this program is to promote sexual risk avoidance education as defined by section 1110 of the Social Security Act, for adolescents. The focus of the program is to teach participants how to voluntarily refrain from non-marital sexual...
The National Park Service (NPS) conducts cultural resource stewardship largely at the park level. To carry out and further this stewardship responsibility, the Service implements programs that encompass a broad range of research, operational, and...
The mission of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) is to catalyze the generation of innovative methods and technologies that will enhance the development, testing, and implementation of diagnostics and therapeutics...