Farm Service Agency Federal Grants
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76-95 of 95 for Farm Service Agency federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Farm Service Agency federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The objective of the SURE program is to provide financial assistance for farm revenue losses due to natural disaster. Assistance is provided from the Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund (Trust Fund) established under Public Law 110-246. The...
The Tree Assistance Program (TAP) provides financial assistance to qualifying orchardists and nursery tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes and vines affected by natural disasters and suffered mortality losses in excess of...
To provide assistance to eligible aquaculture producers.
Provide storage, transportation, and lease for wheat, grain and other commodities in support of Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) price supports. FSA State and County Office lease agreements. This CFDA program is being used to report Non FAR...
The purpose of this program is to provide benefits to dairy operations under Public Law 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681; Sections 805 and 825 of Public Law 106-78; and section 805 of Public Law 106-387 only, in order to provide financial assistance to dairy...
To terminate the marketing quota program for peanuts and offer compensation to the peanut quota holders for losses in quota asset value. The 2002 Farm Bill repeals part IV of subtitle B of Title III of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938,...
The purpose of this program is to increase the production of both Spring and Winter varieties of hard white wheat during the 2003 through 2005 crop years.
The Acts authorizes the Secretary to provide disaster assistance to producers who suffered crop losses in the 2000 crop year because of adverse weather conditions. Disaster payment provisions apply if the crop could not be planted or production,...
To provide income support to eligible producers of covered commodities.
To assist producers of apples that are suffering from economic loss as a result of low prices for apples.
To provide emergency assistance to eligible livestock owners, in a State, county, or area approved by the Secretary or designee, where because of disease, insect infestation, flood, drought, fire, hurricane, earthquake, hail storm, hot weather,...
To assist seed producers adversely impacted by the bankruptcy filing of AgriBioTech.
To provide a 4 percent subsidy to farmers and ranchers, who do not qualify for standard commercial credit. Guaranteed loans are serviced by a lender who has entered into a Lenders Agreement with the agency.
To provide for a Trust solely to meet emergency humanitarian food needs in developing countries, the Secretary of Agriculture shall establish a trust stock of wheat, rice, corn, or sorghum, or any combination of the commodities, totaling not more...
The purpose of this program is to provide benefits to sheep and lamb producers in order to reestablish their purchasing power in connection with the normal production of sheep and lambs for domestic consumption and boost the long-term development...
The goals of the Bioenergy Program are to encourage increased purchases of eligible commodities for the purpose of expanding production of such bioenergy and support new production capacity for such bioenergy.
To provide direct payments to eligible livestock producers who suffered grazing losses due to drought, hot weather, disease, insect infestation, fire, hurricane, flood, fire, earthquake, severe storm, or other disasters during the 2000 crop year....
This program will provide immediate assistance to livestock producers in counties that have received primary disaster designation due to drought in 2001 and/or 2002.
To maintain and expand existing markets for dairy which are vital to the welfare of milk producers in the United States. Payments under this program will be limited to dairy operations that produced milk in the United States and commercially...