Environment Quality Federal Grants

Showing results 151-175 of 1,904 for Environment Quality federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Environment Quality federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


RESTORE Act Direct Component - Non-federal Share of Another Federally Funded Activity - Construction
Under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act), Subtitle F of P.L. 112-141, the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund was established in the Treasury of...

RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program
Under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act), Subtitle F of P.L. 112-141, the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund was established in the Treasury of...

RESTORE Act Direct Component - Real Property Activities
Under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act), Subtitle F of P.L. 112-141, the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund was established in the Treasury of...

Administrative Supplements for Research on Sex/Gender Differences (Admin Supp)
The Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH) announces the availability of administrative supplements to support research highlighting the impact of sex/gender differences (or similarities) and/or sex and gender factors in human health and...

RESTORE Act Direct Component - Construction Activities
Under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act), Subtitle F of P.L. 112-141, the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund was established in the Treasury of...

RESTORE Act Direct Component - Non-Construction Activities
Under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act), Subtitle F of P.L. 112-141, the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund was established in the Treasury of...

RESTORE Act Direct Component - Non-Federal Share of Another Federally Funded Activity-Non-Construction or Real Property Activities
Under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act), Subtitle F of P.L. 112-141, the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund was established in the Treasury of...

U.S. Embassy South Africa Public Affairs Section 2016 Annual Program Statement
U.S. Embassy South Africa Public Affairs Section, U.S. Department of State (PAS) is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants program. This is an Annual Program Statement, outlining our funding...

FY2016 to FY2017 NOAA Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
This notice is not a mechanism to fund existing NOAA awards. The purpose of this notice is to request applications for special projects and programs associated with NOAA's strategic plan and mission goals, as well as to provide the general public...

Coral Reef Initiative Program
Coral Reef Initiative Program provides grant funding for management and protection of coral reef in the insular areas. Highest priority will be given to proposals that support local and regional priorities for protection and sustainable use of coral...

Coastal Program - Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
The Coastal Program is a voluntary, incentive-based program that provides technical and financial assistance to coastal communities and landowners to restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat on public and private lands. The Coastal Program is...

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Joint Venture Habitat Restoration and Protection
The goal of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is to target the most significant environmental problems in the Great Lakes ecosystem by funding and implementing federal projects that address these problems. As part of this initiative, the two...

2016 Pacific Northwest Bay-Watershed Education and Training
NOAA B-WET is an environmental education program that promotes locally relevant, experiential learning in the K-12 environment. Funded projects provide meaningful watershed educational experiences for students, related professional development for...

SUMMARY: The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary), through the Office of Trust Services, hereby solicits cooperative agreement/co-operative agreement proposals from tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations, tribally controlled colleges or...

NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research Short Courses in Neurotherapeutics Development (R25)
The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH.The over-arching goal of this NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research R25 program is to support educational activities that complement...

Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Coordinating Center (U2C)
The purpose of this FOA is to support a Coordinating Center for the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) program. The ECHO Coordinating Center will provide the organizational framework for the management, direction, and overall...

Fisheries International Cooperation and Assistance Program
The purpose of this notice is to request applications for special projects and programs associated with NMFS Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection (IASI) strategic plan and mission goals (http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ia/), as well as to...

Data Coordinating and Operations Center for the IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network (U24)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) invites applications from investigators willing to participate under a cooperative agreement as the Data Coordinating and Operations Center (DCOC) in a multicenter clinical program, the IDeA States Pediatric...

Clinical Sites for the IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network (UG1)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) invites applications for institutional research capacity building programs from entities/institutions in Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible States that propose to support a team of experts to...

Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes: Patient Reported Outcomes Research Resource Center Core (ECHO PRO Core) (U24)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications for the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Patient Reported Outcomes Research Resource Center Core (ECHO PRO Core). Working collaboratively...

Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Data Analysis Center (U24)
The purpose of this FOA is to support a Data Analysis Center (DAC) for the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) program. The ECHO DAC will provide the data repository and the data analysis functions for all common ECHO...

Limited Competition: Exposure Analysis Services for the Environmental Influences on Children's Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program (Admin Supp)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) solicits applications for administrative supplements from the Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource (CHEAR) grantees in order to expand the service offerings of CHEAR to meet the analytical needs of...

Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Pediatric Cohorts (UG3/UH3)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is soliciting applications to support existing cohorts to address how pre-, peri-, and post-natal environmental exposures impact childhood development and health outcomes as part of the Environmental...

Engineering Surveying and Design Services of Wetland Irrigation Infrastructure
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act of 1934 (16 U.S.C. 2901 to 2911); Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742(a) to 754); Refuge Recreation Act of 1962 (16 U.S.C. 460k to 460k(4)); National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16...

Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) intends to make a single-source award to the Caddo Lake Institute to support the Caddo Lake Environmental Flows Project (hereafter CFP). The Caddo Lake Institute has agreed to implement priority aspects of...


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