Environment Quality Federal Grants

Showing results 426-450 of 1,904 for Environment Quality federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Environment Quality federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Geographic Programs - Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
To restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. USEPA leads a consortium of programs, agencies, and public and private institutions in attaining specific objectives and actions that will...

Office of Research and Development Consolidated Research/Training/Fellowships
The Office of Research and Developments (ORD) Consolidated Research/Training/Fellowships program supports research and development to: (1) determine the environmental effects of air quality, drinking water, water quality, climate change, hazardous...

Senior Environmental Employment Program
To use the talents of Americans 55 years of age or older to provide technical assistance to Federal, State, and local environmental agencies for projects of pollution prevention, abatement, and control to achieve the Agency's goals of Clean Air;...

Surplus Property Utilization
To convey or lease all surplus Federal real properties made available by the disposal agency which are needed and usable by eligible organizations and institutions to carry out health programs, including homeless assistance programs.

Water Pollution Control State, Interstate, and Tribal Program Support
To assist States (including territories and the District of Columbia), Indian Tribes qualified under CWA Section 518(e), and interstate agencies in establishing and maintaining adequate measures for prevention and control of surface and ground water...

Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements
Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements (DITCAs) enable EPA to award cooperative agreements to federally recognized Indian tribes and eligible intertribal consortia to help carry out the Agency's function to directly implement Federal...

Geographic Programs – Gulf of Mexico Program
The objectives of the Gulf of Mexico Program, housed within the Gulf of Mexico Division (GMD) are (1) To assist States, Indian Tribes, interstate agencies, and other public or nonprofit organizations in developing and demonstrating innovative...

Environmental Remediation and Waste Processing and Disposal
The Environmental Management Research and Development Program provides for the development of technologies to safely expedite tank waste processing and tank closure, remediation of contaminated groundwater and soil, disposition of nuclear materials...

Solid Waste Management Assistance Grants
To promote use of integrated solid waste management systems to solve solid waste generation and management problems at the local, regional and national levels. Funding Priority - Fiscal Year 2023: Partnerships - Establishing and developing...

Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Special Purpose Activities Relating to the Clean Air Act
The objectives of this assistance listing are to fund surveys, research, investigations, demonstrations, and special purpose activities related to the causes, effects (including health and welfare effects), extent, prevention, and control of air...

Beach Monitoring and Notification Program Implementation Grants
To assist Coastal and Great Lakes States, Territories, and Tribes eligible under Section 518(e) of the Clean Water Act, as amended, in developing and implementing programs that monitor bacterial water quality and notify the public for coastal...

Economic, Social, and Political Development of the Territories
The Office of Insular Affairs will pursue the Departments mission of Fulfilling Our Trust and Insular Responsibilities by executing activities which bolster healthcare capacity, strengthen island economies, and fulfill U.S. Compact obligations. OIA...

Hazardous Waste Management State Program Support
To assist State governments in the development and implementation of an authorized hazardous waste management program for the purpose of controlling the generation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes. Funding...

Ozone Transport Commission
The overall goal of the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) grant is to facilitate collaboration among the OTC jurisdictions, notably the State Environmental Commissioners/Secretaries, State Air Directors and their staff, to assist them in reducing...

Solid Waste Management Grants
To reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources and improve planning and management of solid waste disposal facilities in rural areas.

Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Training Grants - Section 1442 of the Safe Drinking Water Act
To support developing, expanding, planning, implementing, and improving environmental training associated with source water and drinking water. To develop and expand capabilities of programs to carry out the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water Act...

Water Quality Management Planning
To assist States (including territories and the District of Columbia), Regional Public Comprehensive Planning Organizations (RPCPOs), and Interstate Organizations (IOs) in carrying out water quality management (WQM) planning. Funding Priorities -...

Environmental Health
To foster understanding of human health effects of exposure to environmental agents in the hope that these studies will lead to: the identification of agents that pose a hazard and threat of disease, disorders and defects in humans; the development...

Headquarters and Regional Underground Storage Tanks Program
This grant program funds activities in both the LUST prevention and cleanup programs. On the Prevention program, grants are used for activities that promote the prevention, compliance, and identification of underground storage tanks. For the cleanup...

Performance Partnership Grants
Fostering EPAs partnership with the States and Tribes is critical to accelerating environmental outcomes. Performance Partnership Grants (PPGs) are the cornerstone of the National Environmental Performance Partnership System (NEPPS), which aims to...

Source Reduction Assistance
The goal of the Source Reduction Assistance (SRA) program is to award grants that support research, investigation, study, demonstration, education and training using source reduction approaches (also known as pollution prevention and herein referred...

Surveys, Studies, Investigations and Special Purpose Grants within the Office of Research and Development
The Office of Research and Development (ORD) supports surveys, studies, and investigations to determine the environmental effects of air quality, drinking water, water quality, hazardous waste, toxic substances, and pesticides. This program also...

Regional Wetland Program Development Grants
To assist state, territory, tribal, and/or local government (S/T/LG) agencies in building programs which protect, manage, and restore wetlands. The primary focus of the grants is to build state, territory, and tribal wetland programs. A secondary...

Brownfields Job Training Cooperative Agreements
The objective of the Brownfields Job Training Program is to recruit, train, and place unemployed and under-employed residents of solid and hazardous waste-impacted communities with the skills needed to obtain full-time, sustainable employment. This...

Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants
To help rural residents who have experienced a significant decline in quantity or quality of water, due to an emergency event (such as drought, earthquake, hurricane or tornado), to obtain adequate quantities of water that meet the standards of the...


Popular Environment Quality Federal Grants

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