Environment Quality Federal Grants
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326-350 of 1,904 for Environment Quality federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Environment Quality federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
This agreement is being implemented in order to coordinalt the Complaritive Survival Study (CSS) Workshop on experimental management of Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) spill levels, which is a multi-tribe, state and federal agenct...
This is a Notice of Intent to Award to Applegate Forestry, LLC. The species is being petitioned to be listed under The Endangered Species Act. Petitioner stated this species is found only on the Mazama Tree farm in the Sand Creek area of southern...
This funding announcement is a Notice of Intent to Award. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY. Federal regulations require that all opportunities be posted. This is intended to comply with those regulations and is a single source opportunity ...
This funding announcement is a Notice of Intent to Award (NOI): PLEASE DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY. Federal regulations require that all funding opportunities be posted on Grants.gov. This posting is intended to comply with those...
This funding announcement is a Notice of Intent to Award (NOI): PLEASE DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY. Federal regulations require that all funding opportunities be posted on Grants.gov. This posting is intended to comply with those...
This funding announcement is a Notice of Intent to Award (NOI): PLEASE DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY. Federal regulations require that all funding opportunities be posted on Grants.gov. This posting is intended to comply with those...
The goals of the SF Bay grant program are to improve water quality and restore aquatic habitat (i.e., wetlands) in the San Francisco Bay and its watersheds. Funded projects will reduce polluted run-off, restore impaired waters and enhance aquatic...
The primary purpose of this program is to support projects that protect human health and the environment while advancing U.S. national interests through international environmental collaboration on environmental compliance and enforcement....
Provides technical and financial assistance to State and local government entities for the conduct of projects/activities to support DOE missions; requirements to manage cultural resources and commitments to provide the public assurances that...
Partnering with individuals, government agencies, nonprofit organizations and corporations, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) works to protect and restore imperiled species, promote healthy oceans and estuaries, improve working...
Emergency Wetlands Resources Act - National Wetlands Inventory, 16 U.S.C. 3901 and 3931-3932. The Emergency Wetlands Resource Act requires the National Wetlands Inventory Program (NWI) to map wetlands of the nation, digitize the maps, archive and...
Legislation passed by Congress allows for the historic park to work collaboratively with interested entities and individuals to provide for visitor understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the park and surrounding historic areas.
Provide field-based environmental outreach (focusing on natural and cultural history), providing programs of public outreach, youth engagement, involvement in conservation, natural science, history and related fields of study, and conducting...
This program does not award grants or cooperative agreements. The Challenge Cost Share Program is intended to support specific National Park Service mission-related projects that align with goals of local project partners. National Park Service...
Fellowships are intended to promote food security and economic growth in eligible countries by educating a new generation of agricultural scientists, increasing scientific knowledge and collaborative research to improve agricultural productivity,...
To provide matching grants of financial assistance in support of coral reef conservation programs and projects that preserve, sustain, and restore U.S. and international coral reef ecosystems.
The EPA Region 6 Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) program assist federal, state, and local partners to develop, design, and build Louisiana coastal restoration projects. Since 1990, EPA has sponsored the...
The purpose of the Clean Water Act Section 121 (33 U.S.C. 1273) Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program (PRP) is to restore the ecological health of the Basin by developing and funding restoration projects and related scientific and public...
To provide United States assistance for global development through the Millennium Challenge Corporation; to provide such assistance in a manner that promotes economic growth and the elimination of extreme poverty and strengthens good governance,...
EPA will award interagency and cooperative agreements to study the chemical and ecological response to pollution reduction and emissions control programs. The programs will assist in understanding biogeochemical changes in sulfur, nitrogen,...
The program provide loan guarantees for the development, construction, and retrofitting of commercial-scale biorefineries as well as biobased product manufacturing facilities.
Puget Sound has been designated as one of 28 estuaries of National Significance under section 320 of the Clean Water Act. The goal of the National Estuary Program is to attain and maintain water quality in designated estuaries that will assure...
The AmeriCorps Disaster Response Cooperative Agreement (DRCA) is an initiative through which national service programs provide support to communities affected by disaster and are reimbursed for expenses in times of disasters. Programs that hold a...
To support projects aimed at the development and sustainability of a national and international integrated ocean observing system designed to collect, monitor and disseminate marine environment data in an interoperable, reliable, timely and...
To support sustainable growth across the globe, the Bureau of Oceans, Environment, and Science (OES) builds international partnerships to address environmental, scientific, and health concerns. Key areas of funding include but are not limited to,...