Endangered Species Federal Grants
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26-50 of 59 for Endangered Species federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Endangered Species federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
To work in partnership with States and universities to address the information needs of local, State, and Federal fish, wildlife, and natural resource agencies through research, technical assistance, and education.
The objectives of the Fish and Aquatic Conservation activities conducted under this program are as follows: State and Interstate Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plans (ANS Plans): To provide funding to States to implement ANS Plans approved by...
This program provides funding for sport fish and wildlife restoration projects identified by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Recipients awarded under the Traditional Multistate Conservation Funds (T-MSCGP) may use the funds for sport...
The primary purpose of the the Competitive State Wildlife Grant (C-SWG) Program is to help State and Territory fish and wildlife agencies design and implement strategic, proactive conservation programs. C-SWG Program funds, pooled with recipient...
To provide assistance to eligible States and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission in order to support and encourage the development, implementation, and enforcement of effective interstate conservation and management of Atlantic Coastal...
Projects provide economic, sociological, public policy, and other information needed by Federal and State natural resource administrators for conserving and managing fishery resources and protected species and their environment in Federal, State,...
To increase greatly the Nation's wealth and quality of life through sustainable fisheries that support fishing industry jobs, safe and wholesome seafood, and recreational opportunities.
To assist in the conservation of neotropical migratory birds by providing financial resources for the projects of partnerships in countries within the ranges of neotropical migratory birds.
To provide technical and financial assistance in carrying out works of improvement to protect, develop, and utilize the land and water resources in watersheds.
To extend fundamental research activities of the Forest Service by awarding grants to nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, and organizations engaged in renewable resources research.
To provide grant funds for wetlands conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
To help participants protect, restore, develop or enhance habitat for upland wildlife, wetland wildlife, threatened and endangered species, fisheries, and other types of wildlife.
The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act provides grants to State, Commonwealth, and territorial fish and wildlife agencies for projects to restore, conserve, manage, and enhance wild birds and mammals and their habitat. Projects also include...
To provide financial assistance for projects for the effective long-term conservation of great apes and their habitats. This program supports projects that focus on one or more of the following areas: applied research on ape populations and their...
To reduce damage caused by mammals and birds and those mammal and bird species that are reservoirs for zoonotic diseases, (except for urban rodent control through control and research activities). Wherever feasible, humane methods will be...
To provide financial assistance for research and development projects that will provide information for the living marine resources of Chesapeake Bay. In addition, assistance is provided for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Education and Training...
To provide grants and cooperative agreements for habitat conservation activities including coastal and marine habitat restoration and protection. Projects are funded to carry out public policy pertaining to protection and restoration of the Nation's...
To provide financial assistance to support projects that will enhance sustainable conservation programs to ensure effective, long-term conservation of African elephants. The African Elephant Conservation Fund supports projects that promote...
This is a cooperative program that assists the States in salmon restoration and in fulfilling responsibilities under the Pacific Salmon Treaty by providing administrative management. Support is provided to treaty Indian tribes for salmon recovery...
To provide technical and financial assistance to partners to implement voluntary coastal habitat protection, restoration, and improvement projects that benefit federal trust species, including species listed as threatened or endangered, migratory...
As an integral part of the Bureau of Land Management?s (BLM) mission, BLM provides national leadership to promote conservation of fish, wildlife and plant conservation, which will help restore and protect lands containing noteworthy resource values...
To use visual arts programs and a nation-wide art contest to teach students in kindergarten through high school environmental science, wildlife management, wetlands ecology, and the importance of habitat conservation.
To establish or supplement existing programs that provide technical or financial assistance including habitat protection and restoration, to Federally recognized Indian tribes for the protection and management of habitat to benefit Federally listed,...
To build human and institutional capacity for biodiversity conservation and management in Mexico through training. Of interest are projects that provide direct and significant training to Mexican personnel in terms of number of individuals trained,...
Encourage partnerships with nonfederal governments, private individuals and organizations, educational institutions, philanthropic and charitable groups, and businesses to support the mission of the Service. Projects must conserve, protect, and...