Education and Research Federal Grants

Showing results 1876-1900 of 2,369 for Education and Research federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Education and Research federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Chesapeake Youth Corps Crew and Intern
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service (NPS) NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS. This funding announcement is to provide public notice of the NPS's intention to enter this agreement for the...

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)--Projects and Centers Program--Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (RRTCs)--Disability in Rural Areas CFDA 84.133B-8
•Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document...

Marine Fisheries Initiative (MARFIN)
The Marine Fisheries Initiative (MARFIN) is a competitive Federal assistance program that funds projects seeking to optimize research and development benefits from U.S. marine fishery resources through cooperative efforts involving the best research...

Amalik Bay Archeological Sites: Human settlement, seasonality, and sea-level change on the Pacific Coast of the Alaska Peninsula, ca. 8,000 ¿ 4,000 years ago
This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service -NPS, intention to fund the following project with University of Alaska Fairbanks under a Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit -CESU program. CESUs are partnerships that...

27th Lowell Festival Intent to Award
Assist NPS with the planning, programming, production and presentation of the 27th Lowell Folk Festival at Lowell National Historical Park.

Training in Public Speaking and Communication Skills for Afghan Women
The Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan invites all eligible organizations (see Section IV for Eligibility Requirements) to submit a proposal for a program to train Afghan women in public speaking and effective...

Lower Eastside Tenement Museum
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service (NPS) NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS. This funding announcement is to provide public notice of the NPS's intention to enter this agreement for the...

Society of the Natinal Shrine of the Bill of Rights
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service (NPS) NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS. This funding announcement is to provide public notice of the NPS's intention to enter this agreement for the...

Development, Implementation, and Management of a Funding System to Advance Conformance with the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (VNRFRPS) (U18)
The intended outcome of this FOA is the development, implementation, and management of a funding system in which State, local, tribal, and territorial retail food regulatory programs can apply and be subawarded funds for completion of projects and...

Not a Request for Proposals - NOI - Invasive Weed Treatment
This project will involve 2-3 phases of treatment and restoration at each park unit that the Montana Conservation Corps will perform plant management and restoration work including: Badlands National Park, Fort Union Trading Post National...

U.S.-Afghan University Partnership with Herat University, Department of Agriculture
The Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan is pleased to announce an open competition for assistance awards through this Request for Grant Proposals (RFGP). PAS Kabul invites all eligible organizations to submit a...

National Park Service-Partnership to Develop a Management Plan and Educational Program for the Sand Creek Massacre NHS
This action will result in a task agreement award under a National Park Service master cooperative agreement. This is a notice of intent and a noncompetitive award IAW DOI 505 DM 2.12C. Please see attached announcement for more information

Terrestrial Arthropod Inventories for the Alaska NWRS 2013
The US Fish and Wildlife Service, Headquarters Region 7 intends to award a single source financial assistance agreement as authorized by 505 DM 2.14.B to University of Alaska Museum, Fairbanks. This notice is not a request for proposals and the...

Limited Competition: Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (UM1)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to continue support for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC). This limited-competition FOA solicits a single application from the current PBTC awardee. The PBTC was conceived as a...

OSERS/NIDRR: Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program--Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RRERCs): Technologies to Support Successful Aging with Disability CFDA Number 84.133E-3
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

National Alliance of Faith and Justice
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service¿s intention to fund the following project activities without full and open...

OSERS/NIDRR: The Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program: Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers: Rehabilitation Strategies, Techniques, and Interventions CFDA Number 84.133E-5
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS): Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program Community Living and Participation CFDA Number 84.133P-1
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS): Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program: Employment CFDA Number 84.133P-4
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII): Charter Schools Program Non-State Educational Agencies (Non-SEA) Planning, Program Design, And Initial Implementation Grant CFDA Number 84.282B
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII): Charter Schools Program Non-State Educational Agency (Non-SEA) Dissemination Grant CFDA Number 84.282C
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

OSERS/NIDRR: The Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program: Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers: Physical Access and Transportation CFDA Number 84.133E-8
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS): Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program: Health and Function CFDA Number 84.133P-5
Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the...

HIV/AIDS and Substance Use Among the Homeless and Unstably Housed (R01)
To improve understanding of the intersection of HIV/AIDS and drug abuse, this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is part of a multipronged 2014 expansion of HIV and AIDS-related research within the context of drug and alcohol abuse among...

HIV/AIDS and Substance Use among Black/African American Women and Young MSM (R01)
To improve understanding of the intersection of HIV/AIDS and drug abuse, this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is part of a multipronged 2014 expansion of HIV and AIDS related research within the context of drug and alcohol abuse among...