Ecology Federal Grants

Showing results 51-75 of 160 for Ecology federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Ecology federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program and Related Assistance
The National Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN) is an inter-governmental partnership to foster better environmental management and decision-making through increased access to timely and high quality environmental information. The EN,...

Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes
The Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes provides assistance for the development and implementation of hazardous waste management programs; for building capacity to improve and maintain regulatory compliance; and for developing...

Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research
To conduct and support laboratory research, clinical trials, and studies with people that explore health processes. NICHD researchers examine growth and development, biologic and reproductive functions, behavior patterns, and population dynamics to...

Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research
To conduct basic and applied research and development that enhances U.S. national security and reduces the global danger from the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and special nuclear materials through needs- driven research and...

Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements
Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements (DITCAs) enable EPA to award cooperative agreements to federally recognized Indian tribes and eligible intertribal consortia to help carry out the Agency's function to directly implement Federal...

Fossil Energy Research and Development
The Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Managements mission is to minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuels while working towards net-zero emissions. The Offices programs use research, development, demonstration, and deployment approaches to...

International Financial Assistance Projects Sponsored by the Office of International and Tribal Affairs
To protect human health and the environment while advancing U.S. national interests through international environmental collaboration. The Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA) engages both bilaterally and through multilateral...

Performance Partnership Grants
Fostering EPAs partnership with the States and Tribes is critical to accelerating environmental outcomes. Performance Partnership Grants (PPGs) are the cornerstone of the National Environmental Performance Partnership System (NEPPS), which aims to...

Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program
The Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Program's goal is to stimulate and support scientific and engineering research that advances EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment. It is a competitive, peer-reviewed, extramural research...

State Memorandum of Agreement Program for the Reimbursement of Technical Services
To reimburse each State and territory for their costs incurred by providing technical services in support of Department of Defense Environmental Restoration Program activities. This program seeks to facilitate State and territory participation in...

TSCA Title IV State Lead Grants Certification of Lead-Based Paint Professionals
The goal of EPA's lead-based paint program is to eliminate childhood lead poisoning. The program is comprised of four strategies designed to achieve the this goal 1) Establish standards to define where lead hazards are present in paint, dust and...

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Research, Demonstrations and Evaluations
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) conducts research, demonstrations, and evaluations in support of CMS' key role as a beneficiary-centered purchaser of high-quality health care at a reasonable cost. These grants are awarded are in...

To strengthen and enhance the national scientific enterprise through the expansion of fundamental knowledge and increased understanding of the integrated Earth system through the support of basic research in the atmospheric, earth, and ocean...

Sea Grant Support
To support the establishment and operation of major university centers for marine resources research, education, and training and to support marine advisory services. Some individual efforts in these same areas also receive funding.

Transport of Transuranic Wastes to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: States and Tribal Concerns, Proposed Solutions
To enlist cooperation among the Tribal and the Southern, Western, and Midwest state governments along the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) shipping corridors in developing plans and procedures for the safe and uneventful transportation of...

Grants for Agricultural Research, Special Research Grants
To carry out research, to facilitate or expand promising breakthroughs in areas of the food and agricultural sciences of importance to the nation and to facilitate or expand on-going State-Federal food and agricultural research programs.

NIEHS Hazardous Waste Worker Health and Safety Training
To provide cooperative agreements and project grant support for the development and administration of model worker health and safety training programs consisting of classroom, online, and practical health and safety training of workers and their...

Plant Materials for Conservation
To assemble, evaluate, and promote the use of new and improved plant materials for soil, water, and related resource conservation and environmental improvement programs. To develop technology for land management and revegetation with plant...

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program / Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program
The SBIR/STTR programs are congressionally mandated and intended to support scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of federal research funds to build a strong national economy by stimulating technological...

Stewardship Science Grant Program
(1) To grow the U.S. scientific community through university involvement in areas of fundamental science and technology relevant to stockpile stewardship; (2) to promote and sustain scientific interactions between the academic community and...

Upper Mississippi River Restoration Long Term Resource Monitoring
To provide decision makers with information needed to maintain the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) as a sustainable large river ecosystem given its multiple-use character. Congress has declared the UMRS to be both a nationally significant...

Geographic Programs - Chesapeake Bay Program
The EPA's Geographic Programs - Chesapeake Bay Program (referred to as Chesapeake Bay Program) awards competitive grants to states, tribal and local governments, non-governmental organizations, interstate agencies and academic institutions to reduce...

Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Corrective Action Program
To support state (including territories that are included in the definition of state in the Solid Waste Disposal Act) and tribal corrective action programs that address releases from underground storage tanks (USTs). Funding Priorities - Fiscal Year...

NIEHS Superfund Hazardous Substances_Basic Research and Education
To support innovate research and training through multi-project, interdisciplinary grants; individual investigator research grants; research education program grants; Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grants; time-sensitive grants; and...

Pollution Prevention Grants Program
The P2 grant program was enacted under the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 to: 1. Provide technical assistance (e.g., information, training and tools) to businesses/facilities on source reduction/P2 techniques to help them adopt and implement...


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