Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use Federal Grants

Showing results 101-114 of 114 for Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Livestock Compensation Program
This program will provide immediate assistance to livestock producers in counties that have received primary disaster designation due to drought in 2001 and/or 2002.

Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust
To provide for a Trust solely to meet emergency humanitarian food needs in developing countries, the Secretary of Agriculture shall establish a trust stock of wheat, rice, corn, or sorghum, or any combination of the commodities, totaling not more...

Christopher Columbus Fellowship Program
To encourage and support research, study, and labor designed to produce new discoveries in all fields of endeavor for the benefit of mankind.

Milk Income Loss Contract Program
To maintain and expand existing markets for dairy which are vital to the welfare of milk producers in the United States. Payments under this program will be limited to dairy operations that produced milk in the United States and commercially...

Payments in Lieu of Taxes
Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) are Federal payments to local governments that help offset losses in property taxes due to non-taxable Federal lands within their boundaries.

Crop Disaster Program
The Acts authorizes the Secretary to provide disaster assistance to producers who suffered crop losses in the 2000 crop year because of adverse weather conditions. Disaster payment provisions apply if the crop could not be planted or production,...

Distribution of Receipts to State and Local Governments
By various Laws, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) shares revenue with State, county, and local governments from fees charged for sale or use of public lands, minerals, and vegetation. Payment amounts are determined by several codified formulas...

Perkins Loan Cancellations
To reimburse institutions for their share of loans canceled for Perkins Loan recipients who enter certain fields of public service and to restore to institutional revolving funds the full amounts of Direct and Federal Perkins Loans canceled for...

Direct and Counter-cyclical Payments Program
To provide income support to eligible producers of covered commodities.

Promotion of the Humanities-We the People
For Landmarks of American History and Culture: Workshops for School Teachers and Workshops for Community College Faculty and for Picturing America School Collaboration projects, consult the guidelines of the NEH Division of Education Programs. For...

Lamb Meat Adjustment Assistance Program
The purpose of this program is to provide benefits to sheep and lamb producers in order to reestablish their purchasing power in connection with the normal production of sheep and lambs for domestic consumption and boost the long-term development...

Avian Influenza Indemnity Program
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) administers regulations at 9 CFR part 53 that provide for the payment of indemnity to owners of animals that are required to be destroyed...

Livestock Assistance Program
To provide direct payments to eligible livestock producers who suffered grazing losses due to drought, hot weather, disease, insect infestation, fire, hurricane, flood, fire, earthquake, severe storm, or other disasters during the 2000 crop year....


Popular Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use Federal Grants

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