Direct Payments for Specified Use Federal Grants

Showing results 151-175 of 371 for Direct Payments for Specified Use federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Direct Payments for Specified Use federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Agriculture on Indian Lands
To protect and restore the agricultural (cropland and rangeland) resources on trust lands and facilitate the development of renewable agricultural resources.

Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program
The purpose of the CHGME Payment Program is to compensate for the disparity in the level of Federal Graduate Medical Education (GME) funding for freestanding childrens teaching hospitals versus other types of teaching hospitals. Hospitals typically...

Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program
To provide funding to eligible entities to purchase conservation easements to limit conversion to non-agricultural uses of farm and ranch lands that contain prime, unique, or important soils; that contain historical and archaeological resources; or...

Indian Social Services Welfare Assistance
To provide financial assistance for basic needs for eligible American Indians who reside on or near reservations, including those American Indians living under Bureau of Indian Affairs service area jurisdictions. IA assistance is provided when such...

Minerals and Mining on Indian Lands
The objectives of the Energy and Mineral Development Program are to: (1) provide funds to Tribes to perform technical evaluations of the energy (both renewable and conventional) and mineral resource potential of Indian reservations; (2) provide...

Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program
The Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program (Nurse Corps LRP) provides loan repayment assistance to professional registered nurses (RN), including advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), in return for a commitment to work full-time in eligible...

Road Maintenance Indian Roads
To provide limited routine and preventive maintenance on BIA transportation facilities as described below: (1) BIA road systems and related road appurtenances such as surfaces, signs, pavement striping, trail markers, guardrails, etc.; (2) Highway...

State Maritime Schools
To educate and train future merchant marine officers at the State Maritime Academies (SMA). The education and training of these students prepares them to graduate and enter the maritime industry in numerous capacities, including crewing merchant...

Aid To Tribal Governments
To provide funds to Indian tribal governments to support general tribal government operations, to maintain up-to-date tribal enrollment, to conduct tribal elections, and to develop appropriate tribal policies, legislation, and regulations.

Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities
The goal of the Childrens Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities (CJA) program is to provide funding, technical assistance, and training to help American Indian and Alaska Native communities develop, establish, and operate programs designed...

Disadvantaged Health Professions Faculty Loan Repayment Program (FLRP)
The Faculty Loan Repayment Program (FLRP) provides loan repayment assistance to faculty members from economically and environmentally disadvantaged backgrounds with eligible health professions degrees or certificates to serve at eligible academic...

Head Start
Head Start programs promote school readiness by enhancing the cognitive, physical, behavioral, and social-emotional development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social, and other services to their enrollees -...

Museums for America
Museums for America (MFA) is designed to strengthen the ability of individual museums to serve the public more effectively by supporting high-priority activities that advance their missions, plans, and strategic goals and objectives. MFA has three...

Monthly Allowance for Children of Vietnam Veterans Born with Spina Bifida
To provide financial assistance to certain children born with spina bifida who are children of individuals who served in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam era.

Nutrition Assistance For Puerto Rico
An alternative to the Special Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to provide access to healthy food by needy persons residing in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

State Survey and Certification of Health Care Providers and Suppliers (Title XVIII) Medicare
To provide financial assistance to any State which is able and willing to determine through its State health agency or other appropriate State agency that providers and suppliers of health care services are in compliance with Federal regulatory...

Veterans Compensation for Service-Connected Disability
Compensate Veterans for disabilities incurred in or aggravated during military service according to the average impairment in earning capacity such disability would cause in civilian occupations.

Disaster Legal Services
The Disaster Legal Services Program (DLS) supports the National Preparedness Goal (NPG) Mission Area of Recovery and the specific capability targets of economic recovery and health and social services. The objective and goal of DLS is to provide...

Federal Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households in Presidential Declared Disaster Areas
To provide financial assistance, and if necessary, direct services to individuals and households affected as a direct result of a Presidentially-declared major disaster or emergency, who have uninsured or underinsured, necessary expenses and serious...

Improvement and Repair of Indian Detention Facilities
To provide safe, functional, code and standards compliant, economical, and energy-efficient adult and/or juvenile detention facilities. Additional objectives include having a demonstrated or potential ability to deliver programmatic results,...

National Leadership Grants
NLG supports projects that address critical needs of the museum and library fields and that have the potential to advance practice in these professions so that museums and libraries can strengthen services for the American public. NLG-Museums has...

Rural Rental Assistance Payments
To reduce the tenant contribution paid by low-income families occupying eligible Rural Rental Housing (RRH), Rural Cooperative Housing (RCH), and Farm Labor Housing (LH) projects financed by the Rural Housing Service (RHS) through its Sections 515,...

Vocational and Educational Counseling for Servicemembers and Veterans
To offer vocational and educational counseling to service members within 180 days of their projected discharge or release from active duty and to veterans within one year from the date of their discharge or release from active duty. This counseling...

All-Volunteer Force Educational Assistance
To help servicepersons readjust to civilian life after their separation from military service. Assist in the recruitment and retention of highly qualified personnel in the active and reserve components in the Armed Forces by providing education...

National Institutes of Health Intramural Loan Repayment Program
To recruit and retain health professionals performing research in fields required by the NIH to carry out its mission by providing educational loan repayment for participants with substantial amounts of educational debt relative to income, who agree...