Department of Transportation Federal Grants
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151-175 of 317 for Department of Transportation federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Transportation federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Continue on working on: Coordination of International Collaborative Research Atlas of rail Surface Fatigue Wheel/Rail Studies at Amtrak and other commuters
Continue the design and fabrication of wheel/rail roller rig. Finish the fabrication and start commissioning and testing with the rig.
To provide program funding for Operation Lifesaver, Inc., using funds designed and provided under the approved budget for the Federal railroad Administration's Office of Safety for fiscal year 2015 to administer the Law Enforcement Liaison progr
Provide program funding for the Operation Lifesaver, Inc., using funds designed and provided under the approved budget for the Federal Railroad Administration's Office of Safety for fiscal year 2015
Funding Opportunity open only to Solidia for planned sole source award based on unique source and continuation of research.
This grant opportunity is only open for states that have a 60105 Certification and/or 60106 Agreement with PHMSA to do pipeline safety inspections. The U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration...
The CDC reports that in 2013, more than 41,000 Americans died by suicide. Of the top 10 causes of death, suicide was the only cause of death to increase between 2011 and 2012. Current FRA data show that in 2012 there were 242 suicide fatalities and...
This grant opportunity is only open for states that have a 60105 Certification and/or 60106 Agreement with PHMSA to do pipeline safety inspections. The U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration...
The objective of this study is to provide a report of leading practices for guidance to load, transport, and unload sulphuric acid and spent sulphuric acid rail tank cars in as safe and effective manner as possible.
Under a previous grant, supported by FRA's Office of Research and Development and the Office of Safety, a model framework and proposed key elements for reducing the effects of potentially traumatic exposure to critical incidents was developed in...
The main objective of this project is to perform Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) for Thermadynamics Rail LLC (TDR) High Pressure Heat Exchanger (HiP-HEX) Waste Heat Recovery System as a retrofitting technology configured for...
The Small Community Program was established by the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (Pub. L. No. 106-181) and reauthorized by the Vision 100-Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act (Pub. L. No. 108-176) and...
Short Line railroads operate more than 50,000 miles of track, which is one-third of the national railroad network. They are an important feeder system for the larger Class I railroads, helping connect local communities to the national railroad...
ontinue the evaluation of the durability of the continuous welded rail-joints, and the related PhD dissertation, expected to be conferred in May 2016, based on this research work. Items of work for completion of this research in progress include the...
The United States Department of Transportation (DOT), Ofice of the Secretary (OST), Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) announces the opportunity for eligible applicants to compete for participation in OSDBU's Small...
Countermeasures Assessment and Security Experts (CASE) was contracted by the Railroad Research Foundation (RRF) to complete the development of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Analytical Risk Model (H-TRAM) for Class II and Class III...
Training for emergency responders, emergency medical technicians, police/fire personnel, etc. of tank car nomenclature, railroad operations and other related matters useful to mitigate railroad emergencies
his is a directed grant to the University of Connecticut (UCONN) to continue their pilot testing and refinement of safety culture assessment tools (e.g., surveys, interview protocol) for the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association...
As directed in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), funds are available for projects enhancing compliance of motor fuel and highway use taxes. Of those funds, $2,000,000 are set aside each year for Intergovernmental...
his grant amendment will provide additional funding and time for further prototype improvements based on the lessons learned from the TTC field test. Specifically, the testing speed will be increased to levels comparable with conventional ultrasonic...
Maritime Administration Natural Gas Pilot/Demonstration Project Request for Proposals Action: The Maritime Administration Office of Environment is issuing this request for proposals (RFP) for projects that focus on vessel conversion to...
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), through the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), hereby requests applications from non-profit institutions of higher education to obtain funding to research innovative solutions...
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is soliciting applications for Educational Institutions that are designated as Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal...
Funds awarded under this Notice can be used for preconstruction planning activities and capital costs of a viable maglev project.
This effort will add additional funds to the grant to allow the research team to address significant comments received from the railroad industry on the draft final report, as well as to interact with the railroad industry to garner additional...