Department of the Interior Federal Grants
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1751-1775 of 5,437 for Department of the Interior federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of the Interior federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Study climate change through Isotopic Analyses of Archaeofaunas from Southern Idaho.
This is a notice of intent and a noncompetitive award in accordance with the Department of Interior 505 Departmental Manual 2.12C. Please see attached announcement for more information. This action will result in a task agreement award under the...
Provide English to Spanish translation of the NPS publication "The American Latinos and the Making of the United States: A Theme Study" and one national Junior Ranger booklet.
This project provides information to examine migratory and wintering pathways and breeding and migratory behavior for Saltmarsh Sparrows. Data from nanotag tracking studies will be combined with genetic marker research to identify areas that are...
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service’s intention to fund the following project activities without full and open...
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service (NPS) NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS. This funding announcement is to provide public notice that the National Park Service will fund the following...
Objectives of SGI SWAT 2.0 will include: ���Maintaining specialized human skill sets at critical geographic ���pinch points��� to secure SGI benefits. ���Maintaining science capacity to...
To connect data from selected wells and spring in the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology groundwater monitoring network to the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service (NPS) NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS. This funding announcement is to provide public notice that the National Park Service will fund the following...
The proposed project will evaluate the effects of altered thermal profiles on the embryo and early life stage of Burbot in the context of current and historical Kootenai River flow regimes. Critical questions that will be addressed in this project...
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service (NPS) NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS. This funding announcement is to provide public notice that the National Park Service will fund the following...
This is an ongoing project that has been supported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) since 1981. This agreement will continue to facilitate cooperation and efficiency on research, management, monitoring, surveys, outreach and education...
The objective of this Agreement is to document the roles and responsibilities of the parties in carrying out the purposes of the Act and implementing the Management Plan with respect to the following areas: Administration and Operations; Marketing...
OVERVIEW The purpose of this program is to provide improvement of fish and wildlife habitat within the Klamath River Basin as affected by Reclamation’s Klamath Project to minimize the adverse effects associated with operation of the...
This project focuses on the addition and/or improvement of NHD lines, flowlines, points (particularly springs), NHD area and waterbody features where practical at the 1:24,000 scale and at a finer scale (1:12,000) where warranted and simple to...
Support of Sea-Level Rise and Storm Research - The main objective of this project is to explore statistical models that will relate frequencies of extreme oceanographic conditions to expected frequencies of extreme erosion.
This action will result in a task agreement award under the National Park Service Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU). This is a notice of intent and a noncompetitive award in accordance with the Department of Interior 505...
Protecting the Headwaters in a Changing Climate: Managing Sierra Nevada Meadows for Water Supply & Habitat Benefits
NOTICE OF INTENT TO FUND WITHOUT COMPETITION - NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service (NPS), intention to fund the...
This is not a Funding Opportunity. This is a Notice of Intent to award to a single source recipient per DOI 505 DM 2, unique qualification and per requirements to provide notice of 2 CFR 200. See attachment for complete Notice of Intent
United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS) Notice of Intent to Award. This is not a request for applications. This posting is to provide public notice of NPS' intention to fund the following project activities without...