Department of the Interior Federal Grants
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26-50 of 5,437 for Department of the Interior federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of the Interior federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
In 2016, the Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement passed (PL 114-322) and the Blackfeet Tribe along with Reclamation and BIA have obligations to fulfill.
The purpose of this act is to ensure a safe and adequate municipal, rural, and industrial water supply for the citizens of Judith Basin, Wheatland, Golden Valley, Musselshell, and portions of Yellowstone and Fergus counties in the state of Montana.
The Office of Native Hawaiian Relations (ONHR) Heritage (Tourism) Opportunities in Hawai?i (H??IHI) Grant Program serves to implement the provisions of the Native American Tourism and Improving Visitor Experience Act (NATIVE Act), 25 U.S.C. 4351 et...
Assistance will be available for a range of activities with the focus of the program being on strengthening the foundation of an interjurisdictional landscape-level wildlife health and disease network to protect wildlife, ecosystems, economies, and...
Section 40904(b) of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, authorized the Secretary of the Interior to fund the rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of a dam in which construction began...
The goal of the Native Hawaiian Climate Resilience Program is to enhance the ability of the Native Hawaiian Community to cope with the effects of climate change by taking actions, responding to, or evolving in ways that maintain the integrity and...
To fund activities to improve the skill of water supply forecasts via enhancing snow monitoring through the deployment of emerging technologies to complement existing monitoring techniques and networks.
To implement legislation that authorizes cooperative agreements with eligible nonprofit organizations that will recruit and provide the services of professionals, age 55 and older, who have the experience and expertise to support the USGS mission...
Provide enhanced Pacific Northwest and Hawaiian Islands art programs that promote the scholarly study of, and instruction in, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian arts and culture. Work will establish programs which culminate in the awarding of degrees...
The primary purpose of the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative is to facilitate new geological and geochemical mapping activities, new geophysical data collection (and obtain associated datasets), and new mine waste research and data...
The ESP program provide funding that allows agencies to enter into agreements with nonprofit organizations to provide opportunities to qualified individuals 55 years of age and older who have specific technical skills and abilities not available or...
The ESP program provide funding that allows agencies to enter into agreements with non-profit organizations to provide opportunities to qualified individuals 55 years of age and older who have specific technical skills and abilities not available or...
The Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) is intended to expand limited federal capacity to implement and plan forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration projects by facilitating partnerships with authorized states, counties, and federally recognized...
The Experienced Services Program (ESP) will provide services to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Offices on projects that support the BLMs mission. ESP participants provide technical assistance and support to BLM in the development and execution...
This program advances the Department of the Interiors role as stewards of the public lands by cultivating community-based conservation and partnerships. This program provides support and guidance for carrying out the expenditure of appropriated...
The program establishes financial assistance agreements between the National Park Service (NPS) and qualified non-profit organizations to co-administer the Lower Mississippi Delta Initiative, which was authorized under Public Law 103-433 and is...
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) provides major economic and energy benefits on a national and local level to the taxpayers, states, and the Native Alaskan/Native American communities. The BOEM oversees the exploration and development of...
To reduce methane and other greenhouse gas emissions, help clean up water contamination, restore native habitat, create good-paying union jobs, and benefit disproportionately impacted communities through grants to State and Tribal governments to...
The Central Hazardous Materials Fund (CHF) is the U.S. Department of the Interiors principal source of funds for the cleanup of highly contaminated sites located within national parks, national wildlife refuges, and other Department-managed lands....
The Secretary of the Interior shall assist, advise, and cooperate with States or their political subdivisions, landowners, private organizations, other federal agencies or authorized wild and scenic river management councils or committees to plan,...
Commonly known as the Rehabilitation Tax Credit or the Historic Tax Credit, the program provides a 20-percent federal tax credit to property owners who undertake a substantial rehabilitation of a historic building in a business or income-producing...
To conserve and recover bat species affected by the fungal disease white-nose syndrome through support to States and Tribes for their management planning and actions, coordination of research activities, and collaboration with partners. Provide for...
To provide financial assistance to eligible entities for: response, recovery, rescue, treatment, and, as appropriate, release of West Indian manatees, sea otters, Pacific walruses, and polar bears; the collection of data for scientific research...
To enable the agency to work with select NGOs to fill a wide variety of temporary human resource needs with skilled, experienced workers, aged 55 and older, while also providing opportunities to qualified older Americans to have meaningful work and...
The objectives for the use of cooperative agriculture in the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS) are: Production or modification of specific cover types and/or growing methods that meet the life history requirements of species for which we have...