Department of the Interior Federal Grants
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351-375 of 5,437 for Department of the Interior federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of the Interior federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Continuation of monitoring both estuarine water quality and seagrass condition at 3 parks within the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network.
Establish a youth living history Civil War Jr. Fife & Drum Corps at Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
Complete an archeological overview and assessment (AOA) for the 2,593 acre Richmond National Battlefield Park. The project involves conducting a thorough investigation of existing records, documents, and reports, and will describe and evaluate the...
The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal NHP is launching new interpretive and education programming for the Great Falls site area. This program is supported through Youth Initiatives.
2nd Nature is designed to pair the existing LAYC Art + Media House Summer Youth Employment Program with multiple NPS experiences. During the program, youth spend six weeks learning art skills having meaningful national park trip visits related to a...
Continuation of providing qualified and experienced educators with quality professional development experiences through the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park's Education Program.
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service¿s intention to fund the following project activities without full and open...
Continue to conduct bat swarming and emergence surveys and monitoring for White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) at three abandoned railway tunnels (Indigo, Stickpile, and Kessler), Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, Maryland.
The primary objectives of this project are to quantify bird species and community level site occupancy dynamics within and across sampling seasons; and identify, measure, and quantify appropriate habitat and landscape factors that may be driving...
Continuation of the resurvey nearshore zone of Assateague Island National Seashore to determine changes in bottom sediments, benthic fauna and fish habitat that occurred and can be attributed to Superstorm Sandy.
The purpose of this project is to provide funding for the Scott River Water Trust so they can secure temporary water leases with landowners that benefit all parties. The landowners agree to not use surface water from a given diversion, for a period...
Funds under this award are to be used for LiDAR data that topography and habitat along the Eastern side of the Shasta River. This data will be used to develop several high priority restoration projects for public trust species. Focusing on...
Conduct research for and implement a plan for coordinated promotion of Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trial experiences among NPS partners.
The Western Golden Eagle Team proposes to partners with scientists at Humboldt State University to develop estimates of golden eagle populations in the western United States. Our estimates will be based on: 1) Species distributional models...
Spawning escapement surveys are conducted by the Karuk Fisheries Program annually in the mainstem Klamath River from Iron Gate Dam down river to Happy Camp and in cooperation with the Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (FWO). Surveys collect data...
This is a continuation of two existing projects (L09AC15910 and L09AC15892) with the State of Alaska, Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G). These two projects are being consolidated to for more efficient use of resources. The projects are to continue...
The mission of the CESU Network is to promote, conduct, and provide research, technical assistance and education services nationwide in support of the missions of participating federal agencies and their partners concerning natural and cultural...
Identify federally owned areas within the authorized boundaries of Fire Island National Seashore that are threatened by coastal erosion that co-occur with identified or suspected archeological sites. Prioritize by threat level and the sites with...
In 2008, an F-82 military aircraft crash site dating back to 1950, was located about 5-6 miles directly south of Ft. Wainwright in the Tanana Flight Training Area. The BLM and the DoD, Department of Army at Ft. Wainwright location in Fairbanks,...
Continuation of the development and updating of the NPS Museum Handbook and educational products that feature NPS collections, including lesson plans, virtual museum exhibits, and educational and social media products.
Conduct two natural resource condition assessments: Fort Necessity National Battlefield and Friendship Hill National Historical Site. Natural resource condition assessments evaluate current conditions for a subset of natural resources and resource...
Continuation of seasonally varying controls on evapotranspiration (ET) to be analyzed and summarized at key sites in Everglades National Park (ENP, including Mangrove Forest in Shark River.
Continuation of internship projects will focus on conducting research or applying research results to the creation and dissemination of climate change messages, products, and programs for national parks of the National Capital Region.
Conduct a natural resource condition assessment for New River Gorge National River, WV to evaluate current conditions for a subset of natural resources and resource indicators in national park units.
This is a single source award, which meets the criteria under 505 DM 2.14 (2) - Coninuation. This one year survey is an on-going project to help determine in-river run size (escapement) of Chinook salmon within the Shasta, Scott, and Salmon River...