Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers Federal Grants
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1-25 of 27 for Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The objectives of the ERA program are to provide Federal assistance for estuary habitat restoration projects while encouraging partnerships among public agencies and non-governmental organizations, supporting innovation, and monitoring the success...
Legislation exclusive to the transfer in fee title of Corps of Engineers lands at directed locations to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST), the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks (SDGFP), and the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe (LBST).
To provide environmental assistance to non-Federal interests in seventeen counties within the 3rd Congressional district in southern West Virginia. Assistance may be in the form of design and construction assistance for water-related environmental...
To provide environmental assistance to non-Federal interests in eighteen counties in the 2nd Congressional district in central West Virginia. Assistance may be in the form of design and construction assistance for water-related environmental...
To provide environmental assistance to non-Federal interests in 29 counties in southern and eastern Kentucky. Assistance may be in the form of design and construction assistance for water-related environmental infrastructure and resource protection...
In coordination with the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, appropriate agencies of municipalities of Monroe County, Florida, and other appropriate public agencies of the State of Florida or Monroe County, this program provides technical and financial...
To enable Native American Tribes to assist the US Army Corps of Engineers in carrying out any operation or maintenance activity associated with flood control projects located on tribal lands within the State of New Mexico.
To provide environmental assistance to non-Federal interests in Ohio and North Dakota. Assistance may be in the form of design and construction assistance for water-related environmental infrastructure and resource protection and development...
To provide environmental assistance to non-Federal interests in northern Wisconsin to include the counties of Douglas, Ashland, Bayfield, and Iron. Assistance may be in the form of design and construction assistance for water-related environmental...
To provide environmental assistance to non-Federal interests in northeastern Minnesota to include the counties of Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching, Itasca, Cass, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Carlton, Pine, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Isanti, Chisago,...
This program is to provide water-related environmental assistance and resource protection to non-Federal interests in Idaho, Montana, rural Nevada, New Mexico, rural Utah, and Wyoming . Assistance may be in the form of design and construction...
Legislation exclusive to the transfer in fee title of Corps of Engineers lands at directed locations to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST), the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks (SDGFP), and the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe (LBST).
To provide environmental assistance to non-Federal interests in south central Pennsylvania. Assistance may be in the form of design and construction assistance for water-related environmental infrastructure and resource protection and development...
To provide environmental assistance to non-Federal interests in Mississippi. Assistance may be in the form of design and construction assistance for water-related environmental infrastructure and resource protection and development projects in...
To reduce flood damages through projects not specifically authorized by Congress.
To promote appropriate recognition of flood hazards in land and water use planning and development through the provision of flood and flood plain related data, technical services, and guidance.
To provide the most practicable and economic means of fulfilling the needs of general navigation, through projects not specifically authorized by Congress.
To compensate local taxing units for the loss of taxes from federally acquired lands, 75 percent of all monies received or deposited in the Treasury during any fiscal year for the account of leasing of lands acquired by the United States for flood...
To cooperate with any State in the preparation of comprehensive plans for the development, utilization and conservation of water and related land resources of drainage basins located within the boundaries of such State.
To provide bank protection of highways, highway bridges, essential public works, churches, hospitals, schools, and other nonprofit public services endangered by flood-caused erosion.
To restore channels for purposes of navigation or flood control.
To reduce flood damages.
To provide for the cooperation of the Army Corps of Engineers with State and local government agencies in the control of obnoxious aquatic plants in rivers, harbors, and allied waters.
To control beach and shore erosion to public shores through projects not specifically authorized by Congress.
To perform activities prior to flooding or flood fight that would assist in protecting against loss of life and damages to property due to flooding.