Department of Labor Federal Grants

Showing results 126-150 of 155 for Department of Labor federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Labor federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grants
The TAACCCT program seeks to increase the number of workers who attain certificates, degrees, and other industry-recognized credentials. The overarching goals of the program are to: (1) increase attainment of degrees, certifications, certificates,...

Federal Transit Employee Protection Certifications: Office Of Labor-management Standards
Pursuant to section 5333(b) of 49 U.S.C., the Department must certify that, as a condition of certain grants of Federal financial assistance, fair and equitable labor protective provisions are in place to protect the interests of employees affected...

Program of Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) is intended to preserve and create jobs and promote economic recovery; assist those most impacted by the recession; provide investments needed to increase economic efficiency by spurring...

Health Care Tax Credit (HCTC) National Emergency Grants (NEGs)
To provide health insurance coverage assistance and support related services to ?eligible Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) recipients? and ?eligible ATAA/RTAA recipients?, as authorized under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of...

Employee Benefits Security Administration (ebsa)
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), as amended, provides for premium reductions for health benefits under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, commonly called COBRA. Eligible individuals pay only 35...

Community Based Job Training Grants
Workers must have the skills needed to secure good jobs and pursue careers in high-growth, high-demand industries. Community colleges are important training providers for workers needing to develop, retool, refine, and broaden their skills in...

Attestations by Employers Using Non-Immigrant Aliens in Specialty Occupations
To provide greater protection for U.S. and foreign workers without interfering with an employer's right to obtain temporary aliens to work in specialty occupations.

WIA Dislocated Workers
The purpose of the WIOA Dislocated Worker program is to provide career and training services to reemploy dislocated workers, improve the quality of the workforce, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the nation's economy by providing...

Veteran's Preference in Federal Employment
To provide assistance to preference eligible individuals who believe that their rights under veterans' preference statutes and regulations have been violated. Recognizing their sacrifice, Congress enacted laws to prevent veterans seeking Federal...

Certification of Foreign Workers for Temporary Agricultural Employment
To enable agricultural employers to obtain temporary alien workers for temporary or seasonal jobs when domestic workers are not available; to protect domestic workers against unfair competition from foreign workers; and to assure adequate working...

Incentive Grants - WIA Section 503
To carry out innovative programs consistent with the purposes of Title I of WIA (Workforce Investment Systems), Title II of WIA (Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), 20 U.S.C. 9201 et seq.), the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied...

Veterans' Employment Program
To provide services to assist in reintegrating eligible veterans into meaningful employment within the labor force; and to stimulate the development of effective service delivery systems that will address the complex problems facing eligible...

Employment and Training Administration Evaluations
To provide for the continuing evaluation of programs and activities carried out under title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.

Work Incentives Grant
Work Incentive Grants (WIGs) and Disability Program Navigators (DPNs) were established to increase the labor force participation and career advancement of persons with disabilities by effecting systemic change in the One Stop Career Centers. These...

Consumer Credit Protection
To provide restrictions on the amount of an employee's wages or salary which may be garnisheed, and to prohibit employers from discharging employees by reason of garnishment for any one indebtedness.

Youth Opportunity Grants
To increase the long-term employment of youth who livein empowerment zones, enterprise communities, and high poverty areas. Youth Opportunity Grants concentrate extensive resources in high- poverty areas in order to bring about community-wide...

Farm Labor Contractor Registration
To provide protection in the areas of wages, housing, and transportation for migrant and seasonal agricultural workers.

Labor Certification for Alien Workers
To protect jobs of American workers and assure that the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers will not be adversely affected by the admission of nonagricultural workers. To assist employers by supplementing the work force with needed skills....

Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action by Federal Contractors and Federally Assisted Construction Contractors
To assure non-discrimination and affirmative action in employment by covered Federal contractors, including Federal construction contractors, and federally assisted construction contractors.

Wage and Hour Standards
To provide standards protecting wages of working persons by requiring a minimum hourly wage rate and overtime pay; or prevailing hourly wage rates, fringe benefits and overtime pay under the Government Contract Acts. Additional standards apply to...

One-Stop Career Center Initiative
to provide the customer with access to all Department of Labor-funded programs within one physical facility or through electronic access.

Mine Health and Safety Education and Training
To provide technical training for Federal Mine Inspectors and representatives of the mining industry.

Registered Apprenticeship
To promote, engage, and assist industry in the development, expansion, and improvement of Registered Apprenticeship. This program is designed to: provide skilled workers required by U.S. employers, ensure equal employment opportunities, and ensure...

Employment Projections Data
To provide data for analyzing the effect of current and long-run economic developments on employment trends.

OSHA Data Initiative
To fund collection of occupational injury and illness data from employers in specified industries nationwide.