Office of Justice Programs Federal Grants

Showing results 101-125 of 439 for Office of Justice Programs federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Office of Justice Programs federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Crime Victim Compensation
The primary purpose of these grants is to supplement state efforts to provide financial compensation to crime victims throughout the Nation for costs resulting from crime, and to encourage victim cooperation and participation in the criminal justice...

Promoting Evidence Integration in Sex Offender Management Discretionary Grant Program
Goals: To support the Adam Walsh Act (AWA) by administering grant programs related to sex offender registration and notification as authorized under AWA or directed by the Attorney General and provide technical assistance to states, the District of...

Criminal Justice Research and Development Graduate Research Fellowships
Goals: The goal of the program is to increase graduate research fellowship in social and behavioral sciences and in science, technology, engineering and mathematics that are involved in research relevant to problems that affect criminal justice...

Special Data Collections and Statistical Studies
GOAL: To produce and disseminate relevant, accurate, timely, reliable, and objective information about the justice system at the Federal, State, local, and tribal levels. These data are critical to federal, state, local, and tribal policy-makers in...

Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program
Goal(s): To provide adult treatment courts and professionals in the criminal justice system with the resources needed to plan, implement, enhance, and sustain evidence-based treatment court programs for individuals with substance use disorders who...

State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training
The goal of the State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training (SLATT) initiative is to support/address a priority of the DOJ to prevent, disrupt, and defeat terrorist operations before they occur by integrating intelligence and law enforcement efforts to...

Public Benefit Conveyance Program
Goal(s): The effective use of real property owned by the federal government and the disposal of this property when federal agencies no longer need it. Objective(s): To facilitate the possible no cost conveyance, by the Federal Government, to State...

State Criminal Alien Assistance Program
The State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) is a payment program designed to provide federal assistance to states and localities that incur certain types of costs due to the incarceration of undocumented criminal aliens during a particular...

Youth Gang Prevention
The goal of this program is to provide funding to states, local units of government, and federal recognized tribes to implement programs and strategies to prevent and intervene youth gang related violence. To prevent, intervene, and reduce the...

State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers
Goal: Provide financial and technical assistance to state governments for the establishment and operation of Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) to collect, analyze, and disseminate justice statistics. Objective 1: The SJS program enhances the SACs...

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
The Title II Formula Grants Program provides funding to support state and local efforts to plan, establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate policies and projects, directly or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies, for the...

Delinquency Prevention Program
Provide funding to implement evidence-based strategies to combat youth delinquency and to address the unmet needs of at-risk or delinquent youth through a continuum of delinquency prevention programs for young people who have had or who are likely...

Juvenile Mentoring Program
To improve outcomes for at-risk and high-risk youth, and reduce negative outcomes (including juvenile delinquency, substance use, and gang participation) through the provision of mentoring services. The performance measures associated with this...

Tribal Justice Systems
Program now funded under Assistance Listing 16.596. Goals: To provide key funding to tribal justice systems to develop, support, and enhance adult and juvenile tribal justice systems and the prevention of violent crime and crime related to opioid,...

Missing Children's Assistance
Ensure that all individuals eligible for the drug court program have equivalent access to it as measured by the collection and examination of program data. The performance measures associated with this assistance listing are: PM 1: Percentage of...

Tribal Youth Program
Through this program, the Department seeks to assist tribes in responding to myriad issues facing tribal nations. This includes creating, expanding, or strengthening tribally-driven approaches along the juvenile justice continuum that can range from...

National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)
GOAL(S): Ensuring the quality and completeness of the nations criminal history record systems by providing financial and technical assistance to states and tribes for the establishment or improvement of computerized criminal history record systems...

OVW FY 2016 Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program
The Legal Assistance for Victims (LAV) Grant Program is intended to increase the availability of civil and criminal legal assistance needed to effectively aid adult and youth victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and...

OVW FY 2016 Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program
The goal of the SAS Culturally Specific Program is create, maintain, and expand sustainable sexual assault services provided by culturally specific organizations, which are uniquely situated to respond to respond to the needs of sexual assault...

OVW FY 2016 Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program
The Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program provided funding directly to tribes, tribal organizations, and tribal nonprofit organizations to create, maintain, and expand sustainable sexual assault services.

OVW FY 2016 Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Program
The United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) ( is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications for the Fiscal Year 2016 Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and...

BJA FY 15 Justice Information Sharing Training and Technical Assistance (JIS TTA) Program
This FY 2015 competitive grant program seeks to support the efforts of state, local, and tribal criminal justice agencies to adopt innovative justice information sharing solutions through the provision of TTA services. Initiatives supported under...

OVC FY 15 National Joint Training Conference for VOCA Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Administrators Competitive Solicitation
One discretionary grant of $175,000 will be awarded to plan and administer the National Joint Training Conference for VOCA Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Administrators, to be held in 2016. This 2.5-day conference will provide training...

OVC FY 15 Vision 21: Tribal Victim Services Resource Mapping Project
OVC will make one award of up to $2,000,000 to improve access to services for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) victims of crime by cataloguing existing comprehensive services. Through this project, OVC will support the creation of a...

NIJ FY 15 Evaluation of the Office for Victims of Crime Supporting Male Survivors of Violence Demonstration
NIJ is seeking applications for an evaluation of the Office for Victims of Crime Supporting Male Survivors of Violence Demonstration Initiative. The demonstration, undertaken with Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, seeks to...


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