Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Grants
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126-150 of 252 for Department of Housing and Urban Development federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Housing and Urban Development federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Awards are available to provide, under cooperative agreements with HUD, training activities designed to improve and standardize the quality of counseling provided by housing counselors employed by “participating agencies.” Participating...
To support research projects that will produce policy-relevant new knowledge about the implementation and consequences o HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), which allows proven financing tools to be applied to at-risk public and assisted...
AEDI?s goal is to increase access to capital for business lending and development in the chronically under-served and under-capitalized Appalachian region. Specifically, it will provide direct investment and technical assistance to community...
DCCI?s goal is to increase access to capital for business lending and development in the chronically under-served and under-capitalized Lower Mississippi Delta Region. Specifically, it will provide direct investment and technical assistance to...
The ALCP provides funding for the physical costs of converting some or all of the units of an eligible multifamily development into an ALF or SEH, including unit configuration and related common and service space, and any necessary remodeling,...
NOTE: Award Ceiling: $69,000 per eligible full-time FSS Coordinator position; $34,500 for part-time FSS Coordinator positions. Ceiling also reflects most recent PH FSS funding amount. PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM: The purpose of the PH FSS program is...
This NOFA is part of a cross-agency collaboration between HUD, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), known as the Partnership for Sustainable Communities. The Capacity Building for...
The purpose of the ONAP T&TA program is to provide training and technical assistance to tribes/TDHEs that are eligible to receive an IHBG and IHBG subrecipients, as well to DHHL and NHHBG subrecipients (collectively “T&TA beneficiaries”). ...
OneCPD+ is intended as a collaborative effort among HUD, our customers – state and local grantees, public housing agencies, owners and managers of HUD-assisted housing, Continuums of Care (CoCs), non-profit grantees, HUD-approved housing...
Through funding of national intermediaries, the Section 4 capacity building program enhances the capacity and ability of community development corporations (CDCs) and community housing development organizations (CHDOs) to carry out community...
Through funding of national organizations with expertise in rural housing and community development, the Rural Capacity Building program enhances the capacity and ability of local governments, Indian tribes, housing development organizations, rural...
To support research projects that will produce policy-relevant new knowledge about the implementation and results of HUDÂ’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), which allows proven financing tools to be applied to at-risk public and other...
The purpose of the HOPE VI Main Street Program is to provide grants to small communities to assist in the renovation of an historic or traditional central business district or “Main Street” area by replacing unused commercial space in...
The purpose of the FY13 Sustainable Communities Research Grant Program (SCRGP) is to fill key data and information gaps, and to begin to develop and evaluate policy alternatives that communities can adopt to facilitate decision making about various...
The Choice Neighborhoods program targets funding to improve severely distressed public and/or HUD-assisted Multifamily housing that is located in distressed neighborhoods. Planning Grants support the development of comprehensive neighborhood...
The FY2013 FHIP program initiative Fair Housing Organization Initiative (FHOI) provides funding to support the continued existence of fair housing organizations in building their capacity to enforce the prohibitions on discrimination set forth in...
HUD invites applicants to submit proposals for funding that encourages the use of sustainable construction practices in Native American housing. Proposals should take into account the multiple geographic, economic and cultural aspects of Native...
Funding provided by this NOFA is intended to support HUD-approved counseling agencies to respond flexibly to the needs of residents and neighborhoods, and deliver a wide variety of housing counseling services to homebuyers, homeowners, renters, and...
The primary purpose of the Program is to stimulate innovative approaches for increasing the energy efficiency of existing multifamily residential properties that can be replicated by others. HUD expects that outcomes of the Program will include: a....
The purpose of the Tenant Education and Outreach (TEO) Program is to support tenant capacity building at eligible existing Project-Based Section 8 properties with the goal of preserving decent, safe, and sanitary housing within the Section 8...
To provide assistance to homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure and have experienced a substantial reduction in income due to involuntary unemployment, or underemployment due to an adverse economic or medical condition. HUD will assist...
To conduct an Energy Efficient Mortgage Innovation pilot program targeted to the single family housing market.
To provide technical assistance for Native Hawaiians in the development of viable communities.
The purpose of this effort is to develop and implement small scale research projects that build upon the larger Choice Neighborhood Demonstration research project. The goal of this research program is to fund research related to Choice Neighborhoods...
The fellowship program will be a competitive program that provides funding for early to mid-career professionals to work for two year terms in local government positions to supplement existing local capacity. Fellows will be deployed to pilot...