Department of Health and Human Services Federal Grants

Showing results 2001-2025 of 4,306 for Department of Health and Human Services federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Health and Human Services federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.


Open Design Tools for Speech Signal Processing (R43/R44)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits SBIR grant applications to develop and support the use of portable acoustic signal processing tools that provide substantial amounts of computing power and reconfigurable real-time speech...

Understanding HIV Persistence in Infants (R01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate research in the pathogenesis of perinatal HIV-1 infection by elucidating HIV-1 immune responses in the setting of the infant's evolving immune system and mechanisms of...

Dimensional Approaches to Research Classification in Psychiatric Disorders (R01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks research grant applications designed to develop innovative ways of understanding mental disorders in clinical studies on the basis of experimental research criteria rather than traditional diagnostic...

Educating State-level Stakeholders on Strategies to Address Winnable Battles in Public Health
The purpose of this project is to reduce the burden of leading causes of death and disability by providing capacity building assistance to states to address priority health issues. Using CDC’s Winnable Battle Initiative as a framework, the...

Smoking Cessation within the Context of Lung Cancer Screening (R01)
The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to improve the effectiveness and/or implementation of smoking cessation interventions delivered to current smokers who undergo low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening.

CTSA Network - Trial Innovation Centers (TICs) (U24)
The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to invite applications to establish Trial Innovation Centers (TICs) for the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program. The TICs will be lead centers of excellence in...

Partnerships for the Development of Host-Targeted Therapeutics to Limit Antimicrobial Resistance (R01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit research applications for milestone-driven projects focused on preclinical development of candidate therapeutics that target host-encoded functions required for infection,...

Prematurity-Related Ventilatory Control (Pre-Vent): Role in Respiratory Outcomes Clinical Research Centers (CRC) (U01)
NHLBI invites applications from institutions willing to participate as a Clinical Research Center (CRC) for the Prematurity-Related Ventilatory Control (Pre-Vent) observational program under a cooperative agreement.The objective of the program is to...

Adherence Studies in Adolescents with Chronic Kidney or Urologic Diseases (R01)
Adherence to a prescribed treatment regimen, including medications, devices and behavioral recommendations, can significantly impact morbidity and mortality for patients with chronic diseases, including chronic kidney or urologic disease. When...

Career Development Program in Emergency Care Research (K12)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) solicits applications for institutional research career development (K12) programs from applicant organizations that propose to develop multidisciplinary clinical research training programs in emergency...

Prematurity-Related Ventilatory Control (Pre-Vent): Role in Respiratory Outcomes - Leadership and Data Coordinating Center (LDCC) (U01)
NHLBI invites applications from institutions willing to participate as the Leadership and Data Coordinating Center (LDCC) for the Prematurity-Related Ventilatory Control (Pre-Vent) observational program under a cooperative agreement. The objective...

Tools and Services for Designing Methodologically Rigorous Animal Studies (R41/R42)
This Finding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications from qualified small business concerns (SBCs) to research and develop the tools and/ or services to assist life science investigators in designing in vivo animal experiment to ensure...

Behavioral Epigenomics of Aging in Twin Studies (U24)
Twin research supported by the National Institute on Aging has transformed our understanding of behavior over the lifespan and allowed us to study the interplay of genetic and environmental factors that affect how we age (e.g. lifestyle factors,...

Limited Competition: NIMHD Endowment Program for Increasing Research and Institutional Resources Capacity (S21)
The purpose of this program is to build capacity and research infrastructure and to facilitate minority health and health disparities research at eligible institutions, but not to directly support the research projects itself.

Tools and Services for Designing Methodologically Rigorous Animal Studies (R43/R44)
This Finding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications from qualified small business concerns (SBCs) to research and develop the tools or services to assist life science investigators in designing in vivo animal experiment to specifically...

Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Subspecialists' Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) (R03)
The goal of the GEMSSTAR FOA is to provide support for early-stage physician-scientists, trained in medical or surgical specialties, to launch careers as future leaders in research on aging or in geriatrics.To achieve this goal, the GEMSSTAR FOA...

Maximizing Investigators' Research Award for New and Early Stage Investigators (R35)
The Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) is a grant to provide support for all of the research in an investigator's laboratory that falls within the mission of NIGMS.

Asthma and Allergic Diseases Cooperative Research Centers (U19)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications from single institutions or consortia of institutions to participate in the Asthma and Allergic Diseases Cooperative Research Centers (AADCRC) program. The program...

NHGRI Genome Sequencing Program Analysis Centers (U01)
HGRI seeks to establish NHGRI Genome Sequencing Program Analysis Centers (GSPAC), which will undertake computational analyses of the data produced by the NHGRI Genome Sequencing Program (GSP; See "Companion Funding Opportunities") with the purpose...

High Quality Human and Non-Human Primate Genome Sequences (U24)
NHGRI seeks to fund efforts that will produce as a community resource very high quality reference genome sequence assemblies in the next three years for human (25-50 assemblies) and select non-human primates (10-12), as a complement to and...

Advancing Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Supportive Services for Holocaust Survivors
The Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging (ACL/AoA) is making this competitive grant opportunity available to eligible entities for the purpose of advancing the development and/or expansion of person-centered, trauma-informed...

NIH Transformative Research Awards (R01)
The NIH Transformative Research Awards complement NIHs traditional, investigator-initiated grant programs by supporting individual scientists or groups of scientists proposing groundbreaking, exceptionally innovative, original and/or unconventional...

FDA’s Education and Outreach Program Targeting School-Aged Children (U48)
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) is announcing its intent to accept and consider a single source application for the award of a cooperative agreement to Graduate School USA in fiscal year...

Rapid influenza testing and Antiviral Feasibility studies in Season 3
JHU will conduct a pilot study to demonstrate feasibility of implementing an inpatient and outpatient influenza therapeutic study with subjects initially screened in the emergency department using the lessons learned from the previous two years of...

Strengthening the Operating Framework and Furthering the Objectives of Coalition For Accelerating Standards And Therapies (CFAST) Initiative (U24)
The objective of this expansion is to enhance the development process to leverage SHARE and utilize it to support development efforts in additional therapeutic areas.


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