Department of Defense Federal Grants
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151-175 of 564 for Department of Defense federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Defense federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
Office of Naval Research along with many government agencies have invested in research and development of various concepts of detecting explosive threats (mines, IEDs, and Home-Made Explosives) and their related components (metallic and...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE or Corps) intends to enter into a nationwide cooperative agreement with a nonprofit organization (Recipient) for training and education services relating to natural resources conservation and outdoor...
This new cooperative agreement will consist of a focused survey of at least ten California gnatcatcher (CAGN) pairs in order to determine use throughout each vegetation alliance. It will involve collecting intensive area use data on a subset of...
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (USACE) intends to enter into a cooperative agreement to assist the USACE in scientific data collection at the MCR South Jetty Beneficial Use Site. A real-time environmental buoy will be deployed...
The Navy spends countless dollars annually on preserving and conserving federally listed species and their habitats. Additional dollars are spent on fuel treatments traditionally used in the region but which lack quantitative support. General...
The FY16 JPC-1/MSIS ATUMN is seeking research, development, and testing on compensatory/adaptive medical tutor prototype(s). This includes evidence-based sustained learning methodologies that decrease the need for future technology dependence to...
Applications to the Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) Reconstructive Transplant Research (RTR) program) are being solicited for the Defense Health Agency, Research, Development, and Acquisition (DHA RDA) Directorate, by the U.S. Army Medical Research...
Applications to the Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) Reconstructive Transplant Research (RTR) program) are being solicited for the Defense Health Agency, Research, Development, and Acquisition (DHA RDA) Directorate, by the U.S. Army Medical Research...
Applications to the Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) Reconstructive Transplant Research (RTR) program) are being solicited for the Defense Health Agency, Research, Development, and Acquisition (DHA RDA) Directorate, by the U.S. Army Medical Research...
The ERP Idea Development Award (IDA) mechanism is being offered for the first time in FY15. The intent of the ERP IDA is to solicit research to understand the magnitude and underlying mechanisms of PTE, especially in Service members and Veterans...
The Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Research Program (PRARP) Convergence Science Research Award (CSRA) mechanism was first offered in FY12. Since then, 92 CSRA applications have been received, and 22 have been recommended for funding. The intent...
The intent of the FY15 Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Research Program (PRARP) Military Risk Factors Research Award (MRFA) is to facilitate high-impact, systematic, population-based research investigating the association between TBI and the...
The intent of the research funded through the Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Research Program (PRARP) Quality of Life Research Award (QUAL)is to reduce the burden on affected individuals and caregivers, especially in the military and Veteran...
DARPA is soliciting research proposals for a comprehensive exploration of the effects of extreme physical stresses on wear-out and aging mechanisms in CMOS FETs at 28nm and/or 14nm lithography node. The objective of the IRIS Program Phase III is to...
The purpose of this Cooperative Agreement is to research, monitor, and adaptively manage Chorizanthe orcuttiana and Piperia cooperi populations, ecological drivers, and habitat (including competing vegetation), and analyze results to better inform...
Established in 1941, the USO lifts the spirits of America's troops and their families through morale-boosting programs, including entertainment tours, free Internet and phone access, electronics, personal care items, and recreation services to...
New for FY15, the Horizon Award supports junior level scientists to conduct impactful research with the mentorship of an experienced cancer researcher (i.e., Mentor). The Horizon Award challenges junior scientists to develop and implement research...
The PRORP Clinical Trial Award supports the rapid implementation of clinical trials with the potential to have a major impact on military combat-related orthopaedic injuries, or non-battle injuries that significantly impact unit readiness and...
The PRORP Applied Research Award (ARA) mechanism is being offered for the first time in FY15. The PRORP ARA seeks applied research applications focused on advancing optimal treatment and restoration of function for military personnel with...
The MBRP Burn Injuries Research Award is being offered for the first time in FY15. The FY15 MBRP Burn Injuries Research Award is focused on specific research topics related to the treatment of traumatic burn injuries that are relevant to military...
This announcement seeks proposals to purchase instrumentation in support of research in areas of interest to the DoD, including areas of research supported by the Army Research Office (ARO), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Air Force...
The Department of Defense (DoD) Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI), one element of the University Research Initiative (URI), is sponsored by the DoD research offices. Those offices include the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the...
The DPA Title III objective of the Phase 1 effort is the development and production of an affordable and reliable modular, Next Generation Star Tracker Systems (NGSTS) that uses advanced domestically-produced Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor...
The FY16 JPC-1/MSIS RealMETRX is seeking research to determine, define, and validate the best indicators (metrics/evaluation criteria) of training proficiency that are amenable to appraisal using medical simulation systems and are empirically linked...
The FY16 JPC-1/MSIS Medical Decision Aids - Predictive Markers (SimMarkers) is seeking research that improves healthcare professionals’ cognitive and performance skill acquisition or minimizes his/her skill decay. This research is seeking...