Department of Agriculture Federal Grants
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676-700 of 811 for Department of Agriculture federal grants, government grants and loans. For detailed information on a Department of Agriculture federal grant including eligibility requirements or financial assistance, click the title.
The overall goal of the Organic Transitions Program (ORG) is to support the development and implementation of research, extension and higher education programs to improve the competitiveness of organic livestock and crop producers, as well as those...
The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-265) amended Section 22 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (NSLA), to establish a requirement that State agencies conduct additional administrative reviews (AARs) of...
Funds may be awarded up to $450,000 for Phase II projects. All Phase II projects must have previously completed a successful USDA Phase I project before applying for a Phase II grant. Success rates for applicants have been 50-60% for Phase II....
These awards enable Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to enter into grants and cooperative agreements with States and local governments, universities, hospitals and non-profit organizations to identify, develop, and undertake projects to meet FNS...
To provide professional development training for Afghanistan’s agricultural extension staff, designed to facilitate the delivery of a more effective, demand-driven extension service to producers and other rural clientele in selected areas of the...
To facilitate the creation of produce, recreation, and/or wildlife gardens in urban and rural areas, which will provide opportunities for science-based non-formal education.
To examine how/if eliminating the client interview for SNAP benefits affects administration of the SNAP program and client outcomes.
Direct Certification Performance Awards are designed to encourage States to ensure that all eligible children living in households receiving benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are directly certified for free school...
To develop approaches and/or methods that can address challenges to common bean production among small holder producers in food insecure countries.
To improve the supply of skilled agricultural workers and bring greater stability to the workforce in this sector through provision of services specifically designed to assist farmworkers in securing, retaining, upgrading or returning from an...
The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Program (CBWP) helps agricultural producers improve water quality and quantity, and restore, enhance, and preserve soil, air, and related resources in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed through the implementation of...
The purpose of DPPSP is to establish minimum purchase prices to support the price of nonfat dry milk (NDM), butter, and cheddar cheese through purchases of such products made from cows milk produced in the United States (U.S.). The Secretary of...
The purpose of the SNAP Partnership grants is to establish interstate data exchange projects for program information in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
The purpose of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to fund State agencies* to initiate new GIS projects aimed at improving program participation among underserved populations.
The major objective of the program is to develop export markets for dairy products where U.S. products are not price competitive and thereby, make sales in targeted overseas markets for the purpose of market development or where competitor countries...
FNS is announcing a new Direct Certification Improvement Grant opportunity to make available to States approximately $8 million in remaining funds to be used for direct certification improvements. Purpose of Grants *The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids...
The purpose of this program is strengthen the capacity of Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas to carry out resident instruction, curriculum, and teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences through distance education...
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), USDA announces the Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) funding program to improve the quality and quantity of comprehensive community-based programs for at-risk children, youth, and...
The purpose of this program is to promote and strengthen the ability of Insular Area Institutions to carry out teaching and education programs within a broadly defined arena of food and agricultural sciences-related disciplines. By strengthening...
The purpose of this program is to promote and strengthen the ability of Alaska Native-Serving Institutions and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions to carry out education, applied research, and related community development programs. NIFA intends...
Funds may be used to: Evaluate current landfill conditions to determine threats to water resources in rural areas; provide technical assistance and/or training to enhance operator skills in the maintenance and operation of active landfills in rural...
This program was designed to assist 1994 Land-Grant Institutions (Tribal Colleges) in building institutional research capacity through applied projects that address student educational needs and solve community, reservation or regional problems....
The Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change Challenge Area RFA focuses on the societal challenge to adapt agroecosystems and natural resource systems to climate variability and change and implement mitigation...
Funds may be used to pay expenses associated with providing technical assistance and/or training (TAT) to identify and evaluate solutions to water problems relating to source, storage, treatment, and distribution, and to waste disposal problems...
The U.S. Forest Service Southwestern Region requests applications for forest restoration projects on Federal, Tribal, State, County, Land Grant, or Municipal forest lands in New Mexico that are designed through a collaborative process that includes...